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英语语法词汇详解marginmargin英 mdn美 mrdnn.边;边沿;边缘;数量;利润;盈余;定金;押金;页面的空白边;页边线v.给加上边;预付定金;交押金;页边做注释或总结复数: margins英文释义:1. the empty space at the side of a written or printed page书写或印刷页边的空白2. usually singular the amount of time, or number of votes, etc. by which somebody wins something通常是单数】时间或票数等。某人借此赢得某物3. (business) = profit margin(业务)=利润率4. usually singular an extra amount of something such as time, space, money, etc. that you include in order to make sure that something is successful【通常单数】额外的时间、空间、金钱等。为了确保某件事成功而加入的内容5. (formal) the extreme edge or limit of a place(正式)一个地方的最边缘或极限6. usually plural the part that is not included in the main part of a group or situation【通常复数】不包括在一组或一种情况的主要部分中的部分7. (Australian English, New Zealand English) an amount that is added to a basic wage, paid for special skill or responsibility(澳大利亚英语,新西兰英语)加在基本工资上的金额,为特殊技能或责任支付举个例子:1.We allowed a margin of 20 minutes in catching the train.我们有20分钟的余地赶火车。2.The margin of safety has grown thin.安全系数已变小了。3.She won the champion by a narrow margin.她以微弱优势赢得冠军。4.He is on the margin of bare subsistence.他正处在挨饿的边缘。常用短语:profit margin 经利润率continental margin 大陆边缘gross margin 经毛利wide margin 广泛的回旋余地;广泛的利于行事的权力;页边的宽空白;大数目的余款;广泛回旋的余地;充裕的空余(时间);大幅度;water margin 水浒;水浒传(书名,中国历史上第一部用白话文写成的章回小说)safety margin 安全界限,安全裕度;安全系数narrow margin 薄利;没有多少余地margin trading 保证金交易(交存一定保证金不支付全部货款的交易)margin of safety 安全边际;安全系数phase margin 相补角;相位容限;允许相位失真margin of error 误差幅度;误差界限leaf margin 叶缘passive continental margin 不活动大陆边缘,被动大陆边缘margin account 保证金帐户;融资帐户left margin 左空白,左近义词词汇解析edge 普通用词,指较窄的边沿。border 侧重刚好在界线内的一部分表面上,指较宽的边缘,也可指边缘本身。margin 指物体的空白边,一般较宽。rim 指圆形或有曲线的物体的边缘。verge 指明显地标志一个表在或一广阔空间的边界,或终端线,也指极狭窄的空间。常用作比喻。brim 指深容器的内边或河、湖等水域的最高线。fringe 指地毯的须边、围巾的花边、烫发的卷边或人群的边缘。联想词marginal边缘的;percentage百分比, 百分率;trailing牵引的;profit利润;interest margin 利差,利息差幅;利差幅度margin call 追加保证金;征收保证金的要求margin for error 误差容许量;误差限度margin of profit 利润率margin requirement 保证金要求;法定保证金。
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