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Unit 7 单元测试题. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )16. Cindy is _ eleven. She is _ nice girl. A. 不填;a B. an; a C. 不填;不填 D. an; 不填( )17. Mom, I want a new pencil box _ school. A. with B. about C. for D. of( )18. These photos _ very nice.A. meet B. look C. watch D. see( )19. This hat is _ for me. I want a small one. A. tidy B. long C. big D. fun ( )20. How much is your skirt? _ 50 yuan. A. Im B. Youre C. Theyre D. Its ( )21. This pair of shorts _ Erics. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )22. These books are very interesting. I like them and Ill _ them. A. play B. spell C. take D. lose ( )23. Bobs _ and _ are on the sofa. A. trouser; short B. trousers; short C. trousers; shorts D. trouser; shorts ( )24. Whats the _ of the TV? 2,460 yuan. A. number B. price C. name D. color( )25. Mrs. Green, this is your ID card. _Thanks. A. Here you are. B. How are you? C. Lets go. D. Are you sure? . 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。易读度 Many people like to shop online (网上购物) now. Why? Sometimes we 26 have much time to go to stores. If we want to shop online, we only need a 27 and the Internet. If we shop online, we can go to many stores in a 28 time, and we can 29 things from all over the world. 30 can we find the right online stores? Let me 31 you. First, go to an online store with a good reputation (名誉). Second, 32 other shoppers reviews (评论). From these, we can know about the 33 and the things we want to buy. Third, we can 34 our friends about some good online stores. 35 can help us. Do you like to shop online? ( )26. A. do B. dont C. does D. doesnt ( )27. A. radio B. TV C. computer D. player( )28. A. big B. small C. long D. short ( )29. A. buy B. lose C. play D. eat ( )30. A. What B. Who C. Where D. How ( )31. A. thank B. watch C. help D. say ( )32. A. look B. look at C. meet D. meet at ( )33. A. store B. school C. room D. family ( )34. A. find B. ask C. call D. e-mail ( )35. A. She B. He C. They D. It .阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分) A易读度 Wanda Clothes StoreThingsColorsPriceHatYellow, blue, black¥7TrousersBlack, blue, white, yellow¥15SocksWhite, black¥3SweaterRed, white, green¥13T-shirtBlue, green, yellow¥8根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )36. Which is the cheapest (最便宜的)?( )37. Two hats and a pair of socks are _ yuan.A. thirteen B. fourteen C. seventeen D. twenty-one( )38. You can buy _ in Wanda Clothes Store.A. blue socks B. red T-shirts C. green trousers D. yellow hats( )39. If you like blue, and you have 7 yuan, you can buy _.A. a hat B. a T-shirt C. a sweater D. a pair of trousers( )40. If you have 15 yuan, you can buy _.A. a hat and a sweater B. a hat and a T-shirt C. a pair of trousers and a T-shirt D. a pair of trousers and a sweaterB易读度 Tom is from the USA and he lives in Zhuhai now. He teaches English in a school from Monday to Friday. On weekends (在周末), he likes to see his friend Charlie. Charlie is from the UK and he lives in Shenzhen. On Saturday, Tom goes there to see him with Mike and Ben. They go there on a bus. Charlie takes them to his home from the bus station (车站). They have a party at Charlies home. On Sunday, they go to a big clothes store. Tom always buys some clothes there. At about 5:00 in the afternoon, they are hungry, so they have dinner in a restaurant. After dinner, Tom, Mike and Ben take a bus back to Zhuhai. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )41. Tom _.A. is in China now B. is in the USA now C. likes working on Saturday D. goes to work on Sunday ( )42. Tom goes to Shenzhen by _.A. train B. bus C. car D. plane( )43. 划线单词“them”指代的是“_”。A. Mike and Ben B. Tom, Mike and Charlie C. Mike and Charlie D. Tom, Mike and Ben( )44. 划线单词“hungry”的中文意思是“_”。A. 渴的 B. 饿的 C. 生气的 D.
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