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一、品种选择A, variety selection根据不同季节品种的习性与消费习惯,采用不同品种。冬季、早春采用抗寒能力强的红苋菜、花红品种。其它季节采用抗病虫害性强的花红苋菜与全绿苋菜。一般在2月下旬至3月下旬宜选用早熟较耐寒的尖叶红米苋和尖叶花红苋等品种。4月上旬至5月下旬宜选红苋、大红袍和白米苋、柳叶苋等品种。6月上旬至8月上旬夏秋栽培宜选用较耐热的白米苋、柳叶苋、红苋等品种。According to different varieties of seasonal habits and consumption habits, using different varieties. In winter, the cold hardiness of http:/www.suyinbaogw.com/ strong red amaranth, red varieties. In other seasons with pest and disease resistance, strong flower red amaranth and green amaranth. General in late February to 3 month should choose early more hardy red amaranth leaf tip and leaf tip bonus amaranth varieties. From early April to late May should choose red amaranth, Dahongpao Tea and rice varieties such as amaranth, Liu Yexian. From early June to early August summer autumn cultivation should be a better choice of heat resistant rice amaranth, Liu Yexian, red amaranth varieties.二、栽培季节Two, planting season苋菜从春到秋无霜期内都可栽培。露地栽培可从3月下旬至8月上旬播种;而大棚和小拱棚覆盖栽培可提早播种2030天,即在2月下旬开始播种,并可提早上市30天左右。除早春栽培外,一般播后35天左右即可上市。Amaranth from spring to autumn frost free period can be cultivated in. Open field cultivation from late March to early August sowing; while http:/www.fscwine.com/ the greenhouse and small arch shed mulching can advance the sowing of 20 30 days, began to sow in late February, and listed earlier in 30 days. In the early spring cultivation, generally 35 days after sowing can be listed.三、栽培技术Three, cultivation techniques1.浸种催芽1 seed germination苋菜种子,在凉水中浸种24小时,浸种过程中需搓洗几遍,以利吸水。在冬季、早春将浸泡过的种子捞出,用清水搓洗干净,捞出沥净水分,用透气性良好的纱布包好,再用湿毛巾覆盖,放在1520条件下催芽,当有30%50%的种子露白时,即可播种。其它季节采用直接播种的方式栽培。Amaranth seed, in cold water soaking for 24 hours, soaking in the process to wash a few times, for the benefit of water. In the winter, early http:/www.bojinv8gw.com/ spring will remove seeds soaked with water, scrub clean, remove and Lek net water, with good ventilation and gauze wrap, reoccupy wet towel cover, on germination at 15 20 , when there are 30% 50% seeds can be sown white. Cultivation by direct seeding mode in other seasons.2.整地播种2 tillage seeding整地 宜选择杂草少的地块,苋菜对土壤要求不严格,但以土壤疏松,肥沃,保肥、保水性能好,每亩施入腐熟有机肥5000公斤,25%复合肥50公斤,精耕细作,做成畦宽11.2米,沟宽0.3米,沟深0.150.2米的高畦。Soil preparation should choose weed in small plots, amaranth, not strict to edaphic requirement, but with the soil loose, fertile soil, fertilizer, water retention performance is good, with per mu of applying decomposed organic fertilizer 5000 kilograms, 25% compound fertilizer 50 kilograms, intensive and meticulous farming, made the border width 1 1.2 meters, 0.3 meters wide ditch, ditch depth 0.15 0.2 meters high ridge.播种 苋菜的种子较小,播种掺些细沙或细土可以使播种均匀。每亩用种量0.250.5千克。可平畦撒播或条播,撒播的可用四齿耙浅搂或不搂(雨水多的潮湿季节),条播者春季可稍深、夏季宜浅,浅覆土,然后镇压,即可浇水,等待出苗。冬季、早春加盖薄层稻草保湿,再盖上一层地膜保温,大棚遮挡严实、升温。夏季加盖防晒网。Smaller seeds sowing amaranth, sowing mixed some sand or fine soil can make uniform seeding. With per mu is 0.25 0.5 kg. Flat bed to sow or drill, available four tooth harrow sowing shallow hug or not hug (rain wet season), who may be slightly dark, the spring in summer should be light, shallow overburden, and repression, then watering, waiting for the emergence of. Winter, early spring with thin straw moisture, and then covered with a layer of plastic film greenhouse insulation, shielding, warming up. Summer the sun network.3.田间管理3 field management温度管理 冬季、早春出苗后揭开地膜和覆盖物,浇水后在大棚内再建小型拱棚,以利保温,在外界气温较低时,于傍晚在小棚上加盖一层草帘保温。夏季出苗后,及时加盖防晒网,采取早盖晚揭。Temperature management in winter, early spring after the emergence of uncovering plastic film and covering, watering in the greenhouse to build small arch shed, the insulation, the outside temperature is low, in the evening in a shed with a layer of straw on the insulation. The summer after emergence, timely with the sunshade net, take cover off early late.肥水管理 冬季、早春要经常保持土壤湿润,浇水要小水勤浇,尽量选择在晴天上午浇水,并在齐苗后浇施一次0.2%尿素水溶液,以后710天追施一次,促进生长。夏季适当加大浇水量,一般在早晨、傍晚浇水。除了施足基肥外,还要进行多次追肥,一般在幼苗有2片真叶时追第1次肥,过1012天追第2次肥,以后每采收1次追肥1次。肥料种类以氮肥为主,每次每亩可施有稀薄的人粪尿液15002000公斤,加入尿素510公斤。Winter, early spring fertilizer management is necessary to keep the soil moist, watering to small irrigated frequently, try to choose in the sunny morning watering, and the seedling after watering a 0.2% urea solution, after 7 10 days of Topdressing Time, promote the growth of. Summer appropriate to increase water quantity, usually in the morning, evening watering. In addition to apply sufficient base fertilizer, but also for many top dressing, usually in the seedlings with 2 leaves after first fat, 10 12 days after second times fertilizer, after each harvest 1 times top 1. Types of fertilizer with nitrogen fertilizer, per mu can be with human excrement urine thin 1500 2000 kg, 5 10 kg urea.除草 及时进行人工除草。播后约710天出苗,出苗前后应注意防治杂草,条播者可进行行间中耕除草。Manual weeding weeding time. About 7 to 10 days after sowing, seedling emergence, seedling emergence and attention should be paid to control weeds, drill can be inter row wee
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