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Unit 3 Our animal friends(Period1 Story time)一、教学目标a.知识目标1.能听懂、会读、会说单词arm, body, foot, leg , tail, wing.2.能听懂、会读、会说、会初步运用句型I have They haveIt has来描述人物或动物特征。b.能力目标 1.培养学生阅读能力及阅读技巧。2.能正确理解文本,并能灵活运用本课句型描述自己的朋友。c.情感态度目标1.引导学生观察比较,大胆开口说英语的能力。2.引导学生关爱身边的动物朋友,构建人和动物和谐共处的生态环境。二、教学重点1. 能正确理解文本,并能流畅地朗读与表述。2. 掌握文中的重点句型I have They haveIt has,并运用于实际生活当中。三、教学难点正确理解句型:One is red and the other is black. They have no legs or arms.并能尝试运用。四、教学准备 板书 , PPT ,卡通人物头饰,动物图片五、教学过程Pre-reading(阅读前)Step1. warm upSing a song:“Head, shoulders, keens and toes ”.【课前歌曲热身,激发兴趣。】Step2. GreetingsStep3.Free talkT: Today Im your new English teacher. Look at me!S: T: Thank you. I have black hair. I have big eyes and a small mouth. What about you?S: 【读前渗透,引导学生运用目标语言进行自我描述。】T: Do you want to know something more about me? Look at the screen.My name isI can .I like .My animal friend is . T: What can I do? Look and guess!S: Can you? T:T: What colour do I like?S: Do you like? T:I have an animal friend. It has big eyes and a big body. It has no legs or arms, but it has big tail. It can swim.T: Whats my animal friend? Lets read and guess!Present the new words: animal, body, leg, arm, tail.【形式多样的猜测游戏,渗透文本内容,用身体语言帮助学生初步感知目标词汇】S:Is it a? T: My animal friend is fish. Today well learn Unit 3 Our animal friends.While-reading(阅读中)Step4. Story timea. Listen and tickT: My animal friend is fish. Look at these children: Nancy, Liu Tao, Mike and Su Hai. They have animal friends, too. What are they? Lets listen and tick.b. Read and matchT: Open your book and read the story, then try to match the pictures.T/S: Nancy has two fish. Liu Tao has a rabbit. Mike has a dog. Su Hai has a parrot.【初读感知,理解文本大意。】c. Listen and repeatPresent the new words: foot, wing.Present the new sentences: One is red and the other is black. They have no legs or arms.【朗读指导,试着放手让学生自己朗读。】d. Think and writeT:Read the story again, then fill the blanks.【深度阅读,练习反馈 ,进一步加深学生对文本内容的理解。】Post-reading(阅读后)Step5. ProductionT:Do you have any animal friends? Try to say something about them. Please practise in pairs.S:T:Now, lets play a game: Listen and guess. Who can try?S:【读后输出,引导学生运用目标语言描述自己的动物朋友,其他学生听描述猜测动物。】Step6.Ticking time1.I can understand the story.2.I can read the story.3.I can introduce my animal friends. 【学生自我评价,明确努力方向。】Step7. SummaryT:Animals are our good friends. Love them! Protect them!【情感升华,引导学生关爱身边的动物朋友,构建人和动物和谐共处的生态环境。】Step8. Homework1. Listen and repeat the story.2. Say something about your animal friends, then try to write them.板书设计Su Hai 图片Liu Tao图片Nancy 图片Mike图片a parrota dogtwo fisha rabbit big eyes big ears long ears a big mouthbig bodies a short tail a short tail a long tailbig tail two legs
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