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2006年暑期英语词组整理(译林牛津版)英语模块三补充词组整理 Unit 1:1. a story-telling contest 讲故事竞赛2.read by touching letters in raised dots 通过触摸突起的圆点阅读3.with ones hand resting on ones arm 把手放在某人的胳膊上4.take my hand 拉住我的手5.an issue to be solved 要解决的问题6.in our daily lives 在我们的日常生活中7.the rest of the passengers 剩下的乘客8. come along 一同走 come out of 来自于9.reach out 伸出来10.carry a stick 握着一根棍子11.a certain time period 特定的时间段12.lose ones sense of taste 失去味觉13.smell pleasant smells 嗅一嗅好的味道14.feel stressed 感到有压力 stress the necessity 强调的必要性 under the stress of 为所迫,受到造成的压力 put/lay stress on/upon 重视,着重,给以压力 stress the importance of 强调的重要性15.at the North Pole 在北极16.in scientific study 在科学研究中17.have high blood pressure 血压高18.spoil sth. on 泼在某物上19.get to ones destination 到达目的地20.the study has proved 研究证明21.in disbelief 不信任的22.for the sake of 为了的利益23.in the name of 以的名义24.for fear of (that)/in case of 唯恐 fear for/be worried about 为担心25.a firm faith 坚定的信念26.more than 不仅仅27.in some cases 在一些情况下 in no case 决不 in any case 在任何情况下28.clear up 整理,(天气)放晴29.have sth. to do with 与有关30.have sth. in common (with) 和有共同之处31.keep step with 与保持一致32.stare straight at 直直地盯着33.observe the law 遵守法律34.come to ones senses 醒悟过来35.in a fog 糊里糊涂的36.under the cover of 在的掩盖下37.once again 再一次 once in a while 偶尔,有时 all at once 突然38.in truth 实际上39.glance over 浏览,粗略的看glance around/about/round 环视at the first glance=at first sight 乍一看40.by sight 根据相貌 catch sight of 看见,发现41.set about 着手,开始 set out 出发,开始 set/write down 记下,放下42.glare at 怒目而视43.understand sb. doing sth. 理解某人做某事44.be popular with 受到的欢迎45.reduce sb. to do sth. 让某人沦落到地步46.nature resources 自然资源47.Just ignore them 不要把它当回事48.stick to 坚持stick out 伸出stick in 卡在某处49.turn round 转过身来50.at a distance of=in the distance 在远处51.tend to do sth. 倾向于做52.three times the size of 比大两倍53.pay up 全部付清,按时付款 pay in 把钱存入(银行), 把钱存入(特别帐户) pay off 还清(债务,欠款等),成功54.a sense of humour/safety/beauty 幽默感/安全感/美感55.at (the) sight of 一看见 catch/get/have (a) sight of 看见,发现 in/within sight 被看到,在视线内 out of sight 不被看见, 在视线之外out of sight of 在看不见的地方in/within sight of 在看得见的地方56.beyond the reach of sb.=out of the reach of sb. 某人手够不到的地方 within the reach of sb 某人手够到的地方 reach for 伸手去拿 reach out for 设法抓住(拿到) reach to (声音)延伸到57.watch it 当心,小心 watch over 照看,看守58.pay in 缴纳 pay into 把(钱)存在(银行) pay down 付现款 pay up 付清,缴清 pay off 回报,成功,还清(债款),付清工资解雇,报复,惩罚 pay sb. off 付清工资解雇59.out of ones mind=be crazy (mad) 发狂,发疯 out of mind 心不在焉60.two related question 两个相关的问题 in relation to 与有关的61.gather data 搜集资料62.link A with B/link A and B 将A和B连接/联系起来 link up(with sb./sth.) 连接,结合 a/the missing link 所缺的一环 link all the new towns 连接所有的新城镇 cultural links 文化联系 keep close links with the masses 密切联系群众link (up) with=connect with 与相连接(水域)相通 (车辆,道路,交通)相连拓展: join(to) 直接相连(两个以上的东西)adjoin to 与毗邻63.burst into + n. 突然64.have the/an/little/no opportunity of doing(to do) 有/(几乎)没有机会做某事 take /seize/get the opportunity of doing(to do) 抓住机会做某事65.at the latest 最迟 the former the latter 前者后者66.find oneself doing sth./find oneself in (不知不觉地)发现自己在做/处于 67.more of chance 多一次机会68.experiment after experiment 一个接一个的实验69.cant help to do sth. 不能帮助做某事70.be well received 很受欢迎71.Never slept better 睡得非常好72.break the l
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