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少儿英语口语学习:老师,我能问你个问题吗哇哦!好大。他们在哪?How can I find them? Can anybody help me?我要怎么找到他们?有谁能帮我吗? Miss, can I ask a question? 教师,我能问个问题吗?Sure! What is it?固然!是什么?What does this word mean? Line5, word7, on Page 11.这个单词是什么意思?第十一页,第五行,第七个单词。I see. It means “yishu”.我观察了。是艺术的意思。 Who can say a riddle? Others find the picture and put it on the wall. 谁能够说个谜语?其他人找到相应的图片放到墙上。Its orange. Its long. Rabbits like to eat it.它是橘色的,长的,兔子爱吃。Its round. You can see it in the evening in the sky.它是圆的,你们能在晚上的天空看到。Its white or brown. Many children like to eat it.它是白色或是棕色的,很多孩子喜爱吃。Its long and yellow. Monkeys like to eat it.它是长的和黄的,猴子爱吃。Its long and green. Old people like it.它是长的和绿的,老人喜爱吃。 Miss, whats the Chinese for ”straight hair”? 教师,“straight hair”中文怎么说?Its “Zhifa”.“直发”。 Miss, whats the English for ”Jian”? 教师,“jian”的英语怎么说?Minus! We say eight minus four is four.减!我们都说8减四等于四。How about “jia”.那“加”呢。Its “plus”.是“plus”。Thank you!感谢! Well done! 很好!Excuse me. Can I use the bathroom for a minute?不好意思。我能用一分钟的浴室吗?Yes, of course.固然可以。
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