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完整版北京2019初中中考常用高频词优选常用一词多义词A1. absent (a) -Who is absent today?-Daming. He had an accident on the school trip. (缺席的)absent-minded My grandpa became absent-minded with age. (健忘的)He was so absent-minded in class that the teacher became angry with him. (走神的)2. act (n) _ The government passed a new environment protection act. (法令)(v) _ The famous actor acts so well. (表演)3. attend(v) _ attend a concert (参加)_ The nurse attended the patient daily. (护理)B1.bank(n) _ I had 10,000 in the bank (银行 )_ The boat drew alongside the bank (岸边)2. bear (n) He ran away as quickly as possible when he saw the bear in the forest. (熊)bear (v) He cant bear to be laughed at. (忍受)3. bill(n) ;-Have you paid the bill? (账单)-Yes, I paid the bill with a ten-dollar bill. (钞票)4. book (n) There are a lot of books in the library. (书籍)book (v) Youd better book tickets if you want to watch the movie. (预订)5. break (n) Its time to take a break. (休息)break(v) Its really bad to break the valuable china vase. (打碎)She broke the silence by coughing. (打断)I dont think my watch is broken. (坏掉了)5. bring(v)Please remember to bring your homework tomorrow. (拿来)They are trying their best to bring together those separated families. (使结合 )6. brush (n) Its good for us to change our tooth-brush regularly. (刷子)(v) Youd better brush your teeth after meals. (刷)7. burn (v) The house was burned to the ground.(completely destroyed by fire) (烧毁)His face was badly burnt by the hot sun. (晒伤)Her skin burns easily. (不禁晒)(n) (烧伤)C1. can He can speak English very well. (能够)(n) a Coke can (罐)2. capital (n) Beijing is the capital of China. (首都 )The world BIG is in capitals. (大写)He set up a business with a starting capital of 100,000. (资本)3. care (n) She watered the flower with great care. (照料 )Care is needed when crossing the road. (照顾)(v) He failed the exam but he didn t seem to care at all. (介意)His parents really care about him. (在意 )1 / 4.carry (v) ;She carried her baby in her arms. (抱 );I never carry much money with me. (带)5. catch (v) I threw a ball to her and she caught it. (接住)We tried our best to catch the thief. (抓住)He got up too late to catch the early bus. (赶上 )-What s wrong with you? Oh, I catch a cold. (患)Sorry,I didn t catch what you said. (了解,跟上 )6. change (n) I have no small change. (零钱)Are you for or against change? (改变)(v) It is not easy to make him change his mind. (改变)7. check (v) _ The teacher asks us to check our homework before we hand it in. (检查)(n) _ The he wrote the check (支票)8. class (n) I am happy I study in Class Six. (班级)This is a second-class compartment. (等级 )I have a math class at 9oclock. (课)9. close (v) Dont forget to close the door when you leave the room. (关闭)(a) I have a close friend called Joy. (亲密的 )The church is close to the school. (靠近)(ad) They quite close. (紧密地 )10. close (adj.) _ We are close friends. (亲密的)(v) _ Remember to close the window when you leave the classroom. (关闭)11. coach (n) _ I hate travelling by coach. (长途汽车)_ I think you need an English coach. (辅导老师)12. cold (a) Its so cold in winter in Beijing. (冷 )Id like a cold drink. (冷饮)The cold look on her face made me sad. (冷淡的 )(n) Dont stand outside in the cold. (寒冷)He didnt come to school because he had a bad cold. (感冒)13. company (n) _ He owns a big company. (公司)(v) _ Little kids always need parents company. (陪伴)14. copy (v) _ We copied the table from a book. (复印)_ He was caught copying from his classmate in the exam. (作弊)15. cover (v) The ground is covered with snow. (覆盖)The reporter has just covered the war between America and Iraq. (报道 )The army has covered 10 thousand kilometres so they are all tired. (行走一段路 )I have covered 300 pages of the book. (涵盖)(n) _ Do they not like the book cover? (封皮)16. cross (v) Dont cross the road when the traffic light is red. (穿过 )He crossed his leg and sat down. (盘腿)(n) Mark the place with a cross on the map. (十字)(a) I was cross with him for being late. (生气的 )2D1. date (n) Whats the date today? (日期)Tonight I have a date with Mike. (约会 )2.develop (v) _ develop the economy (发展)_ Can you develop this film for us? (冲洗)3. direct (adj.) _ You should go direct to him. (直接地)(v) _ He directs the project. (指导)4. draw (v) He can draw a horse in ten seconds. (画)Christmas is drawing near. (日渐临近 )I drew my chair up to the table. (拉拽)At the end of the class I drew a conclusion. (得出结论 )I drew 50 pounds in the bank last Sunday. (取出 )(n) _ The game ended in a draw. (平局)5. dress (v) Hurry up and get dressed! (穿好衣服 )Is she old enough to dress herself ? (给某人穿衣服 )(n) _ How do you like this dress? (连衣裙 )6. drive (v) He can drive very well and he drives to w
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