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-范文最新举荐- 工作经验范文  一.教化背景1979年9月1983年7月:武汉高校英语系本科,获英语语言文学学士学位1983年9月1986年7月:首都师范高校英语系硕士探讨生,获英美文学硕士学位1998年9月1999年9月:美国纽约哥伦比亚高校英语与比较文学系做访问学者,主要探讨西方文学理论与亚裔美国文学2002年9月2005年7月:北京语言文化高校比较文学探讨所攻读博士学位,获得比较文学博士学位二.工作经验1995年1月1998年8月:任教于北京语言文化高校外语学院英语系,任副教授、教研室主任,担当高级英语阅读、高级英语写作、听力等课程,出版多种考试辅导用书及文学作品译著。获得过院级优秀科研嘉奖多次、校级优秀班主任、北京市优秀青年骨干老师等嘉奖。2004年4月:担当外国语学院副院长,分管探讨生、本科生教学工作、国际合作沟通工作。2005年被评为教授。工作经验范文二何岳成2018年3月至今,在舟山广播电视高校(舟山蓉蒲学院)工作,任党委书记、校(院)长。把一切都告知了同学们,三十年,没有跌宕起伏,三十年,就这样平淡,犹如三十年前,从平凡中来,历经平凡,到平凡中去。 personal statement 范文 I would like to build on my solid educationand experience as an engineer for a Ph.D. Degree in computer science at adistinguished university. I wish in particular to be trained at an advancedlevel in a specialized area that related to algorithm and mathematics. Myultimate goal is to become a professor teaching computer science at a Chineseuniversity. I believe that advanced training in a quality graduate program willhelp me realize the goal. I spent my undergraduate life in MinzuUniversity of China which is famous for its high quality teaching and the uniquefeature of multinational culture. During my four years study in computerscience and technology, I was enrolled in a full range of basic coursesincluding Programming Languages, Data Structure, Higher Mathematics, Principlesof Electric Circuits and Networks. With a sophisticated understanding of thesecourses, I have been well positioned to appreciate the basic theories ofcomputer science. I was extremelyinterested in algorithms design and mathematics and scored highly in most ofthem. My GPA was consistently in the top 10% in my department. Furthermore, asrecognition of my academic achievements, I was awarded the national scholarshipin the first year and the second prize scholarship in the second year. In 2018, after finishing my undergraduatestudy, I passed the competitive graduate entrance examination and was acceptedby the Cognitive Science Department in school of Information Science andTechnology in Xiamen University which lies in the top 10 universities and itsCognitive Science is outstanding in China. In the first year of my graduatestudy, I attended a series of specialized courses such as Advanced ArtificialIntelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Computer Visionwhich widened my horizon and deepened my understanding in computer science. Ialso distinguished myself by my academic record and won the second prizescholarship every year. Through the long-term learning in computerscience, I found that the technology related strongly to logical thinking likealgorithm and mathematics fascinates me most. I actively took every possiblechance to obtain the algorithm knowledge and practice my programming skills. Inorder to complete the curriculum design in 2006, I accomplished the basicdesign and functions of a simple library management system and the teacher gaveme high score. In 2007, I cooperated with other two classmates and implementeda simple ATM system which was based on the CS structure. Some techniques suchas database, data communication and multi-thread technique involved in thesystem 小学生个人成长踪迹个人简历 (李宝琳) 成长踪迹成果一览 一、2018年3月月荣获北京市丰台区“第十六届中小学生十项技能大赛”声音竞赛歌曲梦中的星星“二等奖”;刮画竞赛丰收“三等奖” 三、20181119日荣获“北京学生活动管理中心”及“北京市塑身操体育舞蹈协会”主办的“阳光体育”业余女子铜牌6人组拉丁舞蹈“一等奖”及女子银牌6人组拉丁舞蹈“二等奖”。 第三届北京“文化校内杯”体育舞蹈竞赛获得拉丁舞蹈单人8岁“第三名”。 六、2018年5月1日荣获亚洲体育舞蹈联合会主办的 “WDSF国际标准舞锦标赛暨国际标准舞中国地区公开赛” 少儿拉丁舞少儿标准舞(中国地区公开赛)单人C组:“第一名”。 “中国音乐学院考级委员会”颁发的少儿歌颂“五级”证书。 九、2018年7月10日儿歌我来当老师,荣获”欢乐阳光”第九届中国少年儿童歌曲卡拉OK电视大赛北京地区选拔赛幼儿B组“金奖”。 十、2018年3月儿歌祖国.祖国我们爱你,荣获北京市丰台区第十四届中小学生“十项技能大赛”声乐竞赛“三等奖”。 十一、自2018年至今多次参与北京市丰台区“丰台少年宫”组织的各项文艺活。 2、2018年6月1日,“六.一”节目汇演; 3、2018年参与丰台少年宫元旦庆演勤牛庆丰.吉虎庆章活动; 5、2018年3月17日参与丰台少年宫声乐老师汇演合唱童年外婆的澎湖湾等等。 总结:李宝琳同学在学阶段由始至今坚持如一:仔细、努力刻苦学习及复习所学各项,并严格要求自己,力求各项精益求精,学习期内多次获得辅导老师们的一样好评,父母为此也倍感欣慰与骄傲! 北京丰台五小二(1) 李宝琳 -2018.4.5日 1 / 1
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