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Unit4 January is the first month.Lesson22执教单位研组: 英语组 课型:_ 时间:_学生信息表:班级:六年级 姓名: 小组:学习目标重点难点知识与技能目标:1. 在语境中用句子,在句子中用词语,通过在具体语境中的集中练习和运用,强化和巩固上节课所学的核心语言。2. 结合阅读内容进行口头交流。过程与方法目标:通过合作探究,复习月份的序数词表达。情感态度与价值观:在语境中用句子,在句子中用词语。学习重点:本课要求正确听、说、认读的单词有:Tree Planting Day, Easter.学习难点:本课要求正确听、说、读、写的单词有:March, April, Tree, glass, stop, egg.学啥我知情课前预习:本课要求听、说、认读的句子有:March is the third month of the year. April is the fourth month of the year.2. Just write本部分要求掌握单词March, April, tree, glass, stop, egg的音形义,同时要求书写规范。3. Lets talk本部分要求看图谈论3、4月份的主要活动。核心语言包括:plant trees, take photos, get colourful Easter eggs, go on a trip等。4. Lets chant本歌谣的目的是使学生在欢快的节奏中体验学习的快乐,通过歌谣培养语感和节奏感,熟悉字母组合al的发音。研啥互交流活动:1) 表演游戏:教师准备一些表示动作的卡片,如take photos, plant trees, go on a trip, get colourful Easter eggs等,让一位学生上来抽,抽到的同学不能出声,只能用肢体语言表演,学生拿出自己的图片或照片,选择自己喜欢的月份。把图片贴在相应的月份上,一边贴一边用英语说明,例如:I like April. I can get colourful Easter eggs.2) Lets read and chant: 播放歌谣录音,让学生听音体会英语的韵律和节奏。跟读模仿语调,引导学生找到更多含字母组合al的单词,开展小组竞赛。3) 快速问答游戏:教师问学生What is the first month of the year? What is the second month of the year?看谁说得最快。引出句子:March is the third month of the year. April is the fourth month of the year.教师示范板书并领读。练啥我都行1.仿句做对话。S1: Look! This is my photo.S2: What festival is it?S1: Its Easter. Its in March or April.S2: What do you do?S1: We make Easter eggs. Do you do that?S2: No. We often plant trees in April.2.填空 is the third month of the year. April is the month of the year.小结(思维导图):教或学后思:
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