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2013年高考英语冲刺押题训练(填空、选择类)(三)一 单项选择。1. Tony, are you listening to me?Sorry, Sir. I _ to figure out what you said just now.A. was tryingB. have triedC. triedD. had tried【答案】 A 【解析】 考查谓语动词时态。前句的说话者问“你有没有在听我说话?”,后句说话者回答“抱歉,我在努力弄明白你刚才所说的话(所以没留意听你现在所说的)”。由just now可得知,此句应用过去进行时。解题的关键在于准确说话者所指的含义和语境。2. Do remember to charge the battery for at least 12 hours when you first use it.- _A. You are welcomeB. You are telling meC. Dont mention itD. Thats all right【答案】 B 【解析】 考查交际用语。You are welcome不用谢; You are telling me.那还用说、我早就知道了;Dont mention it 别客气、没关系;亦可用于表示不好的事情“别提了”;Thats all right “没关系”,“不用谢”。 解题的关键在于正确理解You are telling me,不要见文生义理解成“你正在告诉我”。3.Jim is not a quick learner in math, while it isinterests Linda most.A. the oneB. thatC, whichD, what【答案】 D 【解析】 考查表语从句的引导词。此空格及其后的从句是做系动词 is的表语,空格后面的从句可以看出缺少主语。A不能引导从句;B在名词性从句中不充当任何成分;C和D都能在名词性从句中充当主、宾、表,但是which的意思带有疑问,“哪一个(人或物)”,what只指代物,此处指math 。4.Young people are always kidding. You _ as well ask some seniors for the rightdirection.A. canB. shouldC. mayD. Must【答案】 B 【解析】考查固定词组。may / might as well意为“不妨、最好、还是-为好”。此句意为“年轻人经常会开玩笑,你最好还是向老年人问路。” 5.My history teacher never buys books from online shops, and _.A. neither doesnt his wife. B. his wife doesnt eitherC. his wife does tooD. so does his wife【答案】 B 【解析】 考查表相同情况时的否定形式。 “我的历史老师从来不在网上购书,她的妻子也是这样(指也从来不在网上购书)。”所以应用否定形式。A用了两重否定; C、D表肯定,只有B的表达是正确的。此处也可以说Neither / Nor does his wife.6.Modern people are busy working ,struggling to make ends meet. _, most ofthem suffer from stress and anxiety.A. On the contrary B. Above allC. As a resultD. In turn【答案】 C 【解析】 考查固定短语的意思。On the contrary相反地、在另一方面;Above all. 首先、尤其是、最重要的是;As a result. 因此、结果;In turn. 依次地,轮流的。此句话意为“现代人总是忙于工作,努力量入为出、养家糊口。因此,他们大多数人都承受着压力和焦虑。”7.The parking rules in public places should be _ strictly? otherwise you will get aticket.A. realizedB, recognizedC. consultedD. Observed【答案】 D【解析】 考查动词的辨义。realize 认识到、了解、实现;recognize认出、承认;consult咨询、商量;observe观察、注意、遵守。此处是指遵守停车规则,所以选D。解题的关键在于正确理解和把握一词多义和熟词生义。8.The pianist Kong Xiangdong is believed _ to the perfect combination of Chinesefolk music and classic music.A. to have contributedB contributingC. to contributeD. having contributed【答案】 A 【解析】考查非谓语动词形式。句型It is/was believed that-变成被动句型时,谓语动词后接不定式(不定式可根据具体情况变化形式):sb./sth. + be believed + to do / to be doing/ to have done,此处指“钢琴家被认为对中国民间音乐和古典音乐的完美结合做出了贡献”,这是已经发生了的事情,所以用不定式的完成式。【举一反三】sb./sth. + be said / believed / suggested / considered / regarded 等句型后的不定式都可有类似变化。9.The spokesman of the government claimed to ensure a _ growing rate, in economic development in the coming year.A. sharpB. stableC. fluentD. Flat【答案】 B 【解析】考查形容词的辨义。sharp锋利的、急剧的;stable稳定的;fluent流利的;flat平坦的。此句意为“政府发言人宣称将确保未来一年里在经济发展方面保持稳定的增长率”。10.Sense of happiness of citizens has little, _,to do with the size of a city.A. if everB. if anyC. if at allD. if anything【答案】 D 【解析】 考查状语从句的省略。此处是一个省略的状语从句插在主句之间。“市民的幸福感与城市的大小规模的关系,即使有的话,也并不大。”此题容易误选B。要注意此句话中的短语“与-有关系”have something / nothing / anything / much / little to do with -,所以应选D,是if (it has ) anything (to do with the size of a city)。11.Last Sunday we were planting apple trees _ it began to rain cats and dogs.A. afterB. whenC. whileD. Before【答案】 B 【解析】 考查固定句型:sb./ sth. be doing sth.-when-“某人正在做某事-这时候(另一件事发生了)”。此句意为“我们正在做种植苹果树,这时开始下起了倾盆大雨。”注意:此句型的when表示时间点“这个时候”,不能用表时间段的while、as等来替换。【举一反三】类似句型还有:sb./ sth. be about to do sth.-when-“某人正要做某事-这时候(另一件事发生了)”。12.She was in a _ as to whether to tell her son the truth that he was adopted or not.A. dilemmaB. procedureC. processD. Manner【答案】 A 【解析】考查固定短语。dilemma进退两难;procedure方法、程序、步骤;process过程、进程加工;manner方法、方式、态度。此句意为“她处在进退两难的境地她是否应该告诉她儿子他是被收养的”。13.No matter how _,scientists are eager to know more about it by exploring.A. an ocean may be deepB. deep may an ocean beC. deep an ocean may beD. may an ocean be deep【答案】 C 【解析】考查疑问词how引导的从句的语序:how + adj. / adv. +主语+谓语。因此此题只有C选项为正确表达。 14.Underline the idioms related to colors _ a crayon.A. ina byC forD. With【答案】 D 【解析】 考查介词的辨义。此句意为“用彩色笔把关于颜色的习语划出来”。【易混辨析】表示“用”的时候,in 后常加语言、音调、墨水、颜料;by后接手段和方法;with后接(具体有形的)工具。15.Find time to take a walk regularly,_ you will feel refreshed.A. orB. butC. andD. So【答案】 C 【解析】 考查固定句型。此句型为:祈使句(动词原形),and + 陈述句(谓语用will do)。意思上相当与一个条件状语从句If you find time to take a walk regularly, you will feel refreshed. “(如果你)找时间经常散散步,你就会感觉精神重新振作起来的。“【举一反三】如果表相反含义,则用or。例:Hurry up, or you will be late. 相当于if you dont hurry up, you will be late.16. Apart from the bus arriving late,_ else seemed to be going according to plan. A. everything B. nothingC. something D. anything【答案】A【命题立意】考查代词。【解析】由句首的apart from和句中的else可看出,“除了汽车晚点了之外,其余的每一件事情似乎都按计划进展顺利”。17. You have made a few mistakes in spelling but _ you have done a good job. A. above all B. more or
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