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新版pep五年级上册英语教案范文教学计划是教学活动得以顺利进行的基本保证。好的教学设计可以为教学活动提供科学的行动纲领,使教师在教学工作中事半功倍,取得良好的教学效果。以下是带来的新版pep五年级上册英语教案内容,感谢您的阅读,希望能帮助到您!新版pep五年级上册英语教案1where are you going to go教学目标:1、能够识别单词:list airport shoe ticket toothbrush.2、学习目标语句:Where are you going to go? What are you going to take? When areyou going to go? Whos going to go with you?3、功能:能够谈论旅行前的准备和具体事宜。教学重点:1、掌握新单词,并能够理解旅行所准备的物品。2、能够口头运用 Where are you going to go? What are you going to take?When are yougoing to go to the airport?Whos going to go to the airport?这类 问句就具体信息提问。教学难点:能够和同学用 “where、 what、when、who”这四个单词开头的疑问句谈论旅行前的准 备。教学用具:录音机、PPT教学过程:Step1、Warm-up师生之间相互问候Step2、Presentation Free talkT:the summer holiday is ing ,so Where are you going to go in yoursummerholidays? When are you going to go there? What are you going to take? Whatare you going to do there? Who is going to go with you ? (生逐一回答后,师总结):I thinkyou had a lovely time, Yes? 由此活动引出 Where, When, What, Who?等特殊疑问词,并带领同学们复习一般将来时的用法。教学目标:1、能够识别单词:list airport shoe ticket toothbrush.2、学习目标语句:Where are you going to go? What are you going to take? When areyou going to go? Whos going to go with you?3、功能:能够谈论旅行前的准备和具体事宜。教学重点:1、掌握新单词,并能够理解旅行所准备的物品。2、能够口头运用 Where are you going to go? What are you going to take?When are yougoing to go to the airport?Whos going to go to the airport?这类 问句就具体信息提问。教学难点:能够和同学用 “where、 what、when、who”这四个单词开头的疑问句谈论旅行前的准 备。教学用具:录音机、PPT教学过程:Step1、Warm-up师生之间相互问候Step2、Presentation Free talkT:the summer holiday is ing ,so Where are you going to go in yoursummerholidays? When are you going to go there? What are you going to take? Whatare you going to do there? Who is going to go with you ? (生逐一回答后,师总结):I thinkyou had a lovely time, Yes? 由此活动引出 Where, When, What, Who?等特殊疑问词,并带领同学们复习一般将来时的用法。 8、 Listen again and answer some questions: Where is Daming going to go ?What is Daming going to take ? When is Daming going to go to the airport? Whosgoing to go to the airport?9、Listen and repeat.(教师随机解释 passport)Step4、Practice1、Now,I want to be Daming,You want to be grandma. I answer you ask metogether(师说答语,学生找到相对应的问句) S:Where are you going to go? What are you going totake? When are you going to go to the airport? Whos going to go to the airport?T:To the airport. Clothes,shoes,present,ticket,passport,toothbrush? At sevenoclock tomorrow morning. Daming2、分角色表演课文对话Step5、ExtensionStep6、Summary and homework.1、 Summary 欣赏 Chant: Where are you going to go? Where are you going to go ?To the airport, to the airport. What are you going to take? What are you goingto take? Shoes,ticket and toothbrush, When are you going to go ?When are yougoing to go ? At 7 oclock, At 7 oclock, Who is going to go ? Who is going togo ? Its me! Its me !2、 Homework(1)Read the words and text(2)请学生询问朋友或家人外出旅游的准备情况新版pep五年级上册英语教案2I#39;m in New York nowTeaching objectives:1. Words: arrive taxi flat building made again2. Sentences:Grandma made Chinese food for me.I want to try American food.I will write again soon.3. Practise to pronounce wh wr.4. Learn the song: Its a big exciting world.Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder picturesTeaching proceduresWarmer:1. Stick the pictures of unit 1 on the board. Have the students e to thefront and mime the text of unit 1.2. Say a sentence in the present tense and get the students say it in thepast tense.Examples:T: Daming goes to New York.Ss: Daming went to New York.T: Grandma meets Daming.Ss: Gradma met Daming.Teach the text:1. Raise the picture of the Statue of Liberty and ask: What is it ? Whereis it?”Guide the students say: Its the statue of Liberty. Its in New York”.T: Daming is in New York now. Lets see who met him at the airport. What hesaw in New York and What food he wanted to eat.2. Play the tape. Have the students listen and underline the new words inbooks.3. Teach the new words.4. Play the tape again. Have the students listen and say. After this, getthe students to answer the following questions:Who met Daming at the airport? (Grandma and Simon)What did Daming see in New York? (Buildings, cards and people)What food did he want to try? (American food)5. plete activity 2 in SB. (Get the students to ask and answer inpairs)6. Practise to pronounce #39;wh#39; #39;wr#39;.7. Learn the song: Its a big exciting world.8. plete exercise 1 in AB.Homework:Practise the following sentences in pairs:Where are you from?Where are you going to go?Where are you going to go there?Where are you going to do there?Designs:Module 10 Unit 2 Im in New York nowArrive Grandma mad Chinese food for me.TaxiFlat I want to try American food.buildingmade I will write again soon新版pep五年级上册英语教案3一、教材简析九年义务教育小学英语教科书(PEP PrimaryEnglish)是根据九年义务教育全日制小学、初级中学课程计划(试行)的精神和1990年5月人民教育出版社制订的小学英语教学与教材编写纲要的目的要求编写的,供六年制小学三-六年级使用。全书共8册,每学期一册。本套教材的编写,参考了国内外先进的语言
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