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巩固练习I. 翻译下列单词或短语1 共有;共用 _2在的帮助下 _ 3走过;过去 _4在某种程度上 _5看守;监视 _6依看;据认为_7处理信息 _8祢补;补足_9技术革命 _10为人类服务 _11解决一个数学问题 _12允许某人做某事 _13轮流做某事 _14尽管;虽然 _15每年一次 _16获得第一名 _17与共享信息 _18执行指令 _19出现;发生_20普遍的;通用的;_II. 完成句子1.人们认为我头脑简单,直到发现我有人工智能时,他们才不这么想了。However, people thought I _until they discovered I _2.我喜欢被相距遥远不能交谈的人们用来彼此联系。I _used to connect people_ to speak to each other.3.我没想到你现在会在这里。I never_ now.4.她电脑用得很好, 现在很少用纸和笔写字了。She uses the computer _ she seldom /doesnt _a pen and paper.5.但是我总是孤独地立在那里,直到60年代早期,他们把我与因特网连在了一起。But I was always _by myself, until _, they gave me a family connected by a network.6.从我出生以来。我就是真心真意地为人类服务而构建自己的。I have truly been built to _ since my birth.7.大多数人认为美国队会打赢。_ the US team will win the game.8.从某种程度上,她的英语有进步,但对她来说,道路还很长。_, her English has improved but _III. 翻译句子1.他除了辞职别无选择。(choice)_2从那时起,我和我的家庭成员被亿万人用来处理信息,并通过因特网在世界范围内彼此沟通。(deal with; communicate with)_3她本来因为父亲对她的计划会大加赞赏,但并没有。(thought)_4.曾经有个阶段我的外形完全改变了。(when引导的定语从句)_5.他太累了以至于一躺下就睡着了。(sothat的倒装句)_6已决定于下周六举行运动会。(decide;现在完成时的被动语态)_7他像孩子一样单纯。(asas)_8我们利用晴朗的天气去远足。(take advantage of)_9. 他在那艘船上工作时写出了那部最伟大的小说。(while doing)_10.你做的比我预料的要好得多。(a lot )_IV. 单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Running a company is not _ a matter of hiring peoplethey also need to be trained Asimply Bpartly Cseriously Dequally2I observed a number of _ childrenwho were taken out of a special class and placed in a regular class Aintelligent Bcompetent Cordinary Dindependent3By the time he realizes he _ into a trap,itll be too late for him to do anything about it Awalks Bwalked Chas walked Dhad walked4. _ hungry I am,I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread AWhatever BWhenever CWherever DHowever5Jenny nearly missed the flight _ doing too much shopping Aas a result of Bon top of Cin front of Din need of6Im certain Davids told you his business troubles_ its no secret that he owes a lot of money to the bankAHowever BAnyway CTherefore DThough7So difficult _ it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English well AI have felt Bhave I felt CI did feel Ddid I feel8Im sorry youve been waiting so longbut itll still be some time _ Brian gets back Abefore Bsince Ctill Dafter9The mainland _ fresh water and vegetables _ people in Hong Kong every day Aprovides;for Bprovides;with Csupplies;for Doffers;with10As you know,men,women and children are _ Aman Bhuman beings Chuman races Dman kinds巩固练习I. 单项填空1、Hey,I think Jennys team will lose tonights game.Oh,really?_AWhat makes you think so? BLets make a decision.CI beg your pardon? DThats my opinion.2Jack _many times to take good care of his clothes,but he turns a deaf ear to it.Ahas told Btold Chas been toldDwas being told3Im sorry for my mistake. _,Im glad you made that mistake,for it will serve as a warning to you.AIn any way BIn a way CIn her way DIn the way4All of us could imagine who would win before the competition ended. Of course. The result was_.Alogical Bmagical Chopeless Dsure5With time_,the pollution in this river is getting worse and worse.Agoes after Bgoing by Cpasses by Dgoing ahead6Han Geng was the first Chinese that became a pop singer in South Korea._,he was paid more attention to.AAs a result BWhats more CAfter all DIn return7Flowers of this kind are so _that they can
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