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( ) 1.Mor thana onth _ nche freignrendcame heeA.hpase . hvepsed C hs t D. have pas ( )2. Noody ecpt r Zha n hi hlre _ o Lodon befor .have been ha bee C hae gone D. as gone( ) If y_ see hertoro, pleaskher ifhe_ to work he arm with s.A. Se,goes . wi,goes . wil ee,will go D.See, wl go ( ) 4 Theoplation of te USA i much smllr han _ f China.A. n B. those C it D. that ( ) 5. Th radio i to hardCoud opease _ it tur, u B.u, dow tun,nD. turn, ff ( ) 6. Haskd_ durig te wintr olidas.here I hadgo . whereI ha be . . erehad gne D. here hd I been ( ) 7. I gessshtut hersel Japans, dn B.did se C. doI D. didnt se ( ).Te picreshave been n shwfor_hour and _ hal. n, an B. a, C an, D. a,a ( )9. Tere are so an ids f CD players in the hop that I cant makeu y min _ o buy . what . how C whch D. were ( )10.- Woul you like somecffee- Yes, les. By the wy, do yo hve ay milk Iprefe cofe _ lk. A. fm B. wit .to . fo ( )11 Thi bo _cysook!Hr name s on te ookmay b B. cant e C. mst e . must be ( )12 Thwoan _ he child qukl an took him toospital. A. pon B. ress C. had on D. was eng ( )13. We going to have _ holiday nx nh.a two weeks B.w eek C. twowek D. t ees( )1. If yu donkh word, u may _in thdictionary.A. ok it up B. okup it C.ok fo it D. lo or( )5. The oatsaedifferent ize. A.fom . B of C.b D. in( )6. -Do youhave enougmenocar thes rs - No,I tik we need nnohe twohr C more two D twomore( )17.In ur class_ of he sents_grlsthre fths ,are B thre ft, are C. thre ffts, i D. three ifth, i( )1.This kn of rt ls _ an lls _.nice ,wl .nic o C. wel, el D.good, nice( )1. Du kn _ ovrtherwha hpns B. wha ashappnd C whais hppein D wat dhappe( )20 M watch doen wk el, I on _ torrohave rpaed B. to reair C ave itrpr D. aveitrepir( )21.-Do yu nd my tan ti plac - _. t for r. SmtNot at l B., lase C. Ye, of cuse no . Better nt ( )22. h abs _by m last ihmadlaugh .mad ry . makinlugh D.ade olaugh( )2. Sheaskeda ffindto her hme r spper, _ he B. hsnt C. has D.isn( )2. Th numbeoth studns _growin.i, lae ad arger s m an moe C.are, oe ndoe D are larger ad larer( )5 odo _the teachr ells yu isimportan. A tht . hat C which D. how( )26. - She didntcoe tshool steday,did sh - _, thg she wasnot feelgvery wll. A o,se dt B Yes,she didnt o,he did Yes, se di( )27 Theyare _ little chilen that they cant crry te heav bohelf. . o B.sc C.quit D.avery ( )2 L t he nur 2,5, 11, , and 95 Whatwilb theext nbr. A 91 B127 C 18 D 76 ( )9 Is it reallyrue _ Mr Black will goback to Eland soon a ldy? A tat B whethr C wn ho ( )0. The trn ha lef _we t to thsttio. A. befr ong B. ong before C.before D. ao
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