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新目标英语九年级第十二单元测试题智力平台(WRITING PART) 95%II. 过关斩将。 15%( ) 1. - Will you come to the dinner party? - I will not come until Jenny _. A. will be invited B. can be invited C. invited D. is invited ( ) 2. John _ Beijing the day before yesterday. A. arrived at B. arrived C. reached to D. arrived in ( ) 3.In Switzerland, people _ visit a friends house. A. make plans B. make plans to C. makes plans to D. make a plan ( ) 4. Its too hot. Do you mind _ the window? A. my closing B. my opening C. open D. close ( ) 5.She _Shanghai next week. A. is leaving for B. leaves for C. leaved D. left ( ) 6.What are you nervous _, Mary? A. in B. at C. on D. about ( ) 7.We go to school every day _ Saturday and Sunday. A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for ( ) 8.Yang Liwei is proud _ his motherland. A. in B. of C. from D. for ( ) 9. I find _ difficult to remember everything, though Im still young. A. that B. this C. it D. what ( )10.He _ at the last party. He felt sorry for it.A. makes some mistakes B. make a mistake C. made few mistakes D. made many mistakes( )11. -Is it easy for people from different countries to greet each other? - I dont think so. Because different countries have different _.A. clothes B. food C. way D. customs( )12. - What _ you _ to your teacher if you are not on time? - I think we do the same as you do.A. do, tell B. do, say C. will, say D. will, tell( )13. Linda is new here. But she soon _ getting up early.A. get used to B. is used to C. used to D. uses to( )14. What is an “abbreviation” in the following words? _A. CU. B. BTW. C. CUL8r. D. How R U?( )15. You can _ how different the table manners here are from ours.A. imagine B. meet C. look D. listenIII. 火眼金睛。15%Once an Arab was travelling in the desert. When the sun went down in the west, he stopped and 1 his tent, made a fire and had a simple meal. When night fell, he 2 down to sleep. He had already fallen aslep when he felt a soft 3 on his elbow. He woke up to find that his camel had put his head inside the tent. The camel said, “Would you pleas let me 4 my head in the tent to get warm Its so cold outside. I wont take up too much 5 .The Arab was a kind-hearted man. “All right, do as you 6 ,” he said. Then he turned on his side and back to sleep.It wasnt long 7 he felt a push on his shoulder. It was the camel again. “Dear master,” the camel said, “ my head is quite warm now, but my neck is still cold. Do you mind 8 I keep it inside the tent, too?”“No, not at all,” the man said. But this time he felt a bit 9 , as the camel had such a long neck.No sooner had cloesed his eyes 10 he got a harder push in his side. This time the camel said, “Will you please allow me to bring my front legs inside and warm them up a little?”The Arab 11 over to one side of the tent. He made himself as small as he could. It wasnt 12 cofortable, and sleep was now out of the question.Soon after that the camel gave him a rough push and said, “The tent is too small for the two of us. 13 , my two back legs are still left in the cold. It is only 14 that you should leave the whole tent to me.”And with that, the camel 15 the poor man out.( )1. A. builtB. madeC. put upD. set( )2. A. laidB. layC. liedD. went( )3. A. touchB. beatC. kickD. bite( )4. A. holdB. placeC. keepD. reach( )5. A. placeB. tentC. roomD. blanket( )6. A. pleaseB. alikeC. are likeD. want( )7. A. afterB. beforeC. sinceD. then( )8. A. whetherB. asC. thatD.if( )9. A. crowdedB. comfortableC. warmerD. narrower( )10. A. thanB. thenC. whenD. after( )11. A. wentB. walkedC. climbedD. moved( )12. A. veryB. muchC. a bitD. a little( )13. A.ExceptB. BesidesC. After allD. But( )14. A.badB. wrongC. sorryD. right( )15. A.pulledB. touchedC. kickedD. letIV.智力冲浪。30%(C、D篇各%)(A)Tony: These days, the word “clone” has been seen very often in the newspapers. Do you know its meaning?Lana: I read a report. It said that Dr. Ian Wilmut successfully cloned a lamb named Dolly from a grown-up sheep. So people call him the “father” of Dolly.Tony: In fact, the word “clone” means to produce the “same” animal by taking cells from a grown-up one. I think, if we know how to do cloning, we need only to keep a small number of sheep, cows or horses.Lana: Whats more, these days some people even want to clone humans. They have asked: Can we clone ourselves?Tony: It seems interesting. But do you think it possible to do that?Lana: No, impossib
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