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全国小学生英语比赛六年级组决赛模拟试题(六) (2)小学六年级英语比赛题(三)(时间: 60 分钟总分: 100 分)听力部分(共 4 大题,计30 分)I 听辨单词 (Words) (共 5小题,计5 分)听音,从 A 、 B、 C 三个选项中选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。每个句子读两遍。()1. A. biggestB.longestC.finest()2.A. moodyB.moveC.mouth()3.A. weekendB.presentC.Wednesday()4.A. rightB.lightsC.lucks()5.A. pleaseB.politicsC.police . 句子理解 (Sentences)(共 5 小题,计 5 分)听音,从A 、 B 、C 三个选项中选出与你所听到的句子意思符合的图片。每个句子读两遍。()6 A.B.C()7 A.BC()8 A.BC()9 A.B C()10 A.BC . 对话理解 ( Dialogues) (共 10 小题,计 10 分)A) 听音,判断以下句子与所听对话内容是(Y) 否 (N) 符合。每组对话读两遍。()11. The boy s sister is going to the science museum.()12.Miss Rabbit hurts her leg.()13.The cinema is next to the bookstore.()14.Sandy s grandfather looks sad today.()15.Chen Hao went to Zhejiang by bus.B) 听音,依据你所听到的对话内容选择正确的答案。对话读两遍。()16.They want to go to.A. the People s ParkB.the Peter s BookshopC.the Music Park()17.They can take a bus orthere. / A. takea planeB.walkC.take a train()18.They decide to go thereA. by busB.by taxiC.on foot()19.They should tum left at.A. the tall office buildingB.the bus stopC.the traffic lights()20.There isnear the park.A.a bus stopB.a tall office buildingC.a small bank . 短文理解 (Passages)(共 10 小题,计 10 分)A) 听音,依据所听短文内容判断以下句子正(T) 误 (F) 。短文读两遍。()21.Zhang Tao works in a restaurant.()22.He works for 8 hours a day.()23.He doesn t clean the windows.()24.After work, he just stays at home.()25.He is very hard-working.B) 听音,依据所听短文内容填写单词,补全以下句子,每空一词。短文读两遍。26.It wasthat day.27.Bill helped his mother do theat home.28.Bill went to John s home in the.29.They played ping-pong in the.30.At lastwon the game. He was very excited.笔试部分(共 7 大题,计70 分) . 单项选择 (Multiple-choice) (共 10 小题,计 10 分)从 A, B, C,D 四个选项中选择最适合的一项达成句子。()31.I met Jack on_way home yesterday.A myB meChisD. him()32.He is going to buy a sweater. I m goingto buyA.a shoeB.a shoesC.a pair shoesD.a pair of shoes()33.The twinsnewour class.A. are; inB.is; inC.are; atD.is; at()34.Yang Hongyingis a. Shebooks for children.A. write; writeB. writer; writeC. write; writesD. writer; writes()35.Mr Lin was veryafter a day s work. He wanted to have a rest.A.happyB.healthyC.tiredD.hungry()36.It s ten o clock. Itbedstime.A. forB.inC. atD. to()37. Whatis the girl? Sheinsects.A. did; countedB. doing; is countingC. does; countsD. do; count()38.My throatsore. My nose.A. is; hurtB. are; hurtC. is; hurtsD. are; hurts()39.I don tlike spicy foodsweet food.A. andB. toC. orD. but()40.There are so many people in the shop. You mustyour things.A. look atB.look afterC. put awayD. put onVI.情形会话( Dialogues)(共 io 小题,i+ io 分 )A) 从 A , B, C, D 四个选项中选出最适合的一项,补全对话。()41. A. He s an engineer.B. He s working in the garden.C. He can make a model plane.D. He works in a museum.()42. A. Have a nice day.B. That s all right.C. Twenty dollars, please.D. I m sorry to hear that.()43. A. I donsleeptwell at night. What should I do?B. I slept well last night.C. Did you sleep well last night?D. I will sleep very well this night.()44. A. I don t like PE.B. Chinese and history.C. I like computer class.D. We will have music class tomorrow.()45. A. I got an “ A” in the maths test.B. I would like a cup of milk.C. I like watching TV at home.D. I lost my new bike.B) 从所给的选项中选择适合的句子补全对话(此中有两个剩余选项)Wang Di: Hi, Sun Mei.46Sun Mei: I went to the hospital.Wang Di:47Sun Mei: Yes, I was sick.Wang Di:48。SunMei:50Wang Di: Sure! Let s go together.A. Were you sick?B. Can I go with you?C. How do you feel?D. What was the matter with you?E. Where did you go last weekend?F. Will you play basketball with me?G. Let s play basketball tomorrow, OK?46.4 7484950 . 达成句子 (Complete the s
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