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最新教学资料人教版英语第 课时课题名称时间第 周 星期课型Revision主备课人目标1. Go over useful words and expressions of this unit by summing up the importance2. Review the grammar: the rules of the Infinitive.重点1. Master these useful words and expressions2 Do a cloze in class and study some words and expressions in the cloze.我的问题难点cloze自主学习sum up the whole unit by themselves according to the requirements:1. Write down what you have learned about “living well”. 2.From this unit you have also learned : Useful verbs : Useful nouns: Useful adjectives: Useful expressions: A new grammar item: 精讲互动 And sometimes things happen to you may seem 38 , painful and unfair at first, but 39 you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, will or heart. Everything happens 40 . Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness,injury,love and success all take place to test the 41 of your soul. Without these small tests, 42 they may be, life would be like a smooth, straight road to 43 . It would be 44. but dull and completely pointless. The people you meet who 45 your life, and the success and the downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you become. 46 the bad experiences can be learnt from. In fact they are 47 the most important ones. If someone hurts you or breaks your heart, 48 them,for they have 49 you learn about trust and the importance of being careful 50 you open your heart. If people give you love,love them back, 51 because they love you, but also be- cause 52 ,they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things. Make everyday 53 . Appreciate every moment and 54 those moments everything that you possibly can,for you may never be able to experience it again. Tell yourself you are 55 and beheve in yourself,for if you dont believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you. 36. A. must B. should C. may D. will 37. A. in fact B. for sure C. about D. of course 38. A. horrible B. surprising C. interesting D. enjoyable 39. A. in thought B. as a result C. at once D. as usual 40. A. for certain B. here and there C. now and then D. for a reason 41. A. thoughts B. abilities C. limits D. strength 42. A. whichever B. how C. what D. whatever 43.A.everywhere B.nowhere C. somewhere D.anywhere 44. A. safe and comfortable B. simple and meaningless C. interesting and colorful D. joyful and successful 45. A. change B. influence C. share D. interest 46. A. But B. However C. Meanwhile D. Even 47. A. probably B. possibly C. likely D. certainly 48. A. praise B. encourage C. forgive D. fight 49. A. caused B. helped C. let D. made 50. A. since B. until C. when D. unless 51. A. not B. obviously C. certainly D. not only 52. A. as a matter of fact B. in a way C. in general D. in this way53. A. easy B. pass C. simple D. count54. A. take from B. enjoy C. do in D. try 55. A. lucky B. successful C. great D. brave作业小结1. 总结文章所涉及的语言点及典型句型。重点单词: 重点短语: 典型句型: 2. 写出文章的题材和体裁。
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