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姓名:_ 专业:_ 层次:_形式:_年级:_ No:WLX 装 订 线赤峰学院成人教育试卷旅游英语试题题号一二三四五六七八总分得分.TEXT COMPREHENSION The following comprehension questions are based on the texts you have learned, and each of them is provided with 4 choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best answer to each question and write it on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points, 1 point each)1.“One dollar and eighty-seven cents,”which O. Henry repeatedly mentions in Gifts of the Magi, is _. Athe money Della has been earning for months Bwhat Della has saved to buy herself a comb Cwhat Jim has given her for a Christmas present Dthe money Della has saved to buy Jim a present2.When the brothers discovered the secret love affair between Lisabetta and Lorenzo, they _. Adecided to wait for a chance to wipe away the shame Brestrained from taking action after long consideration Cimmediately put an end to it by killing Lorenzo and burying him in a remote place Dsecretly sent Lorenzo away on business without informing their sister of it3.Accoridng to The Pardoners Tale, the woman who gave the knight the right answer to the question disguised herself as a very old and ugly woman in order to . Aavoid being noticed by the Queen Btry out his goodness as a knight Cprevent the knight from finding the answer Dmake sure he was obedient to women4.“She (Mme. Loisel )seemed to have fallen from her proper situation in life as a woman of wealth, beauty, grace and charm.”This quotation from The Necklace simply means that _. Ashe had been a woman of wealth, beauty, grace and charm but now she was no longer what she used to be Bshe should have been a woman of wealth, beauty, grace and charm but her husband spoiled all her dreams Cshe felt as if a woman of wealth, beauty, grace and charm had fallen into an abyss(深渊)of bitter life Das a woman of wealth, beauty, grace and charm, she should have had a social position she deserved5.According to the story The Lost Gold Piece, when Lebeau refused to be searched,_. Ahis friends said nothing but walked out in anger Bthose present were all certain that Lebeau was a thief Cno one spoke to Lebeau though most of them felt pity for him Dhe felt as if the were a real criminal6.Aesop was a Greek writer who _. Awrote Snow White and many other stories about fairies and princes Bwrote many stories about animals that talked and behaved like humans Ccollected Greek legends and myths 2,500 years ago Dcollected European lyrics and folk songs in ancient Greece7.In The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calavers County, Smiley went off to the swamp to find a frog to serve as Daniels opponent for a jumping contest. While he was waiting for Smiley to return, the stranger took Daniel out of the box and _. Afed him a few teaspoons of whisky Bfed him a few teaspoons of sand Creplaced him by a good-looking frog Dran away with Smileys box and money8.In Art for Hearts Sake, after Ellsworth recovered from the disease, he made a surprising announcement that _. Ahe would run a big risk of buying the gallery Bhe was going to exhibit his painting in the summer show at the gallery Csome good paintings would be singled out for praise Dhe would comp up with a more promising financial plan9.According to How to Live like a Millionaire, the accumulation of wealth chiefly depends on _. Aself-discipline Binheritance Cintelligence Dluck10.The theme of Rip Van Winkle, a short story taken from The Sketch Book, is _. Athe value of individualism and intuitive perception Bthe human imagination to commune with nature Cthe nostalgia(怀旧)for the unrecoverable past Dthe praise for the individual and common man.READING COMPREHENSION In this part there are 4 reading passages followed by 20 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best answer and write it on the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points, 2 points each)Passage 1Queen Elizabeth IIs pronunciation of English has been infected by her subjects, Aussie scientists say.Phoneticists from Sydneys Macquarie University studied archive recordings of the Queens annual Christmas message to the Commonwealth from the 1950s to1980s, analyzing her Majestys vowels.They then compared those vowels with the standard accent of southern England, as used by female British broadcasters on the BBC in the 1980s, to see how the royal accent had changed.Their conclusion: the cut-glass speech of the early years of the Queens reign has becomehow shall we saysomewhat commoner over the years.That in itself subtly mirrors the chang
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