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Unit1 Cultural relicsWords and expressions1. survive1) vi 继续生存或存在Many strange customs have survived from earlier time.2) vt 经历某遭遇后幸存 survive sth.Few buildings survived the earthquake.3) vt 比某人活得长 survive sb.The man survived his sister by three years.2. in search of sb./sth 寻找 在句中作目的状语或表语He was in search of an old friend.They went out in search of food.in the/ones search for sb./sth. 寻找Many people joined them in the search for gold.search sb./spl for sthFirefighters searched the buildings for survivors.3. amaze surpriseIt amazed her that he could be so calm at such a time.amazed 感到吃惊的She was amazed at how calm she felt after the accident.amazing 令人吃惊的The amazing thing is that it was kept secret for so long.4. designShe came to London in 1960 to study fashion design.The experiment is designed to test the new drug.This room is designed for the children.This is designed as a present for my daughter.We have designed building/ to build a park here.by design on purpose故意地by accident by chance 意外地Do you think the building was burnt down by accident or design?5. fancy vt 爱好,想象(语气较随意) imagineI fancy a swim.Dont fancy that you can succeed without hard work.I cant fancy his doing such a thing.My new roommate has a lot of fancy clothes. (adj. 别致的,装饰花哨的,奇特的)6. decorate decorate with sthWe decorated the house with some pictures.译:墙上装饰有几幅画。误:Some pictures were decorated on the wall.正:The wall was decorated with some pictures.7. belong toThe case doesnt belong to me.I dont know to which team he belongs.译:这辆自行车是我的。误:This bike is belonged to me.正:This bike belongs to mebelong无被动语态;不可用于进行时态。8. in returnin return for 作为对的报答,以答谢I wish I could do something for you in return.You gave me your watch and in return I gave you my book.He bought her a gold watch in return for her help.9. at war介词at可表示状态或动作: at peace at breakfast at table at work at school 10. remove1) 搬开,拿开,移动He removed the mud from his shoes.Remove the vase from the table.2)去掉,消除His name was removed from the list.3) 脱掉 = take offHe refused to remove his shoes.4) 搬家,迁移 = moveThey removed/moved into the new house.11. less thanI used to earn less than a pound a week when I first started work.The whole house went up in smoke in less than an hour.less.than 较小的/地,较少的/地;不如My husband worries about things less than I do.Getting out of bed in summer is less difficult than in winter.no less than 不少于;多达 The hamburgers should contain no less than 50% meat.He drank no less than ten bottles of beer.12. doubtThere is no doubt that / There is no doubt about sth. 毫无疑问There is no doubt that he will come back.Your life is in danger. There is no doubt about it.have no doubt that/ have no doubt about sth. 毫无疑问I have no doubt that you deserve it.have doubt whether(不可用if)怀疑是否she had some doubts whether he would come.I doubt whether/if怀疑I doubt whether/if its true.I dont doubt that确信I dont doubt that you are honest.without doubt 毫无疑问地13. worthThese are books of real worth. 名词(价值)be worth sth. / doing sth. 值.;值得(做.)This necklace is worth 1,000 US dollars.The exhibition is worth a visit.That novel is not worth reading.It isnt worth much.This idea is well worth considering.14. aparttake apart 拆开The boy took the watch apart to see how it ran.tell apart 把区别开I cant tell the twins apart.Lay/put/set apart (for) (为)留下,存下She put some money apart for sickness.apart from 除了 = besides / exceptApart from the price, the dress doesnt suit me.Apart from music, he is interested in anything.15. explode vi.The bomb exploded.The frework exploded in his hand.explode用于炸弹等“爆炸”;blow up用来指人(用炸药去)“炸毁”楼房等物体They had planned to blow up the bridge but their bombs failed to explode.16. sink sunk, sunken是两种过去分词,作定语用sunken(沉没的)a sunken ship 沉船sink into 陷入,沉到里Dont let yourself sink into sadness.He entered and sank into a chair.17. think highly of = think much/well ofthink ill/poorly/badly of 认为不好speak highly of 高度评价speak well/ill of说的好/ 坏话He was not well thought of by his boss.We all think ill of the film.All the teachers speak highly of him.Its no good speaking ill of others. 18. debate debate sth. with sb. debate on/about/over sth. a warm / heated debateI dont want to debate it with you.We debated on the question till late into the night.They debated the question openly.Were debating whether or not to go skiing this winter. (思考,盘算)A debate about safety is taking place in schools everywhere.the debate on the environmentThe issue is still under debate.Unit1 Language pointsreading1. Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.1) could not/never have done 是对过去所发生事情的否定推测She coul
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