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大学英语四级考试听力经典陈述100句 选自大学英语四级精讲精练听力语法篇(林明金主编,清华大学出版社)1.Now youve got me.A: Youve asked me a question I cant answer.2.Thats the last thing I needed.A: I certainly didnt need that.3.It is easier said than done.A: Doing is more difficult than doing. 4.Susan is anything but poor.A: Susan has a lot of money. 5.Diane looks up to her teacher.A: She respects her teacher.6.Didnt the summer just fly by!A: The summer seemed to pass.7.Its beyond a childs understanding. A: Its impossible for a child to comprehend this.8.Arent you clever to figure that out!A: How smart you are to find the answer to that.9.I really need to brush up on my math.A: I need to improve my math skills.10.Ive been tied up in meetings all week.A: Hes busy attending meetings all the week. 11.Not a single student was late for the final test.A: Every student took the final test.12.Typing the essay is the least of my worries.A: Typing the essay is only a minor problem.13.Hell turn his back on me if I ask for money.A: When I need money, he wont help.14.Ben really has a way with words.A: Ben has a talent for expressing his ideas.15.Joe often loses himself in books.A: Joe is so interested in his books that he forgets his surroundings.16.Im well behind in my term paper.A: I have to catch up on my term paper.17.Wow! Thats terrific! I couldnt agree more.A: He agrees completely.18.Lee won the chess match hands down.A: Lee easily won the chess match.19.I know this city like the back of my hand.A: I know this city very well.20.Michael had an electrician repair his stereo.A: The electrician fixed Michaels stereo.21.That name just doesnt ring a bell with me.A: I dont recognize that name.22.To be honest, I didnt think much of the play.A: In my opinion, the play was not very good.23.Postcards seem to take forever in the mail.A: Postcards often arrive late.24.The economics assignment is really over my head. A: He doesnt understand the assignment. 25.He respects his friend because he keeps his word.A: His friend is responsible.26.Im afraid that Allan is not up to such a difficult task.A: I doubt that Allan can do the job.27.Nancy has been knocking herself out on the project.A: She has been working very hard on the task. 28.Come what may, well pick you up tomorrow at eight.A: No matter what, well come for you tomorrow.29.The scientist picked up a new idea at the symposium.A: The scientist learned about the new idea by chance.30.The manager crossed the item off the list.A: He removed the item from the list by drawing a line across it.31.He would rather have steak than chicken.A: He would prefer steak to chicken.32.The snowstorm brought train travel to a standstill.A: It snowed so severely that people couldnt take the trains.33.We couldnt be more pleased by these pictures.A: Were delighted with the pictures.34.I have been feeling under the weather recently.A: Im not feeling well these days. 35.Anne said she could baby-sit any day but Friday.A: On Friday Anne does not baby-sit. 36.Tom is looking forward to seeing his uncle.A: He is eagerly awaiting seeing his uncle.37.Please drop me a line when you get a chance.A: I hope youll write to me if you can. 38.Aspirin is as good as anything for colds and flu.A: One of the best remedies for colds and flu is aspirin. 39.Nothing could hide the face that he is growing old.A: The fact that he is growing old could not be hidden.40.He always changes his mind at the last minute.A: He never changes his mind until the last minute.41.Mary ran into her teacher on the train.A: Mary met with her teacher on the train.42.The game was drawn until John scored the winning point.A: Johns point won the game. 43.No sooner had the storm started than all the lights went out.A: The lights went out right after the storm began. 44.Last night I tossed and turned in bed, too exhausted to sleep.A: I was overtired and couldnt sleep.45.There is nothing we can do to stop the process of aging.A: We can do nothing to stop the process of aging.46.He suffered a lot because he failed to obey the regulation.A: His neglect of the regulation cost him dearly.47.Its a nightmare on the expressway during the rush hour.A: Its rather unpleasant to drive on the expressway when it is heavy with traffic. 48.Had I known the answers, they would have suspected me.A: They didnt suspect me because I didnt know the answers.49.Susan is fluent in Spanish now that she has been to Mexico.A: Susan improved her Spanish in Mexico.50.It pays to take a look at the laboratory manual before a class.A: Its necessary to study the manual before class. 51.Since I have a meeting around noon, I will eat lunch on the run.A: I will eat lunch very quickly.52.Mrs. Johnson, president of the Rose Society, is ver
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