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高二年级英语限时训练(6)第一部分 阅读理解AChinese movie theaters are never running short on youth films. Youth(芳华),directed by Feng Xiaogang, was released in December, and hit the screen. But this one is different: It is dedicated to the youth of our parents generation.Set in the 1970s, the story begins in a military art troupe(部队文工团), in which the soldiers duties are to sing, dance and promote culture. He Xiaoping, a newcomer, is a talented dancer. With a painful childhood, she wants to make a fresh start in the troupe, yet her family background makes her the laughing stock(笑柄) among the other girls. The only person who is nice to her is Liu Feng, a kind and unselfish man. In most youth films, the characters life paths are only influenced by their own choices. However, the young people in Youth are also a part of “the whirlwind(旋风) of historical changes”, as film critic Justin Chang wrote in the Los Angeles Times. In a period of more than 30 years, they have to experience the Cultural Revolution and the Sino-Vietnamese Conflict, during which Liu Feng loses one arm and He Xiaoping suffers from a mental illness. The disbandment(解散) of the troupe also tears them away from the life and people they are so familiar with, throwing them into a new life they know nothing about.They all have to learn “to make peace with the past and make the most of the present”, wrote reporter Giovanna on the website Tiff.net.But theres still something that never changes about youth. No matter what time of history it is, people share the same longing for love and beauty. Sunshine, laughter and swimming poolsthese typical images of youth are all well kept in Mr. Fengs new films.According to ifeng News, the movie Youth is actually a nostalgic(怀旧旳) and personal work that Mr. Feng dedicates to his own experiences of working in a troupe. “When I look back in time, everything in my life seems to be black and white,” he said, “The days in the troupe are the only part of my memory that always remains colorful.”1. What influenced He Xiaopings and Liu Fengs lives most?A. Historical changes B. Their own personalitiesC. Their family backgrounds D. Their longing for love and beauty2. Why did Feng Xiaogang direct the film Youth?A. To show the cruelty of the war.B. To urge people to value their youth.C. To recall the days when he worked in the troupe.D. To describe the life during the Cultural Revolution.3. What do we know about the youth in different generations according to the text?A. They all treat sunshine and laughter as the typical images of themselves.B. In our parents generation, they dont love beauty due to political reasons.C. They long for totally different things varying from generation to generation.D. Though they live in different times, they still have something in common.BEight years before his death in 1986, Alfred Nobel was surprised to read an obituary(讣告) in the local newspaper. This was a strange obituary, for it told Alfred Nobel, the man who was reading it, that he was dead. The newspaper had confused Alfred with his brother, Ludwig, who had recently died.Nobel was shocked to read that he had passed away, and he was even more annoyed by the title of the obituary: The Merchant of Death Is Dead. Alfred was a very rich and successful armaments manufacturer.(武器制造商)。This incident got him thinking about his reputation. What would people think of him after his real death? Would they really say “That was a man who profited from killing”? It was this thought that led him to leave his money-a huge amount of it- for the founding of the famous Nobel prizes. His aim was for his money to be used to support the ongoing quest(追求) for excellence in the sciences and literature, and the ideal of peace. Thousands of men and women have been honored since the first awards were given out in 1901. The awards let the world know about the developments that may have a huge effect on our lives.However, the prizes are controversial sometimes. There is often protest(抗议) at the award of the peace prize when not everyone thinks that the award-winners deserve the award. Even the award for literature has sometimes been criticized because the award committee often neglects important writers. The highly influential novelists James Joyce and Marcel Proust, for example, were never honored by the Swedish Academy.Still, for the most part of the awards dont cause many complaints. Alfred Nobel founded the prizes to recognize those who have had “the greatest benefit to mankind” and few would disagree that most of the prizewinners-among them. Albert Einstein and Martin Luther King- have made contribution that deserve to be honored and remembered.4. How did Alfred Nobel feel when he read the obituary in the newspaper?A. Sad and worried B. Shocked and upset.C. Surprised and confused D. Amused and puzzled.25. What did Alfred Nobel decide to do after read
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