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PPP项目中商业银行的风险管控研究 PPP(Public-Private Partnership,公私合营)作为一种新型项目融资模式,可以在很大程度上推动基础设施建设,随着我国经济的迅速发展与人民物质文化需求的日益提高,PPP模式得到了政府、私人部门、学者等的极大关注,有着广阔的发展前景。PPP模式下的融资方案中,资金的主要来源依旧是商业银行贷款,但是我国商业银行参与PPP处于起步阶段,虽有成功案例,但发展冷热不均,PPP项目融资模式本身所固有的特殊性及复杂性使得不少商业银行对其可能产生的风险持保留态度,所以整体上看,商业银行参与PPP项目不温不火,从而难以将PPP项目的优势最大程度的发挥,基于此,文章对PPP项目中商业银行的风险进行剖析,并提出相关意见。本文的主体结构安排如下:第一章绪论部分,对本文的研究背景、意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法及内容、研究创新与不足进行了论述,第二章对PPP、风险、风险分担等概念及相关理论进行说明,第三章是PPP项目中商业银行存在的五大风险及成因,主要为财务风险、融资法律风险、政府信用风险、项目甄别风险与周期风险。第四章为PPP项目中如何进行风险识别与风险分担,并以部分国内PPP项目失败案例为对象进行分析。第五章为陕西商业银行参与PPP项目情况的调查和分析,从陕西商业银行参与PPP项目的具体措施、对PPP项目的态度、储签约情况及融资意向等方面全方位的探究。第六章针对前文所出现的问题提出了PPP项目中商业银行的风险管控措施。本文取得如下主要研究结论:首先,本文对PPP项目中商业银行存在的风险及成因进行分析,从财务风险、融资法律风险、政府信用风险、项目甄别风险和周期风险几大方面进行分析,发现只有对商业银行的风险进行分担并在建立风险分担模型的基础上进行风险管控,才能规避一些商业风险,使商业银行更好的参与PPP项目。其次,对陕西商业银行参与PPP项目情况的调查得出如下结论:陕西商业银行参与PPP项目的具体措施上主要为制定信贷政策、组织业务培训、出台项目融资指引,所占比例分别为73%、10%、17%;陕西商业银行对PPP项目的态度上持支持态度的为67%,持观望态度的为33%,但持支持态度的商业银行中,仅有46%的商业银行参与了PPP项目;陕西商业银行PPP项目储备情况为63%的商业银行与陕西省的PPP试点项目进行了接洽,41%的商业银行开展了PPP项目储备,共有储备项目56个;陕西商业银行PPP储备项目行业分布情况为城镇供水供热、垃圾污水处理、公共交通领域比较集中,56个储备项目中35%为市政基础设施项目,32%位交通基础建设项目;陕西商业银行PPP项目签约情况并不令人十分满意,由于PPP项目本身复杂的特点,商业银行大多谨慎签约,导致签约率比较低,56个储备项目中,已经签约的只有6个,仅占10%左右;陕西商业银行参与PPP项目融资的意向利率比基准利率略高,约在6%8%之间。着眼于参与PPP商业银行的风险防范及管控本文提出以下建议:建立商业银行的风险分担模型,在风险分担、控制模型的基础上实施商业银行的管控措施,如重视贷前管理、完善PPP项目贷款协议、充分利用银行风险管理信息系统等措施。关键词:PPP项目;商业银行;风险管控;风险分担IAbstractPPP (Public-Private Partnership, public-private partnership) project as a new financing model, can largely promote infrastructure construction,With the rapid development of Chinas economy and peoples increasing material and cultural needs, PPP mode by the government, the private sector and academics of great concern, there are broad prospects for development. Financing scheme PPP mode, the main source of funds is still a commercial bank loan, but Chinas commercial banks to participate in PPP in its infancy, despite the success stories, but the development Enthusiasm, PPP Project Financing inherent particularity risk and complexity make many commercial banks may have their reservations about, so the whole, the commercial banks to participate in PPP projects tepid, making it difficult to maximize the advantages of PPP projects play, based on this, the article PPP project risk commercial banks to analyze and make relevant comments.The main structure of the paper is organized as follows:Chapter 1, of the research background, significance, research status, research methods and content, lack of innovation and research were discussed, the second chapter of the PPP, risk, risk-sharing concepts and theories will be explained, the third chapter is five risks and causes of PPP projects in the commercial banks, mainly for financial risk, legal risk financing, government credit risk, project risk screening and periodic risk. The fourth chapter PPP project how risk identification and risk sharing, and some domestic PPP project failure case analysis for the object. Chapter Shaanxi commercial banks involved in the investigation and analysis of the situation of PPP projects, PPP project specific measures to participate in Shaanxi from commercial banks, to explore the full range of attitudes towards PPP projects contracted storage conditions and financing of such areas. Chapter VI hereinbefore for the problems proposed PPP project of commercial banks risk control measures.This article made the following main conclusions:Firstly, the risks and causes of PPP projects in the commercial banks were analyzed from a financial risk, financial legal risk, government credit risk, project screening risk and periodic risk several aspects were analyzed and found only on the risk of commercial banks conducted share on the basis of the establishment of risk-sharing model for risk management and control, in order to avoid some of the commercial risk, so that commercial banks to better participate in PPP projects.Secondly, the survey of commercial banks to participate in PPP projects in Shaanxi case the following conclusions:Mainly for the development of specific measures for commercial banks to participate in Shaanxi PPP project credit policies, business training organization, the introduction of project financing guidelines, the proportion was 73%, 10%, 17%; Shaanxi commercial banks on the supportive attitude of PPP projects attitude 67%, on the sidelines of the 33%, but supportive of the commercial banks, only 46% of the commercial banks involved in PPP projects; commercial bank reserve of Shaanxi PPP projects 63% of commercial banks and Shaanxi PPP pilot project provinces were approached, 41% of commercial banks to carry out PPP projects reserves, total reserves of the project 56; Shaanxi commercial bank reserves PPP project for the urban water supply sector distribution of heating, waste water treatment, public transportation more concentrated 56 reserve projects in 35% of municipal infrastructure projects, 32% of bit transport i
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