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襄阳一中 高二年级 导学提纲 英语选修六 编写:秦训学 审核: 何冬琴 使用时间: Book 6 Unit 2 Period 2 Vocabulary一、学习目标1. 熟读并识记单元P90页的单词和词组。2.理解该部分重点词汇的用法,并能灵活运用于完成句子、写作中。二、学法指导1. 利用早读时间完成单词和词组的识记任务,积累考试阅读所需词汇。2. 翻开课本90面,结合导学案研读该部分词汇,并通过自测试题掌握考试考查较多的一词多义、词义辨析和词组搭配。三、知识链接1. convey vt. 传达;运送传达,表达(思想、感情等)(=express).convey ones feelings/meanings表达某人的感情/意思 .convey (to sb) sth./ that (向某人)表达 Please convey my thanks to your wife. Colors like red convey a sense of energy and strength. This poem conveys (to us) that he loved nature deeply. 这首诗(向我们)表达了他对自然的热爱。运送,传送(=transport)convey sb./ sth. (fromto)把某人/某物(从)运送(到)Wires convey electricity from power stations to the users.电线把电由发电站输送至用户。This train conveys over five hundred passengers every day.A taxi conveyed us to the train station. Wires convey electricity from power stations to the user. 【学以致用】完成句子:I found _ my feelings in words. 我觉得难以用言语表达我的感情。It hard to convey Passangers _ the airport by bus. 旅客们已被公共汽车送往机场。 Have been conveyed to Premier Li Keqiang _his sorrow to the dead and ordered the necessities _ to the earthquake-hit Areas immediately. 李克强总理表达了对死者的哀悼,并命令立即把必需品运送到灾区。Conveyed should be conveyed 2. concrete adj. 具体的;【反义词】abstract adj. 抽象的 concrete evidence 确凿的证据 n. 混凝土 He asked for a concrete answer.他要求得到具体的答复。 Have you got any concret thoughts on how to deal with this problem 关于如何应对这个问题你有什么具体的想法吗? 【学以致用】 make a concrete plan You should _ for the summer holidays. (concrete)你应该为暑假制定一个更具体的计划。 They successfully saved themselves in the financial crisis by taking some _ and effective measures. A. concrete B abstract C. contradictory D. ridiculous3. contradictory adj. 引起矛盾的;好反驳的;对立的be contradictory to 与矛盾/对立His story is contradictory to the facts. 他的说法与事实相矛盾。【单词积累】contradict vt. 反驳;相矛盾 contradiction n. 不一致,矛盾,对立contrary adj.相反地;逆向的 n.相反情况【形近词辨析】controversial adj. 有争议的; conventional adj.传统的 contemporary adj.当代的4. flexible adj. 灵活地;可弯曲的;柔顺的Wire is flexible. Our plan needs to be flexible enough to meet the needs of everyone. We can be flexible about your starting date.5. emotion 情绪 emotional 易动感情的 We have to control our emotion when we are faced difficulty. kinds of feelings: 忧伤 sorrow sadness 乡愁 homesickness 悲伤 grief 憎恨 hatred 幸福 happiness 爱 love 喜欢 fondness 热情 enthusiasm 激情 passion6. try out试验;测试Theyre trying out a new presenter for the show.The idea sounds fine, but we need to try it out in practice. 【拓展】 try on 试穿 try out for 参加选拔/试演 try to do尽量做;努力做 try doing尝试做【词汇回顾与积累】写出下列词组的含义figure out _ make out _ put out _ carry out _ give out _ run out _ work out _ turn out _7. let out 发出(叫声等);放走;泄露;使知道 She let out a scream of terror.He was let out of prison last week.He accidentally let out that he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt been home for a couple of weeks.【拓展】let alone更不用说;更谈不上 let sb/ sth alone对放任不管,置之不理 let down把放下来;使失望 let in允许进入;容许;许可8. run out of用完【辨析】run out of, run out, give out, use up易混词组辨析例句run out of意为“用完了”,是及物动词短语,表示主动意义,主语一般为人。We are running out of water.我们的水要用完了。run out意为“用完了”,是不及物动词短语,主语通常为表示时间、食物、金钱等的名词。His beer soon ran out.他的啤酒很快就喝完了。give out“用完,耗尽”,相当于run out,此时为不及物动词短语。此外还有“分发、宣布、发出、筋疲力尽”等意思。Our money soon gave out/ ran out.我们的钱很快用完了。The teacher is giving out the test papers to us. 老师正在给我们分发试卷。use up意为“用完,耗尽”,是及物动词短语,主语一般为人,相当于run out ofWe have used up all the hot water.我们已用光了所有的热水。【学以致用】选词填空run out, run out of, use up, give outMy car broke down on the way to the beach because its petrol had _/_ .在去海滩的路上,我的车因为汽油耗尽而抛锚了。Run out given outWith his food _/ _,the men had to come out of his hiding-place.由于食物吃完了,那人才不得不从藏身处出来。Running out giving outIf we hadnt _/_ energy, we would have finished the work.如果我们没有精疲力竭,我们就把那项工作做完了。 Run out of used upHis strength _/ _ after he ran that long distance.跑完这么长一段距离,他已精疲力竭。 Ran out gave out 9. be made up of由构成【自我探究】写出下列句子中make up的意思Society is made up of people of widely different abilities. _ 由组成He made up an excuse and got away with being late. _ 编造 捏造Most women make up every day now. _ 化妆I saved as much as I could, and my mum made up the rest of the money. _ 弥补 【拓展】make up for 弥补 make sense 讲得通 有意义make use of 利用 make up ones mind 下定决心做make out 辨认出 理解 make progress取得进步make
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