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2020年精编人教版英语资料英语选修6(人教版)第二阶段检测卷(测试时间:120分钟评价分值:135分)第一部分语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给出的四个选项中选出最佳选项。It amazed me every time I saw Joe as he was always smiling.It didnt 1._ whether he had to stop at a stop light,or if he was the seventh person in line at the bank.He always smiled at everyone.It made me 2._ why he always seemed so happy.Having 3._ Joe with other people,I also noticed something else.Joe asked people how they were doing,and 4._ seemed to listen to their 5._.When someone got hurt,he would 6._ to help in any way he could.It made me think what if I tried to smile more? I decided to begin my 7._ when I went to the grocery store.I smiled as I went up and down the aisles and people I didnt even 8._ smiled back at me.Some even spoke!The little kid in the cart who was giving his mother a 9._ time saw me smile and 10._ crying at once.And,you guessed ithe made a shy little attempt at a smile.The man in the handicapped cart needed a person to 11._ something and I got that for him.He 12._ me and the smile transferred over to him.As I drove home,I was smiling.I thought about what I had just 13._,and when someone passed me and gave me a gesture,I smiled at him.He looked puzzled.Now I know that a smile is a 14._thing,but if we were all to try to smile a few more times each day,we could make a difference.For the very first time,I felt everything in my life had turned so cheerful.I had never realized Id been living in such a wonderful world.I had learned that such a small thing could 15._not only my spirits,but the spirits of people around me as well.What a great thing a smile is!语篇解读:作者通过自己的亲身经历告诉我们微笑是可以传递的,并建议对周围的人都报以微笑。1A.mindBhappenCmatterDcount解析:根据上下文可知,不管遇到什么情况,Joe总能面带笑容,故选择C。答案:C2A.know Bdoubt Csee Dwonder解析:根据语境可知,我很想知道,为什么Joe总是那么开心。答案:D3A.helped Bheard Cobserved Dinvited解析:根据下文“I also noticed something else”可推知,为了找到答案,我仔细观察Joe和其他人在一起时的样子。答案:C4A.only Bhardly Crarely Dreally解析:根据语境可知,Joe似乎是在真正听人们的回答。答案:D5A.answers Bnews Creasons Dsuggestions解析:根据上文“Joe asked people how they were doing”可知,此处选择answers与asked对应。答案:A6A.struggle Boffer Cprepare Dexpect解析:根据下文的“.in any way he could”可推知,Joe总是主动帮助别人。答案:B7A.search Bshow Cexperiment Dlesson解析:根据语境可知,我打算在杂货店里做个实验:尝试对他人微笑。答案:C8A.greet Bknow Cunderstand Dignore解析:根据语境推知,哪怕是我不认识的陌生人也开始朝我微笑,有的还搭讪了几句。答案:B9A.wonderful Bspecial Chard Dfree解析:根据下文“.saw me smile and.crying at once”可知,本来让母亲很头疼的小孩也马上不哭不闹了。答案:C10A.stopped Bbegan Cenjoyed Dcontinued解析:根据下文“.he made a shy little attempt at a smile”可推知,小孩马上停止了哭闹。答案:A11A.buy Bfind Creach Dchange解析:根据上下文“The man in the handicapped cart.and I got that for him”可知,残疾人想伸手拿东西。答案:C12. Arecognized Bsupported Cdiscovered Dthanked解析:我帮助了那位残疾人,他理应对我表示感谢。答案:D13A.solved Blearned Crequired Dpassed解析:根据下文“Now I know that.”可知,我在回家路上依然在想今天都学到了什么。答案:B14A.real Bmeaningful Cnatural Dsmall解析:通过下文“such a small thing”可推知,我觉得:尽管微笑是小事答案:D15A.steal Bfollow Clift Dspread解析:根据上文所举的例子可知微笑不仅能让自己开心,也能让周围的人开心。答案:C第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Some of Britains brightest young students have been busy showing a series of futuristic visions of what coach (长途汽车)travel might be like.In a competition 16._(organize)by travel company Leger Holidays and coach manufacturer Setra,UK design students were asked to come up with ideas for 17._ a coach might look and work in 2023.Adrian Devonald,18._ student at Swansea University, came up with the idea of a coach that could 19._(drive)at both ends.Adam Brown from Northumbria University would probably win the support of anyone 20._ has ever traveled on a long distance bus journey with his idea for fully flat reclining seats (躺椅)Research carried out by Leger Holidays and Setra 21._ (measure)public opinions of coach holiday showed a variety of opinions.In the industrys favor,passengers said 22._ felt safe and liked the idea of travel 23._ the fear of losing luggage.But travel sickness,uncomfortable seats and bad driving were raised.Mike Beagrie,General Manager for Coach Sales at Setra said,“All of the designs that we received were extremely excellent 24._ we have been very impressed with the 25._(think) that has been put in.”The judges favorite design will be announced in September and the winning student will win a trip to Germany.语篇解读: 一家旅游公司和一家长途汽车制造商联合举办了一场比赛,让英国的学生们设计未来的长途汽车。学生们发挥自己的想象,做出了各种极好的创意。16解析:考查过去分词。competition与organize是被动关系,故此处用过去分词作后置定语修饰competition。答案:organized17解析:考查宾语从句。how引导的从句作for的宾语,此处意为“长途汽车在2023年将会是怎样的”。答案
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