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人教版八年级英语上册导学案Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Secion B 2a2e【学习目标】掌握本课的生词、短语、句型 ,理解本课的主旨大意,对本课的内容实行归纳、对话改写、及仿写。【重点难点】学会用过去式写调查报告。掌握本课的生词、短语、句型,对本课的内容实行归纳、改写、及仿写。【教学过程】一、导入(启发探究 3分钟)I、选择准确答案填空。( )1. Her father _ time. A. usually waste B. never wastes C. hardly ever waste D. always wasting( )2. A: How often does Lara play the trumpet? B: _ once or _ a week, Im not sure. 来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K A. May be, twice B. Maybe, twice C. Maybe, two times D. May be, two time( )3. A: Ill give the boys _ to eat. B: Oh, I know fish and salad. A. something healthy B. healthy something C. anything healthy D. healthy anything( )4. What _ the differences between your habit and _? A. are, hers B. is, his C. does, her D. do, his( )5. A: _ do you write to your parents? B: Once a month. A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How many二、自学(自主探究 6分钟)Task1: new words learningTask2:听2b磁带,体会语音、语调、句群停顿,理解段落的汉语意义。Task3:完成2b Task3:小组讨论核对答案。来源:学.科.网Task4: 朗读短文,并回答下列问题1). What does the word “exercise” in the passage mean ?来源:Z+xx+k.ComA. do sports B. do homework C. watch TV2) Whats the Chinese for “ once or twice” ?A. 一两次 B. 曾经两次 C. 从前或者两次3) Do all the students like watching TV ?来源:学科网A. No. B. Yes. C. Its hard to say.三、交流(合作探究 10分钟)1、大声阅读2b课文,注意模仿语音、语调、句群停顿2、仔细阅读2b课文,勾画记忆课文短语In free time _ ask sb. about sth. _six times a week _ one or three times a week _ three or four times a week _ not at all _ go online _ be surprised atto that _ use the Internet _at least _ for fun and exercise _the answerkey to _the most important _ 来源:Z*xx*k.ComIt is goodnicehealthyinteresting to _ by watching TV _the best way _it is healthy for mind and body _ such as _ spend time with _old habits die hard _ 四、总结(引深探究 15分钟)1仔细阅读课文,完成2c 2b 2e 2d 2、大声朗读2d,尽量做到快速、流利,语音、语调、句群停顿正确。3、对原文仔细认真理解后进行简写2e。【教学反思】
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