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七宝中学自招考试英语题库1Choice:1. From what I heard about their hotel and the terrible weather, they_their holiday at all.A. would have enjoyed B. shouldnt have enjoyedC. neednt have enjoyed D. cant have enjoyed2. I tried to call at your home last week but your dog simply _not let me come through the gate.A. could B. would C. might D. should3. Here is my MP3 player! Its strange. I dont remember leaving it here, but I suppose I _so.A. can doB. must have doneC. need have doneD. should have done4. You _Jeanne at the meeting this morning because she left for Hong Kong last night. A. mustnt have seen B. cant have seen C. shouldnt have seen D. wouldnt have seen 5. The boss_the worker how to do it, or the accident couldnt have happened.A. cant have told B. ought to tellC. couldnt have been told D. mustnt have told6. Havent we told you that you_ have 25 dollars if you have fixed our computer?A. shall B. would C. should D could7. There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.It _a comfortable journey.A. cant beB. shouldnt be C. must have been D. couldnt have been8. _this letter_now?A. Need . typed B. Does . need to be typedC. Need . to be typed D. Does . need be typed9. Even if you dont like the work, you_ it.A . must do B. must have done C. have to do D. should have done10. I know Miss Hamiltons handwriting. She always writes beautifully. This handwriting is so bad. So I believe this _be hers.A. can not B. must not C. can D. should11. I promise you that I _you a present next week.A. shall be giving B. will give C. shall have given D. shall give12. One ought _for what one hasnt done.A. not to be punished B. to not be punished C. to not punished D. not be punished 13. One ought_for what one hasnt done.A. not to be punished B. to not be punished C. to not punished D. not be punished 14. _it be true that Albert passed the test in geography?A. May B. Should C. Could D. Would15. Must we keep the room warm?No, you _.Well leave soon. A. cant B. shouldnt C. neednt D. mustnt16. He looks worried; I think he _in the exam.A. ought to have failed B. should have failed C. must have failed D. must fail17. Mr. Lopes _be in the classroom because I saw him only a minute ago here.A. mustnt B. isnt able toC. cant D. may not18. Listen ! Ms. Hood is speaking to the students. She _them an English lesson. A. must give B. must have givenC. must be giving D. ought to be given19. This fish is dead, I_it into water five minutes ago.A. ought to put B. must put C. had to put D, should have put20. What a gift youve brought me! You are so kind, but you _so.A. shouldnt do B. neednt do C. couldnt have done D. neednt have done21. Lucy left home earlier than usual. She _for class that day.A. cant have been late B. cannot be late C. shouldnt he late D. may not be late22. Where is my key to the bike? I cant find it anywhere. I _it.A. might lose B. would have lost C. should have lost D. must have lost23. -He must have gone by bus. -No, he_by bus.A. mustnt go B. mustnt have gone C. cant go D. cant have gone24. You _walk for miles and miles among the hills without meeting anyone.A. must B. need C. may D. should25. You_me, because I never said I liked coffee without milk.A. must be misunderstanding B. must misunderstandC. had to misunderstand D. must have misunderstood26 .The light of his room is still on, so he_ out.A. mustnt go B. mustnt have gone C. cant have gone D. cant go27. The flowers are dead. You _them.A. ought to water B. should have watered C. must have watered D. have to water28. The movie was wonderful. You _to see it some day.A. have B. had C. ought D. should29. Today is your holiday. You _here to work.A. shouldnt have come B. neednt have comeC. mustnt have come D. cannot have come30. Since the road was wet this morning, it _last night.A. must rain B. must be rained C. must have rainedD. had to rain31. You look very tired. You must_to bed very late last night.A. be gone B. be going C. have gone D. have been gone32. You _such a long report, the new boss never likes reading a report over 200 words,but youve written more than 500.A. neednt write B. neednt have writtenC. didnt need to write
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