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Part 1 超级面试1.Interview 我要找工作 (上)范例一:I am working on it 我正在做。Hi, Monica, how is everything going? 你好,莫妮卡,一切进行得怎样?Everything goes well, but I am thinking about quitting my current job.一切都顺利,但是我正在考虑辞了现在的工作。Why? Youre not satisfied anymore? 为什么?你不满意吗?I just sense. But I cannot grow anymore. My boss is not really supporting me. I am interested in some positions in other JV companies, but I need to do some more in-step research before I send my application letters out.我只是意识到什么。但是我发展不了。我的老板不是很支持我。我对其它合资公司的一些职位感兴趣,但是在我发出申请信之前我要做更多的同步调查。That is important. Doing research on a company you are interested in will definitely help your application.这是很重要的。对你感兴趣的公司进行研究一定有助于求职申请。Certainly, it is very nice talking with you. But I really have to go now. Catch you later.当然,和你谈话真的很高兴。但是我现在真的必须走了。回头再和你聊。Ok, good luck to you. 好的,祝你好运。知识点讲解:1.I am working on itwork on有“努力影响说服 ”的意思,例如:We will work on those who have erred and help them do right.我们将对犯了错误的人做工作, 并帮助他们改正。Shell work on him to make him change his mind.她将努力说服他改变主意。在本文中work on表示“致力于”的意思,例如:He has been working on a new novel for over a year now.近一年多来, 他一直在写一部新小说。本文中I am working on it具体指的就是“我正忙着找工作”。2. how is everything going这句话的意思分两种情况第一种情况“表示只是问人”,那就相当于“how are you?” 还好吗? 你最近怎样?第二种情况表示“一件事情正在进行”,那就是问这件事情进展的怎样,“everything goes well.”一切顺利!3.Catch you latercatch表示“抓”的意思,later表示“较晚地,后来”,Catch you later指的就是“I will talk to you or see you later.”意思就是“回头见,一会儿见”。例如:Okay, catch you later. 好,那再聊(一会见)吧。 另外,我们还可以用“catch you around”,“ see you later”这两个短语来表达相同的意思。1.我要找工作 (中)范例二:Calling a company 打电话给一间公司ABC Company, my name is Lucy. How can I help you?ABC公司,我是Lucy。有什么我能为您服务的吗?Hello, Lucy, this is Monica. Im calling for the accountant position. I saw the information about the vacancy on your companys website. Is it still available?你好,Lucy,我是Monica。我要申请会计师的职位。我在你们公司的网站上看到你们职位空缺的信息。现在还空缺吗?Thank you for your interest. The position is still available. Have you already sent your CV to us?谢谢您对我们的职位感兴趣。那个职位仍然空缺。您发简历给我们了吗?No, not yet. First, I want to check about the availability and see if you could give more information.没,还没有。首先,我要核实能否申请,看看你们能否给我更多的信息。It is urgent for us to fill this position now and I would like to stress that English is a must because of the international contacts and most likely traveling abroad very soon. If all these is not problem for you, I recommend you to mention these in your cover letter and send it to me directly.我们现在急着要填补这个职位的空缺,我要强调一下因为国际合同的需要再加上很快很有可能去国外出差,所以会英语是必须的。如果所有这些你都没有问题,我建议您在求职信中要提到这些,然后直接把它发给我。The notification period of my current job is not that long and Im quite profession to English and I am happy with the traveling abroad as Im good dealing with the people from other cultures. It makes the whole job even more interesting. I will send my resume to you still this week.我现在工作的通知期不是很长,我对英语很熟悉,可以去国外出差我很高兴,因为我能很好得与来自其它文化的人来往。这让整个工作更加有趣。这个星期我会把我的简历发给您。知识点讲解:1. 如果你打电话给别人,对方一接电话,你就要报上自己的名字(identity yourself),说:Hello, this is.speaking.不要等待对方追问你是谁。 2. 接别人打来的电话时,如果对方未报姓名,你可以礼貌地问:Whos calling, please?假如对方电话中要找的人是你的家人或室友,你也应该问这句话,先让接电话的人知道是谁打来的。万一你拨通了一个号码,却从对方接听时的口气,发觉你可能拨错电话时,千万不要反问人家:What number is this?而是要问你拨的号码对不对,例如:Is this 715-0456?如果对方告诉你拨错了,赶快说:Im sorry.然后把电话轻轻挂上。 3. 假如你接到别人拨错的电话,你可以说: I think you have the wrong number. This is 715-0456.然后把电话轻轻挂上。不要摔电话!他拨错电话号码很可能是无心的。 4. 打电话应该要言不繁。讲完该讲的话时,通常由拨电话的先说:Goodbye.对方可能加一句:Thank you for your calling.然后双方挂上电话,记住要轻哦。 下面是两个打电话的实例: 例一:A: Hello. Is this 300-1234?B: No. I guess you have the wrong number.A: I am sorry. 例二:A: Hello. Can I speak to Mr. John Anderson, Please? This is Steve Lee.C: Hold on, please.D: John Anderson speaking.A: Hi, John. This is Steve. Did you get my note?D: Yes, I just got it. Ill think it over and call you back.A: Fine. See you later.D: Goodbye. 最后,来看看我们大家很少注意的细节吧。1. 除非你确知对方是夜猫族,否则不要深夜跟他打电话。早晨太早打电话也是不礼貌的。一般说来,打电话最适当的时间是上午九点以后到晚上九点半以前。2. 电话响了六响(six rings)还没有人接,不是对方不在家,就是他不方便接,或甚至不愿意接,最好是把它挂断了。3. 最后,如果你打电话时预知这通电话不可能三言两语就结素,最好先问对方: Is this a convenient time to talk?(现在讲电话方便吗?)免得对方正有急务待理,或有客人在旁,又须听你长时间电话,造成尴尬场面。 1.我要找工作 (下)范例三:E-resume or paper resume 电子简历或者纸张简历Hello, Lucy. This is Monica again. I have a question.Lucy,你好。我是Monica。我有一个问题。Please ask. 请问。I was wondering what kind of resume do you prefer, an e-resume or paper one?我在想你们会更喜欢哪种简历,电子的还是纸张的?For this position we prefer e-resume at the very beginning. Please send it to our departments e-mail box.对于这个职位来说,刚开始我们更希望收到电子简历。请把简历发到我们部门的邮箱。Ok, thank you. 好的,谢谢您。Youre welcome. 不客气。知识点讲解【Oral English】I was wondering what kind of resume do you prefer, an e-resume or paper one?【kind of的用法】1. kind指品种,说“一种”事物常用a kind of 作定语。a kind of animal一种动物,a kind of car一种小车。animal和car前不再有冠词。说“各种各样”用various kinds of animal,various kinds of animals,animals of various kinds均可。kind侧重指“品质、性质”。如: Shes
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