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case the novelist intends to point out the profound cause of Gatsbys tragedy. Dr. Watson in the stories of Sherlock Holmes serves as a foil to the hero, rendering the detective smarter than he would otherwise appear to the reader.By the degree of their development, characters can be grouped as round characters and flat characters. This division is proposed by E.M Forster. Round characters are fully developed while flat characters are not. Or we can say that round characters grow while flat characters do not. Usually the reader is allowed access to the inner life of the round character and permitted to learn about many sides of the round character. The flat character is a “closed” character to whose inner thoughts the reader is denied access. Usually one side of the flat character is shown in the novel. Most heroes are round characters who grow emotionally or spiritually.Chapter Three ThemeAristotle in Poetics lists six basic elements of tragedy. Melody (song) and diction (language) fall in the general category of style, and spectacle is relevant to setting in our discussion of fiction. The other three aspects are mythos or plot, ethos or character, and dianoia, which we generally translate into “thought” in English. According to Aristotle, plot is the “soul” or shaping principle or fiction, and characters exist primarily as functions of the plot. In most of the stories, plot plays the role of principal structure of the story. But, as Northrop Frye points out, besides the internal fiction of the character and his/her society, there is an external fiction consisting of a relation between the writer and the writers society. We indeed have literary works by the likes of Shakespeare and Homer in which artistry is completely absorbed in their internal characters and we can hardly perceive the existence of the author. However, as soon as the authors personality appears on the horizon, a relation with the reader is established, and sometimes there seems no story at all apart from what the author is conveying to his/her reader. In this case, the primary interest in dianoia, the idea or thought that reader gets from the writer, which in modern criticism we generally call “theme”.I. What Is Theme?One of the safest comments to make about novels is on the theme. Everyone is entitled to extract a theme bas particular to its novel, though there are many similar themes to be found in other novels.III. Five Requirements for Stating a ThemeThe statement of a theme may be brief or long. And there are different ways to express oneand the same theme. But it should meet the following requirements.A theme must be expressed in the form of a statement with a subject and a predicate. For example, “Love of ones country often inspires heroic self-sacrifice.” If a theme is expressed in the form of a phrase, then the phrase must be convertible to sentence form. One can say that the theme of a novel is “futility of envy.” The phrase can be changed to “envy is futile.” When one chooses to state a theme in the phrase form, he must be very careful about its convertibility to sentence form. For instance ,the phrase “selfless maternal love” does not always mean that “maternal love is selfless.”The theme is generalization about life based on the novel, and the statement of theme should be true also of other people or life situations. Therefore, names of characters and places should not be mentioned, for they suggest specific things and invite limitati平罗县陶乐水土保持小流域综合治理项目可行性研究报告石嘴山市水利勘测设计院有限公司二O一一年十二月前言深入贯彻落实科学发展观,以中央一号文件和新水土保持法为主线,积极践行可持续发展治水思路,紧紧围绕国家经济社会发展和生态文明建设大局,以水土资源的可持续利用和生态环境的可持续维护为根本目标,以改善民生为着力点,以体制机制和法制建设为保障,坚持水土保持工作方针,全面落实预防监督、综合治理、生态修复、监测评价、保护水源和改善人居环境等各项任务,加快水土流失防治步伐,改善生态环境,促进经济社会的可持续发展平罗县陶乐小流域水土保持综合治理项目位于平罗县红崖子乡北部,北至五堆子移民区公路,南接陶鄂公路,东临鄂尔多斯台地1100m等高线,西到203省道向东5km处的南北向的农路为界,隔山与内蒙古阿拉善左旗毗邻,东西宽11.0km,南北长14.5km,项目区总面积160.0km2(16000hm2),项目区范围涉及陶乐镇、红崖子乡2个乡镇,9个行政村,总人口17945人,农业人口13514人,规划治理人口9399人。项目区位于平罗县黄河东岸的最北端的乡镇,由鄂尔多斯台地和黄河冲积平原两大地貌单元构成。地势东西方向倾斜,相对高差6080m,为缓坡阶地,其中大部分属台地平原过渡地带。受毛乌素沙漠的影响,土地沙化严重,水土流失面积72.5 km2,占总土地面积的45%,重度沙化面积占沙化面积的47%。本次所选项目区具有一定的典型性,项目区位于黄河东岸,从地貌类型划分属黄河冲积平原区和鄂尔多斯台地两部分组成,土地沙化程度由西向东呈加重趋势,中、重度沙化区占总面积的76%以上,也是风力侵蚀比较严重的地区。对该项目区进行水土保持综合治理,对改善生态环境,进行生态环境综合治理、减少水土流失、涵养水源、防治风蚀具有一定的推进作用。基础设施条件较好,在优选措施、提高标准的基础上通过对水土流失区进一步治理,对于提高群众生活水平,发挥水土保持措施效益有一定的示范作用。该区域土地及光热资源丰富,水源有保障,通过水土保持措施的实施,使该区域土地得到进一步的开发,土地利用率得到有效提高,提升水土保持措施效益,改善群众生产生活水平。政府支持,群众积极性高。地方政府和群众对改变环境条件迫切,提出开展土地开发和生态环境建设,群众对治沙造林,改善农业生产生活条件要求迫切,因此,该项目区进行水土保持生态建设,群众的积极性高。积极开展水土保持生态工作,逐步使我县的水土走上持续、稳定、健康、快速发展的正规化道路。第一章综合说明1.1项目背景1.1.1项目前期规划基本情况为了进一步落实中共中央国务院关于加快水利改革发展的决定(2011年1号)中央一号文件精神,把水利作为国家基础设施建设的优先领域,搞好水土保持和水生态保护,实施国家水土保持重点工程,采取小流域综合治理、生态修复措施,有效防止水土流失。新形势新阶段对水土保持工作提出了新的更高的要求, 中央一系列重大部署和新的水土保持法为新时期水土保持发展与改革的目标任务指明了方向,提供了依据。推进生态文明建设,要求更加注重人与自然和谐,全面提升水土流失综合防治水平推进区域协调发展战略,要求水土保持积极实施分区防治战略,在资源开发利用和生态保护方面提供重要支撑和保障。加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,提高生态文明水平。加强生态保护和防灾减灾体系建设。坚持保护优先和
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