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精选资料专题三 代词1.2019预测How are the writers last two books?I think they are better than he wrote earlier. A.itB. those C. one D. ones2.2019预测Mom, I need a glass of juice. Im in the middle of my work. Why dont you make it?A.itself B. himself C. herself D. yourself3.2018合肥包河区一测Dad, can I take a little break?You just have. Wait until you finish this composition(作文).A. itB. thatC. oneD. this4.Although its just a story,would choose to believe it.Yes, because its the dream of all the people.A. everybodyB. somebodyC. anybodyD. nobody5.2019预测I heard you had dinner with Ritas family. are they like?They are polite and friendly.A.Which B. What C. Who D. Whose6.2018芜湖27中二模Which of the two pens will you buy?Ill buyof them, so I can give one to my sister.A. EitherB. NeitherC. AllD. Both7.2018上海Catherine has two cousins. One is quiet, andis noisy.A. anotherB. the otherC. other D. others8.2019预测The test was too difficult. Although these were good students, had a score above 60.A.neither B. either C. none D. each9. The Whites live happily with their three cats. of them are part of their family.A. Both B. All C. None D. Neither10.2019预测The wise man knows he knows nothing;the fool thinks he knows. A. any B. all C. none D. either11.2018马鞍山二模The charity show lasted nearly three hours in the rain, butleft the show early.A. nobodyB. somebodyC. anybodyD. everybody12.2019预测 Where is Alice?Do you see her? Oh, I saw she was talking with at the door.A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody13.2019预测Jack, do you know whose jacket this is? Oh, its ! Ive been looking for it these days.A. hers B. its C. his D. mine14.2019预测When shall we meet to go skating together, Saturday or Sunday?is OK for me. Ill be free at weekends.A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. Each15.2019预测Let it be the secret between us. Sure. I promise to say about it to anyone.A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything【参考答案】15 BDCAB610 DBCBB1115 ACDABTHANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考可修改编辑
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