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精品资料英语人教版八年级上 Unit 2How often do you exercise?单元检测 (总分100分,用时60分钟).单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1Although they feel tired,_they still go on working.AandBbutC/ Dso2His grandmother is well because she often _.Aexercises BsmokesCsleeps Dsings 3_do they play basketball?Every day.AHow soon BHow muchCHow many DHow often 4His mother wants him_at home today.Astays BstayedCto stay Dstaying 来源:www.shulihua.netwww.shulihua.net5Here_the results_the exam.Ais;with Bare;ofCis;of Dare;with 6Mr.Morgan _ know the way to the museum.Amaybe Bmay beCmay Dperhaps 7Many animals _ because the weather was bad.Awere dead BdiedCdying Ddeath8They usually go shopping _.Aone a week Bonce a weekCone the week Donce week 9Tim is young,_,he can speak three languages.Abut ByetChowever Dthough10Smoking_your health.Ais good for Bis bad forCis good to Dis bad to 11I do homework every day,usually when I come_home_school.Ato;from Bat;forC/;from Dfrom;to 12The students exercise every day,and they try_themselves healthy.Akeep BkeepingCkept Dto keep13_ hours do you exercise every day?AHow long BHow muchCHow many DHow often14The answers _ these questions were very _.Aof;interesting Bto;interestedCof;interested Dto;interesting15How _juice would you like?One kilo.Amany BmuchCheavy Doften.完形填空(每小题2分,共20分)How can we keep healthy?One important thing is to exercise _16_.The Smith family try to exercise every day.Qiang Smith _17_ not exercise in the morning because he must be at his job at seven oclock.But he runs every evening.He walks a lot,_18_.He walks to school every day and after school he _19_basketball with his friends.Qiang goes to a yoga(瑜伽)class_20_a week.But it isnt_21_ this way.Last year Mr. and Mrs. Smith drove(驾车)everywhere.They thought they should use(使用)the_22_all the time.Now the Smiths dont use their car,and they all _23_ better now.And they think they mustnt be_24_.They dont have to exercise every day,but they should_25_to keep in good health.16A.sometimes BoftenCnever Dalways17A.may BcanCmaybe Dcan be18A.either BalsoCtoo Dwell 19A.plays BwatchesCsurfs Dlooks来源:数理化网20A.sometimes Bthree timeCthree times Dsome time21A.always BusuallyChardly Dsometimes22A.skateboard BbikeCcar Dship23A.have BmakeCfeel Dstudy24A.lazy BhealthyCactive Dwell25A.want BkeepCstay Dtry .阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)AMr. King lives in a city.He owns some shops and makes a lot of money.His son,Mike,studies at a middle school.The boy likes everything but studying.He doesnt listen to his teachers in class and he never finishes his homework on time.He always plays football when he has any free time.He can never pass the exams.Mr. King is so busy with his business that he has little time to stay at home.He never pays any attention(关心)to his sons studies,so he doesnt know how he is doing.One day Miss Read,Mikes teacher,telephones Mr. King.On the telephone she tells him all about the boys studies.She wants him to try to help his son at home.When the man hears this,he doesnt feel very happy.In the afternoon when his son comes back from school,Mr. King gives him a good tellingoff(责备),but soon feels sorry for it when he sees Mike crying in the bedroom.The next morning,before Mike goes to school,he says to him,“Study hard and Ill buy you a car when you pass the exam next year.” Another term is over.Mike doesnt pass the exam once more.Mr. King has a look at the school report for a few minutes and then he asks his son,“You dont pass the exam again,Mike.What did you do this term?” “I learned how to drive a car,dad,” answers the boy.26Mr. King is _.Aa football player Ba teacherCa driver Da businessman(商人)27Mike can never pass the exams because _.Ahis father has a lot of money Bhe doesnt like studying Chis teachers are not very good Dhe has to help his father in the shops 28Miss Read rings Mr. King_.Ato tell him to take his son out of schoolBto buy things from his shop Cto tell him about Mikes studiesDbecause his son passes the exam once again29In the sentence “.,but soon feels sorry for it when he sees Mike crying in the bedroom.”,the word “it” refers to(指)_AMikes exam mark(分数)Btelling his son off Csomething that Miss Read te
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