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Unit4 Wildlife ProtectionPeriod 4 Writing一、教学时间Week 17二、教学内容Unit4 Period 4 (Writing)三、教具Multi-media facilities (Video & Photos)四、学情分析This period aims at helping students know how to write a letter of advice. Students should be guided to have a basic understanding about the form, structure, tense and some writing tips of a letter. Students should realize their own responsibility and do something as possible as they can. 五、教学方法任务型,合作型,讨论式六、教学目标1、知识与技能:学会如何写建议信;如何使用短语句型造句。2、过程与方法:提升写作能力,练习写作策略。3、情感与态度:提升保护动物的意识;培养阅读写作的习惯。七、教学重点Enable Ss know how to write a letter of advice.八、教学难点 Enable Ss know how to use the key words to make sentences and use the effective sentences to complete a coherent composition.九、教学步骤:1、导入Step1:Greetings and pictures (问候,图片)Step2:Play the video (视频) (唤起注意,酝酿情绪)Step3: 提示本课内容:How to write a letter of advice? The composition on how to protect wildlife2、词汇Step4: 审题 (学生朗读题目,分析要点:文体、时态、人称、内容)Step5:搜集词汇1.建立:set upfoundestablishstart基金:fund 基金会:foundation 鼓励:encourage sb. to do sth. 捐款:donate2.宣传:advertisespread信息:informationnewsthoughtsattitude保护野生动物:protect wildlifewild animals3.合作:cooperate with work with(together)政府:local governmentofficial organization相关词汇:killhuntin dangernaturehuman beings3、句型Step6: 句型练习.Im + adj. (gladhappysadexcitedsorry)+ that (+句子) 例句:我很抱歉我弄丢了你的自行车。Im sorry that I lost your bike.我很高兴你能和我一起学英文。Im so glad that you can study English with me.Practice: “我很难过知道许多可爱的野生动物现在都很危险。” Im so sad that many lovely wild animals are endangered now.I suggest that we should (do).例句:我建议我们应该多读英文书刊。I suggest that we should read more English books. 我建议我们应该鼓励人们经常跑步。I suggest that we should encourage people to run often.Practice: “我建议我们应该建立个基金会并鼓励更多的人捐款。” I suggest that we should set up a foundation and encourage more people to donate.It would be a great idea to (do)例句:学一些英文歌曲也是一个很好的办法。It would be a great idea to learn some English songs.Practice: “宣传保护野生动物的信息也是一个好主意。”It would be a great idea to spread the information of protecting the wild animals.It is+adj. (importantnecessary hardeasy)+ for sb. to (do)例句:对我们来说保持健康非常重要。It is very important for us to keep healthy.对熊猫来说生活在一个好的环境里非常有必要。It is very necessary for pandas to live in a good environment.Practice: “对于WWF来说与当地政府合作十分有必要。”It is very necessary for the WWF to cooperate with the local government.I hopebelieve that (+句子)例句:我相信我们的世界会越来越美。I believe (that) our world will become more and more beautiful.Practice: “我希望我的建议会有所帮助。”I hope (that) my suggestions will help.4、结构 Step7:结构划分 (PPT展示) 格式纠正 (提问学生)5、整合Step8: 看范文,解释结构与格式Dear WWF, Im so sad that many lovely wild animals are endangered now. Firstly, I suggest that we should set up a foundation and encourage more people to donate. Next, it would be a great idea to spread the information of protecting the wild animals. At last, it is very necessary for the WWF to cooperate with the local government.I hope (that) my suggestions will help. Im looking forward to your reply. Yours truely, Li Ming6、总结Step9:看导学案,总结5个句型,连接词与写信格式。7、作业 Step10: 依据本课练习,补充完整此篇作文,可适当增减信息,写在作文本上。8、板书设计9、导学案句型:Im + adj. (gladhappysadexcitedsorry) + that (+句子)I suggest that we should (do).It would be a great idea to (do)It is+adj.(importantnecessary hardeasy) + for sb. to (do)I hopebelieve that (+句子)连接词:首 先:Firstly At first First of all, 其次: Secondly Then Next Whats more In additionBesides, 最 后: Lastly At last Finally, 在我看来:In my opinion From my view of point As for me As far as I am concerned, 总 之: All in all In a word In short, 书信格式:Dear_,_ Best wishes! (Good luck! Take care!) Yours truly, _
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