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七年级英语下学期Unit 4-6单元过关卷一、单项选择题。(15分)( )1. -_ does he father work? - In a restaurant. A. What does B. Where do C. Where do ( ) 2. The police catch(抓住) many _ every year.A. thievesB. thief C. thiefs( ) 3. - What do they do? -_.A. They are actors. B. They are Chinese. B. C. They like movies. ( ) 4. I _ my uniform every day. Its _ beautiful. A. wear , kinds B. wear, kind of C. in , kind of( 5. My friend works _ a hospital _ a doctor. A. at, in B. from , as C. in, as ( ) 6. Its four oclock in the afternoon. The boys _ in the pool.A. is swiming B. are swimming C.are swiming( ) 7. -_ are the students talking _? - A policeman. A. What, with B. Who, for C. Who, to( ) 8. Is Henry cleaning his room? A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he isnt. C. No, it isnt.( ) 9. -_ do you want to go to the movies? - At six oclock.A.WhatB. WhereC.When( ) 10. Julia often _ homework in the evening. A.doB. doesC. doing( ) 11. -Hows it _ ? -Great. A. go B. going C. goes( ) 12. Thank you for _ me. A. helping B. help C. helps( ) 13. In summer, Chengdu is very _. A. cool B. cold C. hot( ) 14. Its a _ day. Lets go out for a walk. A. raining B. sunny C. snowing( ) 15. -What are Joe and Jeff doing? -Joe is _ a book and Jeff is _ TV.A. reading , watching B. seeing , watching C. reading looking at 二、完形填空(15分)A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分)My cousin Betty is a smart girl. She is 14 years old, She 16 from Shanghai. She is 17 medium build and she has long black hair. There is a small nose and a small mouth on her round face. How 18 she is ! My cousin is good at all her 19 . She studies very hard and she 20 fails(失败) in any exams. She likes reading and she often goes to the 21 to read books on weekends.Betty has a happy 22 . Her mother is very kind. She 23 in a library in Shanghai. She also likes reading and she is good at 24 stories, She often writes stories 25 a magazine. Bettys father is a 26 . He is good to students. And all his students like 27 . The students always 28 my uncles family. Now some of the students are at the bus stop. My uncle 29 his car to meet them. They go along the Center Street 30 turn right at the second crossing. After ten minutes they will get home.( )16. A. is B. amC. are D.be( )17. A. atB. of C. in D. on ( )18. A. quickly B. slowly C. cute D. easily( )19. A. sports B. books C. friends D. subjects( )20. A. never B. sometimes C. alwaysD. often( )21. A. school B. bank C. shopD. library( )22. A. family B. time C. houseD. school( )23. A. calls B. cooks C. worksD. teaches( )24. A. askingB. telling C. sayingD. writing( )25. A. as B. on C. forD. with( )26. A. doctor B. Worke C.teacher D. policeman源( )27. A. her B. him C. it D. them( )28. A. visit B. missC. wishD. forgetx k b 1 . c o m( )29. A. rides B. takesC. finishesD. drives( )30. A. but B. and C. becauseD. so三、阅读理解(17*2=34分) A)请先阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题中所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其填到答题卷的相应位置。ADear Sam,What are you doing now? Im writing this letter in a hotel in the Alps(阿尔卑斯山脉). Now its summer vacation, so we can stay here for two weeks. Summer is usually very hot in Europe, but in the mountains, things aredifferent. There is always snow. My parents and my sister are with me. We are having a great time.The morning in the mountains is cold and windy, so we dont go out. We watch TV or play chess in the hotel. When the sun comes out and the weather is not so cold, we go out to play in the snow. There are many schools. They teach people how to ski(滑雪). My sister and I take classes in one of them. It is really fun!See you next month.( )31. Peter doesnt go out in the morning because _.A. it is cold and windy outside B. he doesnt like snowC. he likes to play chessD. it is hot outside( )32. The underlined word “different” means “_” in Chinese.A. 奇怪的 B. 不同的 C. 无关的 D. 相似的( )33. How do Peter and his sister learn to ski?A. Their parents teach them.B. Sam teaches them.C. They learn it in the hotel.D. They learn it in a school.( )34. What can we learn from the passage?A. Peter has a brother.B. People in Europe like summer.C. The summer in the Alps is not hot.D. Sam is living at his uncles home.BMy name is Panrit. I live in Samutprakarn. It is about thirty kilometers south of Bangkok,the ca
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