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七年级上册英语短语归纳1.Take sth. to sb.:拿某物给某人 2.Bring sth. to. sb. :带某物给某人 3.Ill take it:我要买它 4.be good with sb. :和某人相处很好5.Have a look=look at:看一看 6.see a movie=go to a movie:看电影 7.help sb. With sth.=help sb.(to) do sth.:帮助某人做某事 8.after school:放学后 9.a lot=very much:很多;非常 10.like to do sth.=like doing sth. :喜欢做某事 11.Playcomputergames玩游戏 12.lastname姓氏 13.inEnglish用英语 14.watchTV看电视 15.SpeckEnglish说英语 16.gotoamovie去看17.getup起床 18.playsport做运动 19.Onweekends在周末 20.insomeways在某些方面 21. forexample例如 22.comefrom来自23.Takepartin参加 24.oneof之一 25.anotherof另外一个26.wakeup醒来 27.leaveschool毕业 28.findout查明29.bedtime就寝时间 30.freetime空闲时间 31.beborn出生32.highschool中学 33.videocassette录像带 34.computergame电脑游戏35.soccerball英式足球 36.lotsof大量 37.healthyfood健康食物38.forbreakfast早餐 39.forlunch午餐 40.fordinner晚餐41.makealistoffood列出食物清单 42.innotebook在笔记本上43.onthetable在桌上 44.howmuch多少 45.comedownto到达46.havealookat看一看 47.redsweater红毛衣 48.blueT-shirt蓝衬衫49.whitebag白色的包 50.blackpants黑裤子 51.yellowsocks黄袜子52.buyfrom从。.买来 53.verygood很好54.inallcolors所有的颜色 55.sellto卖出56.greenshorts绿裤子 57.onsell出售58.alkabout谈论59.howmuch多少 60.comedownto到达 61.havealookat看一看62.redsweater红毛衣63.verygood很好64.inallcolors所有的颜色65beagoodhelpforsb对某人有帮助 66.howabout怎么样 67.aketo把带到68.thanksfor为感谢 69.nextto在旁边 70.bringto把拿到71.penfriend笔友 72.seeyousoon再见 73.lostandfound失物招领74.familyname姓氏 75.veryday每天 76.healthyfood健康食品77.forlunch吃中午饭 78.longhours很长时间 79.getup起床80.afterbreakfast早饭后 81.puton穿上 82.getto到达83.gotobed睡觉 84.havealookat看一看 85.gohome回家86.Tellsbaboutsth告诉某人关于事 87.comedownto从一处到另一出88.schoolday非假日 89.gotoamovie去看电影 90.actionmovie动作片91.alot=lotsof大量 92.moviestar电影明星 93.alittle少量94.inaword简言之 95.stayathome呆在家 96.infact事实上97.summercamp夏令营 98.allovertheword遍及世界 99.fillout填充100.insomeways在某方面 101.forexample例如 102.comefrom来自103.findout查明;了解;获知 104.waitfor等待 105.talkto与谈话106.talkabout谈论 107.penpal笔友 108.asetof一套;一幅109.howmuch多少(接不可数名词) 110.whatkind何种 111.forthereason因为112.talentshow天才表演 113.gotowork上班 114.listento听115.yeas(s)old岁(年龄) 116.likesanddislikes好恶; 117.beborn出生118freetime空闲时间 新目标英语七(下)unit16单元重点句型Unit 11. Where is your pen pal from?-Hes from Australia. =Where does your pen pal come from? - He comes from Japan. Where are you from? -Im from the United States.2. Where does she live? -She lives in Paris.3. What language does he speak? -He speaks French.4. Where is Toronto? -Its in Canada.Unit 21.Is there a bank near here (in the neighborhood)?-Yes, there is. Its on Center Street. / No, there isnt.2. Wheres the supermarket?-Its across from the post office.3. Go straight down New Street and turn right.4. Turn left at Bridge Street.5. Theres a pay phone on your left.Unit 31. Lets see the koalas.-Why do you like koalas-Because theyre very cute.2. Why does he like elephants? -Because theyre kind of interesting.3. Wherere lions from? - Theyre from South Africa.4. What (other) animals do you like. -I like dolphins.Unit 41. What does she do?/ Whats her job?/Whats she?-She is a doctor/reporter/bank clerk/waiter What do you do? Im a shop assistant.2. Where does she work?She works in a hospital/TV station/bank/restaurant.3. What does she want to be ? - She wants to be a policewoman.4. Why does he want to be a policewoman? -Because its an exciting job.Unit 51. What are you doing?Im watching TV.2. What is he/she doing?He/She is cleaning.3.What are they doing?-Theyre talking on the phone4. Is Nancy doing homework? -No, she isnt.
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