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精选资料中 国 矿 业 大 学本科生毕业设计姓 名: 学 号: 学 院: 矿业工程学院 专 业: 采矿工程 设计题目: 朱集煤矿0.9 Mt/a新井设计 专 题: 淮南矿区瓦斯抽采技术分析 指导教师: 职 称: 讲 师 2012年6月 徐州摘 要一般部分针对淮南朱集矿井进行了井型为0.9 Mt/a的新井设计。朱集矿井位于安徽省淮南市境内,井田走向长约7.0 km,倾向长约3.0km,面积约21km2。主采煤层为13-1#煤层,平均倾角25,平均厚度4 m。井田工业储量为116.74 Mt,可采储量73.53 Mt,矿井服务年限为58.46 a。矿井正常涌水量为342 m3/h,最大涌水量为462m3/h;矿井相对瓦斯涌出量为10.3 m3/t,属高瓦斯矿井。根据井田地质条件,设计采用双立井单水平开拓方式,井田采用采、带区式布置方式,共划分为两个个采区,四个带区,轨道大巷、胶带机大巷和回风大巷皆为岩石大巷,布置在13-1#煤层底板岩层中。考虑到本矿井为高瓦斯矿井,矿井通风方式采用前期中央并列式通风,后期两翼对角式通风,并在开采前预掘底板瓦斯抽排巷进行瓦斯提前卸压抽放。 针对东一采区采用了采区准备方式,共划分13个回采工作面,并进行了通风、运煤、运料、排水、排矸、供电系统设计。针对13101工作面进行了采煤工艺设计。该工作面煤层平均厚度为4.0 m,平均倾角3,直接顶为泥岩,老顶为细砂岩。工作面采用长壁综采一次采全高采煤法。采用双滚筒采煤机割煤,往返一次割两刀。采用“三八制”工作制度,截深0.8 m,每天四个循环,循环进尺3.2 m,月推进度96 m。大巷采用胶带输送机运煤,辅助运输采用蓄电池式电机车牵引固定箱式矿车。主井采用两套带平衡锤的9 t箕斗提煤,副井采用一对1.5 t矿车双层四车窄罐笼和一个带平衡锤的1.5 t矿车双层四车宽罐笼运料和升降人员。专题部分题目为淮南矿区瓦斯抽采技术分析,就目前国内外的瓦斯抽采研究情况进行了整理论述,以淮南矿区的高瓦斯现状,淮南处理瓦斯的技术进行了整理,做了简要分析。结合淮南一些实际矿井的技术应用分析了抽采技术。翻译部分题目为Optimization of soft rock engineering with particular reference to coal mining,主要介绍了现行数值模拟实验中岩体特性参数的选取依据及在工程现场的应用。关键词:朱集煤矿;双立井;采区布置;中央并列式;综采;大采高;瓦斯抽采ABSTRACTThe general design is about a 1.50 Mt/a new underground mine design of Zhuji coal mine. Zhuji coal mine is located in Huainan, Anhui province. Its about 7.0 km on the strike and 3.2 km on the dip, with the 21.0 km2 total horizontal area. The minable coal seam is 13-1# with an average thickness of 4.0 m and an average dip of 3. The proved reserves of this coal mine are 116.74 Mt and the minable reserves are 73.53 Mt, with a mine life of 58.46 a. The normal mine inflow is 342 m3/h and the maximum mine inflow is 462 m3/h. The mine gas emission rate is 10.3 m3/t which can be recognized as high gas mine. Based on the geological condition of the mine, this design uses a duel-vertical shaft single-level development method, and full strip preparation ,which divided into two working areas and four bandts, and track roadway, belt conveyor roadway and return airway are all rock roadways, arranged in the floor rock of 13-1# coal seam. Taking into account of the high gas emission, mine ventilation method use two diagonal wings ventilation, and excaves bottom gas drainage roadway before mining to relief gas pressure in advance.The design applies strip preparation against the first band of East One which divided into 13 stirps totally, and conducted coal conveyance, ventilation, gangue conveyance and electricity designing.The design conducted coal mining technology design against the 13101 face. The coal seam average thickness of this working face is 4.0 m and the average dip is 3, the immediate roof is mud stone and the main roof is sand stone. The working face applies fully mechanized longwall full-height coal caving method, and uses double drum shearer cutting coal which cuts twice each working cycle. Three-Eight working system has been used in this design and the depth-web is 0.8 m with four working cycles per day, and the advance of a working cycle is 3.2 m and the advance is 96 m per month.Main roadway makes use of belt conveyor to transport coal resource, and battery locomotive to be assistant transport. The main shaft uses double 16 t skips to lift coal with a balance hammer and the auxiliary shaft uses a twins narrow1.5 t four-car double-deck cage and a wide 1.5t four-car double-deck cage to lift material and personnel transportation.The monographic study entitled Huainan coal mine gas extraction technology analysis , To the present situation of huainan coal mine gas, huainan processing technology of gas technology arrange, makes a brief analysis, the present research situation this arrangement. Combined with some practical technology of huainan coal mine analysis is applied in the extraction technology.The title of the translated academic paper is Optimization of soft rock engineering with particular reference to coal mining .Keywords:Zhuji coal mine; Double vertical shaft; Working section; Central parallel; Mechanized mining; full-height coal caving; gas extraction目 录一般部分1 矿井概况与地质特征11.1井田概况11.2井田地质特征21.3煤层特征52 井田境界和储量92.1井田境界92.2井田地质勘探102.3矿井地质储量102.4 矿井可采储量123 矿井工作制度、设计生产能力及服务年限153.1矿井工作制度153.2矿井设计生产能力及服务年限154 井田开拓174.1井田开拓的基本问题174.2矿井基本巷道275 准备方式采区巷道布置395.1煤层地质特征395.2采区巷道布置及生产系统395.3采区车场选型计算436 采煤方法466.1采煤工艺方式466.2首采工作面回采巷道布置587 井下运输637.1概述637.2采区运输设备选择647.3大巷运输设备选择678 矿井提升688.1矿井提升概述688.2主井提升688.3副井提升709 矿井通风及安全729.1矿井通风系统的选择729.2矿井风量计算749.3矿井通风阻力计算829.4选择矿井通风设备869.6安全灾害的预防措施9110 矿井基本技术经济指标93参考文献94专题部分淮南矿区瓦斯抽采技术分析96摘要961 课题研究的背景972 煤矿瓦斯抽采技术机理的国内外研究现状982.1 国外研究现状982.2 国内研究现状982.3 煤炭科学产能的制约因素分析1002.4 采空区瓦斯抽采对减小回风流及其它抽采方法1033 淮南矿区煤层气抽采技术106概述1063.1采场瓦斯治理方法研究1063.2 采动煤岩移动卸压抽采煤层气技术1103.3 强化抽采煤层气技术11
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