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课 时 计 划 年 月 日课题名称Unit 5 What would you like?A Lets learn课时 第1课时教学目标1. Ss can understand, say and read the new words: Rice, fish, beef, soup, noodles, vegetables.2. Ss can order food with the sentence pattern: Can I have some.and, please? Sure. Here you are.重点难点Words& sentencesThe pronunciation of vegetables教学准备Flash cards, pictures, tape, tape recorder教学过程一. Warm up1. Song: What would you like?2. Brain stormingT: We have learned some words about food, fruit and drinks. For example, hot dogs, apples and tea. Can you tell me more words About this. Ss compete to think and say words they learned. T shows the words and read them together.二. Presentation & Practice 1. T: Now lets play a guessing game. Ok? They are very long. T show a question mark cover over the flashcard And ask:” Whats this?” Ss: Noodles. Read after T. Ss read together. Ask 4 more Ss to read it. 2. T: I am small. Im white. Who am I? Ss: rice. T show flashcards and read after T. Ss read together. Ask Ss To read it. Ss say: Can I have some rice, please? And drive the Train to pass the card. 3. T: Cats like me. I can swim. Who am I? Ss: Fish. Read after T. Ask 4 Ss to read it. 4. T: Im green. Who am I? T shows the flash cards to teach the word, vegetable. Guess a riddle: What table grows in the field? Pass the card and say: Have some vegetables. 5. T show cards and teach the two words: soup and beef. Do you like? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 6. Review all the six new words. Match the words with the pictures. Ss open books, T plays the tape, Ss read after it twice. TS, SS. Pair-work A: Can I have someand ., please? B: Sure. Here you are.三. Homework 1. Listen and read P 58-P61 15 minutes. 2. Copy book 2 pages.板书设计 Unit 5 A Lets learn A: Can I have some, please? Do you like.? B: Sure. Here you are. Yes, I do No, I dont.MenuFood fruits drinksBread apples water 课 时 计 划 年 月 日课题名称 Unit 5 A Lets talk课时 第2课时教学目标1. Ss can understand, say and read the sentences: What would you like for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? Id like some2. Ss can understand and read the sentences: Everythings ready. Wow! What a big breakfast/lunch/dinner.3. Ss can understand and read the dialogue in P59重点难点 Sentences: What would you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner? Id like someand. Wait and see. Whats for dinner? Everythings ready.教学准备Flash cards, pictures, cards, tape, tape recorder.教学过程一. Warm up1. Song: What would you like?2. T show words cards, ask Ss to read them. Then stick the words on the Board. Ss read the words together.3. T: Can I have some., please? S1: Sure, here you are. Ss do pair-work. Present the dialogue.二. Presentation & Practice1. T: Who want to be the waiter, too? T: Can I have some, please? T continues to order the food with: Id like some., please. S2: Sure. Here you are. T teaches the sentence: Id like some., please. Read after T. Ss read together. Ask Ss to read it.Ask Ss to order food with: Id like some, please.T: Id like some A and B, please. Id like some A, B and C, please.Ask Ss to order food like this.2. A: What would you like for lunch/ dinner? B: Id like some T draw two clocks. One is twelve oclock. One is six oclock in the Evening. T: Its 12 oclock. Im hungry.T asks one student. Id like some. What would you like? S3: Id like some T teaches the sentence: What would you like? Read after T. Ask Ss to read it. Drive the train to ask and answer. Ss do pair-work. Present the dialogue. 三. Lets read1. Ss open books and turn to P59. Listen and answer the questions. 1. What would Mike like for dinner? 2. What would Mikes mother like for dinner? 3. What does wait and see means? A. 等等看 B. 你自己知道的 4. What does everythings reading means? A. 一切都准备好了。 B. 还没有准备好 Ss answer the questions, T check the answers.2. T play the tape twice, asks Ss to read after it twice. Ss do self-reading. Groups, role-reading.四. Homework 1. Listen and read P59 5 times. 2. Workbook 板书设计 Unit 5 What would you like? A Lets talkA: What would you like for lunch/dinner?B: Id like someand . 课 时 计 划 年 月 日课题名称 Unit 5 A Read and write课时 第3课时教学目标1. Ss can read and spell the words: bread, milk, water, egg.2. Ss can ask partners what they would like for breakfast and answer.3. Finish the exercise on P60.4. Finish the exercise on workbook.重点难点Spell the words: brea
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