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完成句子(主语) 1._ have used creativity and imagination to change the world. (great)伟大的思想家用创新和想象力来改变世界。2._ watching TV programmes as this.(waste)看这样的电视节目是浪费时间。3._ looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.(pleasure.)观看这些已经不再是乐趣,因为大自然是你必须亲身体验的。4._ makes seven.(and)三加四等于七。5. _ seems a dream among kids admiring Yang Liwei.(be)要成为一名宇航员似乎是那些崇拜杨利伟的孩子的一个梦想。6._ is a better thing than to arrive.(travel)带着希望旅行远胜于到达目的地。7. _ has become part of his retired life.(take)早上锻炼已经成为了他退休生活的一部分。8. _would be a stupid thing to do.(end)结束和这个男孩的友谊是一件愚蠢的事情。9. _by classmates often makes a new student feel upset.(fun)被同学们嘲笑通常会让新同学很难过。10._ is harmful to your skin.(expose)暴露在阳光下对你的皮肤有害。11._ is better than king.(be)开心比什么都什么都重要。12 should not be looked down upon.(disable)不能歧视残疾人。13._ need immediate treatment in the hospital.(wound)从前线带回来的伤员需要立刻在医院接受治疗。14._ was the longitude line.(interest)她最感兴趣的是天文台的经线。15._ is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas.(believe)很多科学家相信,由于地球上长期有水存在,使地球得以把有害气体和酸性物质溶解在海洋里。16._ for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.(continue)在未来的数百万中,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。17._ still remains a mystery.(disappear)他们为什么突然消失仍然是个谜。18. _ is a wonder.(survive)她在飞机失事中幸存是一个奇迹。19. _ he dares to speak ill of his boss.(wonder)难怪他敢说老板的坏话。20. _ I was doing research on this topic.(happen)碰巧我正在对这个话题进行研究。参考答案:1. Great thinkers2. It is a waste of time3. It is no pleasure4. Three and four5. To be an astronaut6. To travel hopefully7. Taking exercise in the morning8. Ending the friendship with this boy9. Being made fun of10. Being exposed to the sun11. Being happy12. The disabled13. The wounded taken from the front14. What interested her most15. What many scientists believe16. Whether life will continue on the earth17. Why they suddenly disappeared18. That she survived the air crash19. No wonder20. It happened that
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