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小学三年级湘少版下册英语连词成句复习专项题班级:_ 姓名:_1. Ithismonkeylikefunny. (只填序号)_2. skirt is a here white ( . )3. friend is This my (.)4. is, This, my, mother (.)5. I, home, go, bike, by (我骑自行车回家。)6. your book is Here (.)7. you, will, your, kite, take, tomorrow (?)8. 连词成句。1at, monkey, the, Look, (.)2so, It, is, tall, (.)3is, The, big, pig, (.)4I, have, Can, some, milk, (?)5The, is, my, thin, sister, girl, (.)9. 用所给单词组句子。1down, please, sit (.)2miss Li, sorry, Im (, .)3morning, Miss, Good, Li (, .)4Good, afternoon, class (, .)5the, door, close, please (.)10. is boat my Where (?)11. MikeImHi,. (只填序号)12. goes, on, Saturdays, shopping, she(.)13. long it ears has (.)14. is, friend, she, my, good (.)15. lovefamilyImy (.)16. likeawouldsweetyou (?) (写序号)_17. sheyourIssister?(只写序号)18. dog, black, a, its (.)19. under your Its chair .20. bag, Open, your (.)21. myisEnglishThisteacher (只填序号)_.22. is, cake, This, Helen, for (.)23. 连词成句。1isbrotherHemy (.)2Itlongahasnose (.)3bookItunderisyour (.)4grapesdontIlike (.)5IhaveCanapplessome (? )24. 连词成句。1in, schoolbag, it, is, your(?)2this, ruler, isnt, my(.)3Dont, class, talk, in, Liu Tao(, .)4like, a, would, sweet, you, like(?)5behind, robot, is, the, my, chair(.)25. like, I, fruit (.)26. the, pass, me, rice, please (.)27. to go school Lets (!)28. CD, is, for, That, Tim (.)29. like, pink, I, and, yellow, (.)30. me, your ,show, eyes (.)31. 连词成句。1some Drink milk(. )2Have eggs some(. )3welcome are You(. )4Lets some cake have today(. )5I have some Can water(? )32. funny, some, Ive, clothes, got (.)33. about yourfamilyWhat(?)(只写序号)页码 / 总页数
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