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高一英语牛津英语模块1;Unit1学案高一英语讲学案m1u1根底学问过关测试 period 12一、依据提示及句子里的其它信息完成句子,每空一词。(每空0.5分,共30分)1. i usually get up an hour later _ _比平常.2. going hiking must be _ _ _激烈人心的阅历.3. i dont know the girl who is sitting _ _旁边me.4. the best way _ _ _ well学好英语is to practise it every day.5. the _ _ 平均年龄of the students in my class is 15.6. _ was hard _ the children to go to school.以前孩子们上学困难7. i think your english is _进步.8. its no good spending too much time _ _ _上网.9. in some countries children go to school _ _免费.10.i dont think it right to _放弃 the subjects youre not interested _.11.we often _ 放松ourselves by listening to music.12.could you tell me _ your school life _ _学校生活怎么样?13.the workers demanded an i_ answer立刻答复.14.she didnt pay any _ to _ i said留意我说的话.15.to _ high _ 取得好成果is not the only reason _ we study.16.to remember so many words in such a short time is really _ _ me.对我来说具有挑战性17.he e_赢得his place in the team by training hard.18.she is such a person _ is hard _ _难以取悦.19.after _ _毕业university, he once worked as a newspaper reporter.20._ finishing his studies一完成学业, he started traveling in china.21.it is urgent that we _ food and clothing _ the sufferers捐赠.22.i asked the headmaster if music could be played during break time and he _批准the idea.23.the school radio often play the songs _ _ _学生唱的.24.this is the most interesting book that i _ _读过的.25.i _ to _缺憾地通知you that the sports meeting will have to be put offbecause of the rain.26.i am happy _ my new dress, because it is not only _时尚but also inexpensive.27.all students are r_ 要求to attend school assembly _ monday mornings.28.how we look is not _ important as _ we learn at school.29.some of us prefer宠爱staying in the classroom _不宠爱 doing sports.30.i enjoy _ _课外活动 and i am glad that they might also help me get into a good college.二、选择最正确答案填入空格处每题1分,共35分1. living _ for long will make you interested in nothing serious.a. in ease b. at ease c. with ease d. for ease2. the lesson we learn yesterday was difficult _.a. to understand b. to be understood c. we understood d. understanding3. the little bird missed _ and flew away. a. shooting b. being shot c. to shoot d. to be shot 4. _ the day went on, the weather got worse. a. with b. since c. as d. for 5. when you leave the room, make sure _.a. you lock the door b. that lock the door c. of lock the door d. to locking the door6. _ he comes or not, ill keep a seat for you.a. if b. whether c. when d. no matter7. the little girl would like _ to the theatre. a. to take b. taking c. to be taken d. being taken 8. -would you like to _ my birthday party this saturday? -sorry, i have an important meeting to _. a. attend/join b. take part /attend c. attend/join d. attend /attend 9. the place has _ from a fishing port into a tourist center. a. increased b. discovered c. developed d. improved 10. attention must be paid _ and spoken english.a. to listen b. listen c. to listening d. for listening11. these tickets are _. the film company gave hem away to us _. a. for free/free b. free/freely c. free/for free d. free of charge/free 12. weve always deeply _ selling the farm. a. regretted b. missed c. worried d. doubted 13. -whats that terrible noise? -the neighbors _ for a party. a. have prepared b. are preparing c. prepare d. will prepare 14. -she seems a _ waitress. -yes, each of us always feels _ with her good manners and service. a. pleased/pleased b. pleasant/pleasant c. pleased/pleasant d. pleasant/pleased15. the boys each _ they came first in the race.a. say b. says c. are said that d. is said that16. his health requires that he _ early. a. should go to bed b. goes to bed c. will go to bed d. go to the bed 17. in 1960, this was the longest bridge that _. a. was ever built b. had ever built c. has ever been built d. had ever been built 18. what surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it. a. the way b. in the way that c. in the way d. the way which 19. -do you regret having left your first job? -why should i? i _ as much, but i enjoy more of it. a. didnt earn b. dont earn c.
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