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深国交G1入学考试英语模拟试题D资料仅供参考一、单项 词汇与语法知识( )1. Take my _, young man, and dont drive so fast.A. notice B. expression C. advice D. experience ( )2. The lady was standing by the heater when her nightdress _fire. A. catch B. caught C. would catch D. had caught( )3. The toys are all so pretty. I dont know _ one to choose. A. that B. what C. which D. whose( )4. Bruce is a nice person. He _ lend you the money, I believe. A. must B. might C. should D. would( )5. I dont think I can _ another night without sleep. A. carry B. keep C. stand D. support( )6. _ knows the fact should report it to the police. A. Anyone B. No matter who C. Someone D. Whoever( )7. _ with our small flat, Bills house looks like a palace. A. Compared B. Comparing C. Compare D. To compare( )8. The secretary wont tell you when her boss _ back from abroad. A. is coming B. has come C. will come D. would come( )9. After a heated bargain, they finally agreed _ the price for the used car. A. for B. on C. over D. with( )10. I looked around for a place _ I could buy some chocolate, but everywhere was closed. A. and B. there C. when D. where( )11.Its so hot today. Would you _ some ice tea? A. care for B. care of C. care about D. care to( )12. The old man went to the information center soon after his arrival as the city _ so much. A. is changing B. changes C. had changed D. has changed( )13. All books are_ to the library before Friday. A. returned B. to be returned C. to have returned D. to return( )14. Jackie could sing and play the piano, while I could do _. A. any B. both C. either D. neither( )15. I wont be able to attend the meeting _Ill be on holiday with my family. A. if B. since C. though D. while二词形转换1,。With the development of science and technology, _ is much easier than before. (communicate)1. Who will make a _ at the class meeting? (speak)2. He drove too fast and the car was out of _when he was going around the corner. (control)3. Inside _ is the most important for a person. (beautiful)4. My parents got an _ from one of my cousins to his party. (invite)5. Take care not to be _ to the customers. (polite)6. She is very ill but she looks as _ and happy as ever. (cheer)7. Are you _ now? You look a little tired. (health)8. We all shouted _ (cheer) when we saw the firework in the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. 9. Can you give me some _ (advise)?10. Mr. White is one of the mans _ (employee)11. My mother looks _ (happy). Look! She is cooking _(happy)12. I dont think speech is the only method of _(communicate)13. Thanks for your _ (invite)14. The boy likes to do homework while _ (listen) to music. 15. _ (stare) at others is impolite. 16. -How do you study English ? - By _ (ask) teachers for help. 17. I think the way we say something is _ (important) than the thing we say. 18. _ (speak) is the way of communication. 19. Swan Lake is one of _ (famous) ballets. 20. -_ you even_ (be) to Paris ? -Yes, I have. 21. Your clothes are too dirty. They need _ (wash)22. The coat _ (cost) me 2 yuan last week. 23.Short hairstyles usually suit round faces. They make the face look _. (long)24.This film is not _ for kids under 18. (suit)25.The students showed great interest in the scientific experiment and they took an _ part in it. (activity)三 阅读理解 (共15小题;每题2分,共30分)ABrain and I were a few years into relationship and I still hadnt cooked for him. He was a skillful cook and the thought of preparing a meal for him made me feel worried. Finally, one day I decided that I would make dinner for him Saturday night. I bought an Italian cookbook.Saturday afternoon I made the filling first. There was no problem. Next, I started with an egg in the well of some flour, and the mixture changed into a mound of dough (面团). I began to feel good about myself.I glanced around the kitchen, looking for a rolling pin. My eyes lit on a bottle of wine I had bought to go with dinner. Not as good as a pin, but it would do. I rolled as best as I could, and then cut the dough with a kitchen.Just as I was finishing, the doorbell rang. I put the tortellini I made into the fridge and greeted Brain
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