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Unit4 See the doctor 单元分析序号内容个 人 设 计备课组集体讨论意见一单元教材分析本单元话题是看病,教学重点是表示建议的情态动词should和否定式shouldnt的用法。有关询问和描述病情的句型Whats wrong with you?和I have a headache/也是本单元的另一个重点教学内容。学情分析:在四下U7中已经学过表示对他人关心的句型Whats the matter (with you?)和表达感觉和感受的形容词hungry, ill, sad, thirsty, tired, 在四下U8中已经学过疾病类词汇cold, cough, fever, headache。二单元目标要求1.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:see the doctor, check, take medicine, drink water, dentist, brush ones teeth, bedtime, giraffe, point at, neck.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:feel, should, have a rest, toothache, anything.3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语Whats the matter with you?和“What should I do”,以及对它们的答语I have a fever/ headache/ cold/ toothache. You should/ shouldnt。4. 能了解并掌握情态动词的用法。5. 能了解并掌握字母组合ch在单词中的读音。教学重点:1. 能理解Story time的内容,并会复述。2.会使用如下两个句型,并能在日常对话中使用:Whats wrong with you? I haveWhat should I do? You should.3. 掌握情态动词的用法。4. 掌握字母ch组合的发音。教学难点:1.会复述Story time的内容。2.会自如使用如下两个句型,并能在日常对话中使用。Whats wrong with you? I haveWhat should I do? You should.3. 了解并掌握情态动词用法。4. 单词medicine temperature的发音。三单元设计意图本单元的目标词汇是一些动词短语,教师在教学中可要求学生活学活用动词,组成更多的动词短语,使语言表达更丰富。在四下U7中已经学过表示对他人关心的句型Whats the matter (with you?)和表达感觉和感受的形容词hungry, ill, sad, thirsty, tired, 在四下U8中已经学过疾病类词汇cold, cough, fever, headache。教师可以用以旧带新的方式,导入本单元的话题、词汇和句型。教师可以通过情景的设置和对话表演,激发学生在生活中乐于使用英语的兴趣;也让学生能了解一些保持身体健康的方式。小学英语5B Unit4 (Period 1)教学设计方案学校:和平路小学班级:五(5)人数:40日期: 月 日学科:英语课题:Unit4See the doctor教时:第一课时执教: 陈艳 教学目标:1.能正确理解,掌握对话内容,并能朗读,表演对话。2.能初步正确听说读词组:check, dentist, anything, bedtime, brush ones teeth, drink water, eat sweets, have a rest, take medicine, fever, headache, toothache.3.初步掌握句型Whats wrong with.? . Have/has a . What should .do? Why does/do .have a.? 在真实情景中加以运用。4.学生能了解一些保持身体健康的方式。5.通过情景的设置和对话表演,激发学生在生活中乐于使用英语的兴趣。教 学 过 程教学环节教师活动学生活动交流方式Step 1Warming-up吸引注意,积累语言1. Sing a song: My eyes, nose, mouth, ears2. Brain storm: What body parts do you know? Review the words and write on the blackboard.Sing togethertooth, eyes, ears, hair, mouth,师生交流,相互了解。歌曲学唱,活跃气氛,复习新知。Step2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构1.Look and say 出示灰太狼教学Whats wrong with you?PPT: I have a headache.2. Ask and answerT: Whats wrong with you?T: You can/ cant/ Heres3. Look and learn出示四幅图教学单词headache, toothache, earache, backache.渗透句型:Whats wrong with him/her?He/ she should/ shouldntS:(预设): Whats the matter (with you)? / Whats wrong with you?S: I have a.Read togetherHe / She has a/anHe/ she should/ shouldnt.引导学生独立思考、回答。引导学生学习设疑,发掘学生的潜能,随时回收资源并利用教学。达成目标2,3 Step3Task1回忆相关知识,初步运用结构Ask and answer:1.make a modelT: Whats wrong with him?T: He should go to bed/ have a rest.2.Pair work A: Whats wrong with him/her?B: He/ She has A: He/ She should/ shouldntB: I see./ Ok.Show some pictures about the suggestions.He has a headache.预设:S:He/She has a fever/ cold/ cough/ headache / toothache/ earache/ stomach ache. Group work 师生问答、交流,在主动探索中获得解决问题方法,主动习得语言。同伴交流,操练句型。师生问答,引出新知,循序渐进,词不离句。达成目标2、3Step4Task2呈现刺激材料,活用结构1. Look and guessShow two pictures of Su Hai and Mike. Who ?Look and guess?Whats wrong with Su Hai /Mike?2. They are seeing the doctor. Lead in the title.3.Watch and answer:Watch the whole story and answer the following question:Whats wrong with Su Hai? Whats wrong with Mike?Teach: go to see the doctor, go to see the dentist. Su Hai and Mike.Ss: Maybe he/she has aRead the title: Seeing the doctorShe has a headache and a fever. He has a toothache.Read and compare with doctor and dentist.通过仔细观察图片掌握相关信息,为阅读文本做好铺垫。观看动画片、听录音,整体感知理解文本内容。达成目标2,3Step5Task3引发期待行为,强化结构1.Fill in the tableNameillnessshouldShouldntRead the story and fill in the table in groups2.Check out the tableTeach: Let me check , have a rest, take some medicine, drink some warm water, eat too many sweets, anything, brush your teeth, before bedtime.3.Discussion and affective educationT: Why does Mike have a toothache?From Mike we can know:You should have a good habit, brush two times one day. 4.Reading time(1).Read the whole passage with the cartoon.(2).Show timeSu Hai and Mike are ill, they want to tell their friends with some ways.Choose one way to talk Group work(4 students)Read togetherBecause he eats a lot of sweets/brush one time one day/ eat before bedtime Read together.预设:QQ/ Wechat/ Call/emailChoose one way to act.带着问题细读课文,小组活动完成表格的填写,关注文章细节。学生互动,巩固结构。达成目标2、3创设开放性的问题师生进行自由交流和讨论,并适当渗透情感教育。达成目标4通过跟读、分角色朗读和复述课文等多种形式正确理解并掌握对话内容。达成目标1Step6Post task提供反馈评价,巩固结构Talk about more people with different aches in the hospital.Doctor: Whats wrong with you? Sick people: I have a.Doctor: Let me check. You should/ shouldnt./ PleaseSick people: Thank you, doctor. (Encourage doctor to
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