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三年级英语期末模拟测试题姓名: 得分:听 力 部 分一、 Listen and number(听音标号 6分)train ( ) mouse( ) cold ( ) horse( ) animals( ) camel( ) 二、 Listen and tick (听一听,看一看,勾一勾 10分)1) -Have you got a toy car? 玩具车 猫 风筝 2)Can I have some English fast food, Mum? 米饭 面条 汉堡及薯条 3)What are you going to do on Sports Day? 跑步 跳高 跳远 4)What are you going to be? 出租车司机 火车司机 公共汽车司机 5)What are you doing? 骑自行车 听音乐 读书 三、 Listen and write (听一听,写一写,将听到的单词,填到横线上每空一分 共14分)1) Its_ for English People.2) This bird _ fly.3) Can _ have a drink,please? .4) Hes got a _ .5) There _ stone animals.6) Im going to be a _ .7) Im ging to swim in the .8) Have you got a ?9) Can I play with your game.笔试部分一、 Look and match (将单词与相对应的中文含义连线 10分)animal biscuit camel dragon boat fast food 高 生病的 胃痛 动物 饼干 骆驼 离开 龙舟 快餐 老鼠 get out high ill stomach ache mouse 二、 Look and choose(找出不同类的词,将序号填在前面的括号里20分)1) ( ) A. driver B. policeman C. teacher D. bus 2) ( ) A. fix B. see C. read D. hot 3) ( ) A. ruler B.room C. pencil D. book4) ( ) A. black B. red C. green D. draw 5) ( ) A. face B. nose C. mouth D. mouse6) ( ) A. classroom B. one C. ten D. eight7) ( ) A. run B. listen C. sleep D. bird8) ( ) A. hat B. cap C. shirt D. bear 9) ( ) A. monster B. dog C. pig D. cat10) ( ) A. headache B. stomach ache C. cool D. cough三、 Fill in the blanks (根据所给的问句,选择合适的答句 20分)1) ( )Can I have these biscuits? A. Yes , I can. B. Yes, you can.2) ( )Can I come in? A. Yes , please. B. Yes, it is.3) ( )Are you ill? A. Yes ,I am. B. No,I havent .4) ( )Have you got a test? A. Yes, I have . B. No, I dont.5) ( )Has he got a cough? A. Yes, I has. B. Yes, he has.6) ( )How many stone animals are there in the Ming Tombs? A. There is 24. B. There are 24.7) ( ) Can I have some juice? A. Yes, we have. B. Yes, you can.8) ( )What are you going to do on Saturday? A. Im going to watch TV. B. Im playing football.9) ( )What are you going to be ? A. Im going to be a doctor. B. Im a doctor.B.10) ( )How many boys are there?A. There are two boys. B. There are two boy.四、Unjumble the words and write(连词成句 10分)1) is going / to swim /Sam / in the sea_2) to get up / he / at 5 oclock / is going _3)you / a kite / have /got ?_4) am / I / to / drive / a / going / bus _5) your/ people / are/ in/ family / how many /there ?_四、 Read and choose(读一读,选一选 10分)Today Xiaohua cant go to school. She is ill. She has got a cold. She is at home. She can watch TV and have some drink. Li Ming is at home, too. He has got a headache. He is in bed. Lanlan is not going to school. She has got a cough. She can have a cake and some sweets.1)Who has got a headache?A. Xiaohua B. Lanlan C. Li Ming2)What can Xiaohua have?A. An ice cream B. Some sweets C. Some drink3)Who has got a cough?A. Lanlan B. Li Ming C. Xiaohua4)Can Lanlan go to school today?A. Yes, she can. B. No, she cant. C. Yes, he can.5) Is Li Ming at school?A. No, he isnt. B.Yes, he isnt. C. Yes, he is.
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