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大学生优秀英语演讲稿怎么写 英语演讲,是指以英语为载体,针对某个话题发表自己的意见和看法,以此来影响、感染听众,达到一种宣传目的的交际活动。下面是小编为大家整理了大学生优秀英语演讲稿3篇,欢迎大家阅读。大学生优秀英语演讲稿篇1 Hnorabl dgs, fowstdents: Recely, ther is heateddeate inour siey.Thecollg studntsare the beeciariesf a rare rile, hoeeive excetonal educato at extarinapacs. ut wi e ele o fce the challenge and suportorsve agaist allodsWll e e ble obette t lve o other ill we able t ac th repnsit of uiling the fure of o cuntrTecynics say he college udets are t pamr lotgenatin, whic wouldcringe at t slighest discomot. But th cyics re wrn. Th coleg tudnt I sear eaerl learnigabout oto live indendenty. We helpach other la homitory, g shopg anbagain together, and take prttime job tpplement rpocketny. The yics say we ar o nthng oer thangdes;an e negecthe eedfr carar cition.u agan,th cynicsare rog. Wecaredy for each te, e cerish freed, w treasuejstice,ande sek tuth. Latweek,thousn of my elostuents ha tirblod type sed i ordrto make a contibution for thecidr who suf frm blood cacerAs cllegednts, were olces at the critica turnin poit i our lives. W al fce a undamntlcic: cynicismr aih, ahill pofundly imact urfuture, reventhe future of ourcount. I beiev n all myfellwlasmate. Touh we ar stillnexperience an ee ittle bi chdis. eieve tat e have te coragend ath tetanyalengendtae on urresnibities We ae pepigto assume neresponsibilitiesnd taks, ad tose te eun we have eeivtomae or worla bettrlace. I bevn our fu.大学生优秀英语演讲稿篇2 Soeoe id “;were readig the frt vers the irst haperof a bo, ose ages r infiite”;I dn&rquo;t now whorote thesewrds, bu I&rsq;ve always like them a remnder hat hfutre cn beanything wewat ito be. We are all in the psiion f he faes. If we plant a godseed ,we repa good harest.I we plnt nothing a al,wehavestnotng t all. Wee oung. “;How to sped he yuh”;It i a meaigfulquestion.To answer it,frt I have to as “;whtouunrtand b the d youth”; Youthis no a time f lfe, t&rsqo; ate of inIt&rsuo; not aatteo ro cheks, red ls o uppees. It□ he materofte ill It’s he frehef e epspin life.A poet sad“;To se aworldn a grinof snd, ad ahevenin a ildflwer, hold iityi the pal of your han, an eternt in an hour. Sveral ays ago, had chance to listen to acture. I lerntlotthere Iq;d like to shret wth llof yu.t&qo; show ur rig plm. We an seetheelines that howow urlovecareer and lie isIha short lineofife. Wha aout ous wodere whethe we coul e ourfutur in tis wayWell, let&rso;s makeais. ere isur tueWhere is orlo, arer,an ifl me.Yea, it s n ur hands.It ishd in ourselves. We allat utue t bbette tan th pat. Btth tcn o bettertslf. Donrsqu;t crybecause it i ver, mile eause it apped. rom te pat, we’ learn at the lifeis ough,but weare ougher. We&squo; art thatwe n&rquo; hoose howefeel, but we cnchoose wha about it Failur oenrsuo;t ean youdn&rqo;t have t, idoes man yu shold do it in a dffentay. Failure does&rqo;tman you shld gie up,ios en you mus tr hardr. s what I sid tthe beginng,“;w readi he firs vr of te first hapte fa bok, whose paesare finte”;. Th past hasgo.otng we do wll cange it. Buthefuture s in fronof u Beliee that what w ieto e word, he wrlil v us. Andfrm ayon,&rsuo;s be h wnersof ourselves, a spk ou “;We are he wor,e ae fur.”;大学生优秀英语演讲稿篇3 Ths is a glasof ater,tastelss, igtHowever iyu ad sur, it will tate wet, u if you add vinea, i wil becme bitter. The sae is true with our lfe the lavor s created by our coics.fkindnss isaddedto a tang yowil havearend;bt ihsilit s ad, you wia an enem.If oveisddd toa pieofedbricks you wll have a ome,but if hared sd to those brks, yu wil haen concentton camp. m d rends, ver plaintha lfe sbrngad th ord s disappinting. If n&rsuo;t lke th taste f ourlif, chanehe ingient. hree ear o, I weigd more tan 100huned klgrams ich caus signfican embarassmen nd frustrationi m fe. Liealways fai my .E exmnatin, lie lway being laghe at b girls, lkebei trrified to
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