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2014年哈尔滨市第三中学第二次模拟考试 英语 答案第一部分:听力:1-5BABCC 6-10 CCBBC 11-15 ACBCB 16-20 CABCB第二部分:阅读: 21-24 ABAC 25-28 BDCD 29-31 BDC 32-35 DBCC七选五: 36. C 37. F38. B 39. E40. D第三部分:第一节 完形填空41-45 AABDB 46-50 CACCA 51-55 DACBD 56-60 ACCAB 第二节 语法填空61. nothing 62. can 63. why 64. business 65. hurting66. had not been 67. without/but for 68. been made 69. unimportant 70. the第四部分:第一节:短文改错1.第二句:neighbor-neighbors 2.第二句:buying-bought3.第三句:turn-turned 4.第四句:Fortunate-Fortunately5.第五句:去掉with 6.第六句: only前加are7.第六句:we-they 8.第七句:which-what9.第九句:whole前加the/ our 10.第九句:important-importance参考范文:Dear Mr. Smith,Im Li Hua, a Chinese student, having finished the National College Entrance Examinations. I am planning to apply for the Cambridge Summer Session 2014. Now Im writing to ask several questions concerned.Firstly, Im curious to know about the courses. How many courses will you offer in all and what subjects will it cover? Since I major in English, I would very much like to take some courses related to English literature and culture. I also want to know the schedule of these courses to see whether Ill have time to visit other places in Britain on weekends. So I would appreciate it if you could forward a course plan to me? Secondly, do you provide boarding during the Summer Session? Are all the students living on campus or will you arrange home-stay?Thank you in advance! Looking forward to your reply! Yours sincerely, Li Hua
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