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旅游英语口语学习:穿越海峡A:这艘海峡船开得很快,是吗? B: Yes, very. They make the trip in about an hour.B:是的,特别快。这趟旅行大约要1小时左右。 A:I hope we shan”t have a rough passage.A:但愿我们在旅途中不要遇到风浪。 B: No,I hope not.I want to have a deck chair and enjoy the crossing.B:我也是这么盼望的,我想在甲板上找一把椅子,观赏穿越海峡的沿途风景。 A:That”s a good idea.A:这是个好办法。 B: The sea seems quite calm, so there will be no fear of seasickness. Are you seasick?B:看上去大海很安静,可以不用担忧晕船了。你爱晕船吗? A: Yes, unfortunately. I”m very much subject to it.A:是的,不幸的是,我常常晕船。 B: I”m not a very good sailor, either. My mother is a dreadfully poor sailor. In fact, she never takes a voyage unless she has to.I am better than that, and even on the Pacific. after ten days of it,I can still find my sea legs. Well, happily we shall have a smooth passage today.B:我也有一点儿晕船。我母亲是最爱晕船的人。事实上,她不到万不得已时从来不坐船。我比她强点儿,甚至有一次在太平洋上航行十天后也几乎没怎么晕船。不过今日我们快乐的是,我们将有一个安静的航行。 A: Yes, this little boat gets up a fine speed, and I think we”ll soon get to the land.A:是的,这艘小船还真快。我想我们很快就能到陆地。 B: Yeah,I am of the same opinion.B:是啊,我也是这么想的。 其他常用英语口语表达 Onions Mau trees along rivers, together constitute a unique scenic.溪流两岸树木葱郁,构成一道独特的风景线。Take a boat.and you”ll be fascinated by the peaks along the river.坐船吧,你肯定会对沿河(两岸的风景)着迷的。The towns there are quiet,I can boat in the rivers enjoying the beautiful view on the banks.那儿的小镇很安静,我可以在河里划船,观赏两岸的风景。
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