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2022年高中英语第二册上Unit5TheBritishlsles-TheFirstPeriod I. Brief Statements Based on the Unit How much do you know about the UK? Do you want to know more about the British Isles? After you have learnt Unit 5, youve sure to find that youre learned more about this topic. The whole unit is arranged to be taught in four periods. In the first period, we will deal with Warming up, Listening and Speaking. In warming up, by talking about English cities, food, sports, places of interest, school education, geography, etc. , the students desire to know more about Britain can be raised. The listening material provides detailed information for the students to catch. While listening, the students ability to listen will be improved. Speaking includes three topics, and the students can express various opinions freely. Each topic can be discussed from different sides. Is English easy or difficult to learn? How can we learn geography well? Whats your opinion about the development of a country? The students can reach an agreement on the points. Meanwhile, their ability to speak English can be greatly improved. The whole text, including Pre-reading, Reading and Post-reading, is dealt with in the second period. The students will learn some useful information which may perhaps be unknown to them before. The students are required to read the text and do different kinds of exercises, in the course of which their reading ability will be improved. In the third period, Word Study and Grammar Noun Clauses ( 1 ), are arranged for the students. They can practise using some useful words and get a good mand of the noun clauses. If the teacher can give more exercises in addition, the result will be much better. Integra- ting skills, including Reading and Writing, are arranged in the fourth period. Reading is a passage about Daniel Defoes visit to Salisbury in southern England, where he saw rural scenery as well as a large and fine city. The sheep in the field, beautiful rivers, high hills, old relics, high towers and local products gave him a deep impression. At last, students are required to read the passage and write a passage about his hometown, introducing the landscape, cultural relics, peoples life, trade etc. They can use what theyve learned from the text to describe what they want to say so as to improve their writing ability. Besides, the students will learn plenty of useful words and expressions from the unit.II. Teaching Goals1. Talk about the UK and Ireland.2. Practise expressing agreement and disagreement.3. Learn about Noun Clauses (1).4. Write a description of a town and the countryside.III. Teaching Time: Four periods IV. Background Information 1. Britain Britain lies off the north-west coast of mainland Europe. Its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain prising England, Scotland and Wales. Although Britain is a unitary state, the constituent countries have separate national identities, variations in culture and tradition, and different physical characteristics. With an area of some 242 000 sq. km(93 000 sq. mil. ) ,Britain is just under 1 000 km(about 600 miles)from the south coast to the extreme north of Scotland and just under500 km(300 miles)across in the widest part.England is predominantly a lowland country, with upland regions in the north (such as the Pennine Chain. tile Cambrian mountains and the Yorkshire moorlands) and the downs in central southern England, which are low chalk hill ranges. Wales is a country of hills and mountains, the highest being Snowdon at 1 085 m(3 560 ft). Britains highest mountain, Ben Nevis(1 343 m, 4 406 ft), is in the central highlands of Scotland, which contains large areas of wild, unspoilt landscape. Northern Ireland is at its nearest point only 21 kin(13 miles)from Scotland. It has a 488 km(303 mile)border in the south and west with the Irish Republic. At its centre lies Lough Neagh, Britains largest fresh- water lake (396 sq. km 153 sq. miles).Britain has frequent weather changes through the seasonal cycle of winter, spring, summer and autumn, although temperatures rarely exceed 32 or fall below -10 . Rainfall is fairly well distributed throughout the year. 2. Where Do They e from?People in the four lands of Britain derive from a host of ancestral sources, notably:the prehistoric cultures which produced such impressive monuments as the stone circles of Avebury and Stonehenge; the ancient Celtic peoples who inhabited western and central Europe; the Romans who occupied Britain for over 300 years from the invasion in AD 43; the Angles, Saxons and Jutes-Germanic peoples who began raiding and settling in Britain from the third century; Scots from Ireland, who began to settle in what became known as Scotland in the sixth century (merging with the indigenous Pacts to form one kingdom under Kenneth Macalpin in the ninth century) the Vik
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