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Unit 1How can I get there?The first period教学内容:Part A Lets try & Lets talk Lets learn & Make a map and talk课型:新授课教学目标:1知识目标 (1)能够听、说、读、写单词和短语:hospital、cinema、post office、bookstore。(2)能够听、说、读、写句子:“Where is the museum shop?”“Its near the door.”。(3)能够听、说、认读单词ask、sir和句型“Is there a?”“I want to”“What a great museum!”。2能力目标(1)能够在情景中运用句型Where is the.? Its near/next to/behind.询问回答位置。并表述行走路线。(2)能够掌握朗读句子时的升降调。3情感目标(1)学习礼貌言行,知道遵守交通规则。(2)能够在迷路时主动寻求帮助。教学重点:(1)听懂、会说本单元的对话,并能对路线进行描述。 (2)能够掌握朗读句子时的升降调。 教学难点:(1) 难点单词的正确发音。(2) 正确使用方位介词。教学方法: 听说法、情境交际法、游戏教学准备: 课文flash、课件、单词卡片上课时间: 月 日教学过程:Step 1 Warmingup1. Free talk:T:Good morning, everyone!Ss:Good morning, Mr. Deng!T:Whats the weather like today?Ss:Its sunny!T:Good!Whats this in English?(教师拿出一本书)Ss:Its a bookT:Yes,its my bookWhere can we buy books? (教师出示书店图片)Ss: In the bookstore.Step 2 Presentation1. Teaching “cinema, post office, bookstore, science museum, hospital”.(1)Teaching “bookstore” T: Look at picture 3. What place is it? It has many books, dictionaries, magazines there. If you want some books, you can go there. Its a . Ss: Bookstore.(引导学生说出,张贴bookstore。联系单词or,试着自己读出单词,教师强调st的发音。带读,指名读,齐读。)(2)Teaching “cinema” T: Look at picture 4. Its a big place. If you want to see Kung Fu Panda, Spider Man.You can go there. What place is it? Its a . Ss: Cinema.(引导学生说出。张贴单词cinema,领读,拼读,指名读,齐读。)T: Picture 4 is a cinema. We can see a film in the cinema.(3)Teaching “post office”T: I write a letter to my friend. I want to post the letter.(教师拿出一封信。)Shall I go to the cinema?Ss: No.T: Bookstore?Ss: No.T: Where shall we go? Look at picture 5. What place is it? Ss: Post office.(张贴词组post office,联系单词teachers office,强调字母o在词组中的不用发音,然后让学生自己拼读单词,指名读,带读,齐读。)(4)Teaching “hospital”T: Look at picture 6. If you have a headache, have a stomachache, have a cold, you can go there.(教师做动作帮助学生理解。)Guess what place it is. Ss: Its a hospital.(引导学生说出。张贴单词hospital,领读,拼读,指名读,齐读。)(5)Teaching “science museumT: Look at this picture. What place is it? Its a. Ss: Museum.(教读单词museum,拼读单词,齐读单词。)T: Its a Science museum(张贴词组,指名读,分组读。)2. Teaching “Where is the .? Its next to.”(1)呈现医院和书店的图片,学习句子。 T: Where is the hospital?(将hospital卡片贴到板书的句子中,将Where is the.补充完整) S1: Its near/beside the bookstore. T: We also can say “Its next to the hospital.”(板书next to,讲解next to,并将句子Its .补充完整,然后指名讲解句型。) (2)齐读板书句子。Where is the hospital?Its next to the bookstore. (3)呈现邮局和电影院的图片,学生两人一组练习。句型:A: Where is the.?B: Its next to the.3. Lets learn(1)Show the pictures about Wu Yifan and Robin.(呈现教课书图片。)T: Who are they? Ss: Wu Yifan and Robin.T: What do they say? Lets listen to the tape. (2)Listen to the tape again and answer the question. Where is the cinema? (3)Open the books and follow the tape.(4)Read in pairs.4. Do practice in pairs. (1)课件呈现图片,两人一组编对话。 A:Where is the .? B:Its . (next to, in front of, behind) 5学习Lets try(1)打开课本读一读Lets try中呈现的问题和选项。(2)播放录音,让学生听完后勾出正确的选项。(3)全班核对答案。6学习Lets talk(1)播放Lets talk的录音,学生带着问题听录音:Where is the museum shop?Where is the post office?听完录音后让学生回答这两个问题,教师板书:Its near the door. Its next to the museum.教师讲解:near表示“在附近”,next to表示“与相邻”,它的范围比near小。最后让学生用near和next to来讲述学校周围的建筑物。(2)教师展示Robin在博物馆的图片,指着机器人说:“Whos that?” 学生回答:“Its Robin.”再指着房子说:“Where can we find Robin?” 学生回答:“In the museum.”教师出示感叹句:“What a great museum! ” 讲解“A talking robot!What a great museum!”,让学生说说这两个感叹句的意思。(3)教师出示一张明信片,说:“Its a postcardRobin wants to send a postcardWhere should he go?” 引出词组post office。(4)教师出示一张地图,问学生:“Where is the post office?”出示单词next to, near, behind,教师利用三个例句结合图片讲解next to, near, behind。(5)在学生理解三个方位介词后,小组活动,利用方位介词描述图中各个场馆的位置。(6)播放课文录音,让学生完整听一遍之后再逐句播放,让学生跟读。(7)分角色朗读课文。(8)全班朗读课文。Step 3 Consolidation and extension1三人一组分角色练习Lets talk的对话,然后请一些同学到台前表演。2教学Part A:Talk about the places in your city/town/village.活动方式:教师引导学生共同回忆学过的表示公共场所的名词,并将其板书在黑板上,如:park、library、zoo、school、museum等,先与一名学生示范问答:T:Is there a zoo in our city?S:Yes,there is.T:Where is it?S:Its near the park.然后让学生两人一组进行问答练习。Step 4 Summary T: What did you learn about this lesson? 学生自由说,教师总结。1.单词及词组:cinema, post office, bookstore, science museum, hospital2.next to与near, beside是同义词。2.询问地点及回答的句型:Where is +the+地点? Its +介词短语。 Homework:1抄写掌握单词hospital、cinema、post office、bookstore 2Retell the conversation.板书设计:
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