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七年级英语Unit2 Section A学研测Unit 2 This is my sister. Section A( 1) 执笔人:高民欣 日期:2013-9-23学习目标:1.通过全家照片的展示,帮助学生学习并掌握家庭成员各单词的拼写2.通过小组合作口语练习,掌握两个句型及其答语:( 1 )She is my sister. These are my sisters. ( 2 )Whos she? She is my sister. Those are my brothers.学习重点:1. be 动词的灵活运用。 2.句子的单复数形式一、自主学习:A. 家庭成员: 爷爷_ 奶奶_爸爸_ 妈妈_ 姐姐_ 弟弟_ 妹妹_哥哥_父母_祖父母_B. 检验一下你的翻译能力:你的爸爸_ 他的姐姐_ 我的爷爷_ 她的父母_ 你的哥哥_ 她的两个姐姐_我的祖父_ 他的祖母_ 那些朋友_ 这些笔记本_我的妈妈_ 她的祖父母_ 二、重点研讨:看例句,你能发现其中的奥妙吗?1. This is my sister. (单数句子) 2. These are my sisters. (复数句子)3. That is his cup. (单数句子) 4. Those are his cups. (复数句子) 总结:_ _ 试一试,做一做1. This is his brother.(改为复数句子)_2. Those are her keys.(改为单数句子)_三、巩固训练:用is .am. are 填空1. This _ his sister. 2. His name _ Mark.3. What _ her number? 4. These _ my parents.5. Those _ his brothers. 6 .You _ Li Dong and he _ Wang Lei.7. I _ Gina Brown. My last name _ Brown.B. 单项选择( ) 1. Tom and I _ good friends. Tom _ ten.A. is, is B. is, are C. are, is D. is, is( ) 2. _ my sisters.A. These are B. This are C. These is D. This is ( ) 3. Jim is_ brother. A. me B. you C. he D. her ( ) 4. These _ my parents. They are my grandparents.A. are B. is C. isnt D. arent 四、延伸迁移请在正确答案下面划线。1. You ( am, are, is ) a friend of Wei Huas .2. These are his ( quilt, quilts ).3. Those (are, is) my parents.4. My fathers father is my ( parent, grandfather ).5. That ( girl, girls ) is Lucy.6. Tony is ( he ,his ) brother.7. Is this your mother? Yes, ( it, this) is.8. Is that his sister? No, (she, it ) isnt.五、达标检测:写出下列单词的复数形式:ruler_ _ friend_ brother_ school_ jacket_ day_ boy_ key_ family_ girl_ is_ this_ that_ parent_ dog_ color_ name _将下列句子变为复数1. This is his brother. _ _ his _.2. That is my sister. _ _ my _ .3. This is her key. _ _ her _ .学习收获:七年级英语Unit2 Section A学研测Unit 2 This is my sister. Section A( 2) 执笔人:高民欣 日期:2013-9-23学习目标:1. 通过小组口语合作练习,继续巩固学习了解家庭成员之间的关系。2. 通过听力练习,口语对话练习,掌握两个句型及其答语: This is my sister. That is my mother.Are those your parents? Yes, they are. No, they arent.学习重点:1.代词的灵活运用。 2.句子的单复数一、自主学习:根据句意填上合适的词。1 My father and my mother are my _.2 My _ is my fathers father.3 Your _ is your mothers sister.4 He is my father, but Im not his son. Im his _.5 My mother and my aunt are _.6 -Is she your aunt?Yes,_ is.7 Is this your aunt?Yes, _ is.二、重点研讨:代词的用法主格形式: I you he she it 形容词性物主代词:my your his her its 看例句,总结用法 :1.Thats his brother. 2. This is Lucy. She is a girl. 3. He is my brother, his name is Jack. 4. Is that your pen?用法:1)_ 2)_验证一下自己的好记性:1. This is _ ( I ) book. 2. This is _ ( he) ruler.3. Tom is a boy. _ ( he ) is my brother. 4. Is the boy _( she ) brother ?5. This is _ sister . _ pen is red. (she ) 6. Is _ ( he) _ (you) father?三、巩固训练:( )1._ my parents.A. These are B. This are C. These is D. This is ( )2. Is _ your brother?A. a boy B. a girl C. the girl D. Frank ( )3.These are her _ .A. friend B. friends C. a friend D. a friends ( )4.- Is GuoTong your brother ? - _, but(但是)he is just like (就像)my brother . A. Yes, it is B. Yes, he is C. No, it isnt D. No, he isnt. 四、延伸迁移:翻译句子: 1.这些是你的父母亲吗? 是的,他们是。 _ 2. 他们是谁? 他们是我的爷爷奶奶。 _3.她是我的祖母。_4.简,这是我的哥哥艾伦,艾伦,这是我的妹妹辛蒂。_5. 她是谁?她是我的朋友琳达。_五、达标检测:按要求变换句子:1. This is his orange. (改为复数句子)2. Lily is his friend . (变一般疑问句)3. These are his families . (改为单数句子)4 . Who is he? (改为复数句子)5. Are those your grandparents ? (写否定答语 )用词的适当形式填空。1. Tom and I _ ( be )brothers. 2. Those _ (be) my parents.3. What _ ( be) these? 4. _ ( this ) are my brothers.5. Those are my _ ( photo ). 6.These are his _ ( key ).7.Are _ ( that ) your pens? 8._ (be ) you Mark?学习
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