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江苏省溧阳市2015高考英语单项选择训练(5)及答案.单项填空1It is reported that the government has _the poor in some African countries _food,clothes and medicine.Asupplied;to Boffered;withCoffered;to Dsupplied;with答案Dsupply sb with sth或supply sth to sb;offer sb sth或offer sth to sb。依题意应选D。2Seeing the happy_of children playing together there, I cant help thinking of my own childhood.Ascene Bsign来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。KCsense Dview答案 A 本题考查词义辨析。句意为“看到孩子们一起玩耍的快乐景象使我情不自禁地想起我的童年”。scene指“局部特定场合的风景”;sign符号,迹象;sense感觉,感官;view指从高处眺望看到的景色。3Jenny,how was your trip to Beijing?Oh,I missed it.I wish I _my vacation there.Aam spending Bwill spendChave spent Dhad spent答案Dwish引导的宾语从句表示与过去事实相反的愿望,应用过去完成时。4Most of my classmates failed in the first exam.It seems there is no hope for us to make any progress.Cheer up._.AGreat minds think alikeBFailure is the mother of successCGood beginning, half doneDMany hands make light work答案 B A项意为“英雄所见略同”;B项意为“失败是成功之母”;C项意为“好的开始是成功的一半”;D项意为“人多力量大”。根据句意,故选B。5Researchers from Harvard reported a study of human brains yesterday that may _some new information for mental illnesses.Acreate BprovideCexpect Dimagine答案B句意:哈佛大学的研究者昨天报道了一项关于人脑的研究,这一研究或许能为人类的精神疾病提供新的资料。6I have _my secretary to meet the foreign guest at the airport.Aorganized Barranged forCplanned Dmade答案B考查固定短语arrange for sb to do.安排某人做,其他三项意义不符。7Having been attacked by terrorists,_.Adoctors came to their rescueBthe tall building collapsedCan emergency measure was takenDwarnings were given to tourists答案B现在分词放在句首作状语,其逻辑主语与主句主语保持一致。8In schools, is it required that no parent_to classrooms during class time? Ahave access Bhas connection Chave contacts Dhas access答案 A 本题考查动词的用法和词义辨析。require后所接的宾语从句中以及It is required that.结构中的that从句要用虚拟语气,即should动词原形,should可以省略。have access to意为“有机会/权力”,故选A。9I am _being treated as a child since I have been over 18.Atired with Bsick ofCtired of Dboth B and C答案Dbe sick of sthbe tired of“对感到厌烦”;be tired with“因而感到疲劳”。故选D。10The scientists got as_as they could to the wild animals so as to watch them_.Aclosely, close Bclose, closelyCclose, close Dclosely, closely答案 B 本题考查词义辨析。close既可以作形容词,表示“近的;亲密的”,也可以作副词,表示“接近地,近距离地”。closely是副词,表示“仔细地;严密地;密切地”。句意为“科学家们尽可能近地接近野生动物以便仔细地观察它们”。11My English teachers humor was _make every student burst into laughter.Aso as to Bsuch as toCsuch that Dso that答案B句意:我的英语老师的幽默就是如此(好笑)以至于每一个学生都哈哈大笑。such as (to do)到如此程度,如此以至于(正式或文学用语)。12He found it increasingly difficult to read,_his eyesight was beginning to fall.Aand Bfor Cbut Dor答案B句意:因为视力开始下降,他发现阅读越来越困难了。for在此处为并列连词,解释前一句说的情况的原因。又如:We listened eagerly,for he brought news of our families.我们迫切地听着,因为他带来了我们家人的消息。13Dont be very sad,but work hard to catch up wtih others.As the saying goes,“_is no use crying over spilt milk.”AThat BThis COne DIt答案D很多考生认为this或that可以指代上文或下文所出现的内容,从而误选A或B。其实,这里应该用it作形式主语位于句首,而将真正的主语(动名词短语)置于句子的末尾,故正确答案为D。14_leave at the end of this month.I dont think you should do that until _another job.AIm going to;youd foundBIm going to;youve foundCIll;youll findDIll;youd find答案B本题考查了动词将来时态的用法。由下文逆推可知,第一空是表示讲话者的打算,应该用be going to;后面应该表示找到另一份工作后再辞职,应该考虑用将来完成时,但在时间状语从句中,要用现在完成时代替将来完成时。15Dont mention that at the beginning of the story,or it may _the shocking ending.Agive away Bgive outCgive up Dgive off答案A本题考查短语动词的辨析。句意:在故事的开始不要先提那个,否则会泄露令人吃惊的结局(因而故事也不精彩了)。give away“泄露”;give out“分发,散发”;give up“放弃”;give off表示“散发气/光/热”。根据题意,排除B、C、D。1(201*年重庆高一检测)_find the missing diamond,Anna _the jewellery box over and over.ASo as to;searched BIn order to;searched forCSo as to;searched for DIn order to;searched来源:学,科,网解析:动词不定式作目的状语时常用so as to;in order to的结构,但so as to不放于句首。答案:D2(2011年重庆高二检测)I have had my bike _,and Im going to have somebody _my radio tomorrow.Arepair;to repair Brepairing;to be repaired来源:Z|xx|k.ComCrepaired;repair Dto repair;repairing解析:have sth.done使得某事被做,done作宾补。have sb.do sth.让某人做某事。答案:C3She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _in making the earth a better place to live on.Ato have played Bto playCto be played Dto be playing解析:考查不定式作定语。play的逻辑主语是each of us,因此此处应用不定式的主动语态。答案:B4(2011年温州高一检测)Rather than _on a crowded bus,he always prefers _a bicycle.Aride;ride Briding;rideCride;to ride Dto ride;riding解析:prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.意为“宁愿做某某也不做另一件事”。其中prefer可后置。答案:C5(2011年新余高二检测)The old professor
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