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精选的:期刊其他名称出版地ISSN编号期刊级别Educational Technology & SocietyJournal of Educational technology & societyCanadaISSN-1436-4522SSCI来源期刊Educational TechnologyEducational Technology Magazine for Managers of Change in Education; Educational Technology ReviewU.S.ISSN-0013-1962Computers & EducationComputers and EducationU.S.ISSN-0360-1315SC I来源期刊Educational Technology Research & DevelopmentEducational Technology Research and DevelopmentU.S.ISSN-1042-1629SSCI来源期刊British Journal of Educational TechnologyBritainISSN-0007-1013SSCI来源期刊Journal of Computer Assisted LearningJournal of Computer-assisted LearningBritainISSN-0266-4909SSCI来源期刊主要教育技术期刊英文简介和链接: Australian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) - a refereed academic journal publishing research and review articles in educational technology, instructional design, educational applications of computer technologies, educational telecommunications and related areas. British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) - provides readers with the widest possible coverage of developments in international educational and training technology. Subscrption required. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLT) - a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published 3 times annually by AMTEC. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) - international, peer-reviewed journal which leads the field in its total dedication to all matters associated with the use of computers in language learning (L1 and L2). It provides a forum to discuss the discoveries in the field and to exchange experience and information about existing techniques. Computers & Education - journal discussing the educational aspects of computers. Computers in the Schools - articles emphasize the practical aspect of any application, but also tie theory to practice, relate present accomplishments to past efforts and future trends, identify conclusions and their implications, and discuss the theoretical and philosophical basis for the application. Educational Technology and Society - a quarterly journal which seeks academic articles on the issues affecting the developers of educational systems and educators who implement and manage such systems. Educational Technology Review - publication which is designed to provide a multi-disciplinary forum to present and discuss all aspects of educational technology in all learning environments. From Now On (FNO) - journal on educational technology for engaged learning and literacy. Interactions - termly electronic journal of the Educational Technology Service at the University of Warwick. This web-based publication aims to keep staff informed about teaching and learning technology methods, media, support and innovation going on. Interactive Educational Multimedia - journal intended as a space for dialogue and reflection about the application of the multimedia technologies in education. International Journal of Instructional Media - focuses on quality research and presents articles about ongoing programs in instructional media and education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education - .encouraging research and development in any aspect of technology and design education. Interpersonal Computing and Technology Journal (IPCT-J) - focus is on computer-mediated communication, and the pedagogical issues surrounding the use of computers and technology in educational settings. Journal of Computing in Higher Education - publishes peer-reviewed essays, reviews, reports, and research articles that contribute to our understanding of the issues, problems, and research associated with instructional technology and educational environments. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education - a refereed journal published quarterly by the Special Interest Group for Teacher Educators (SIGTE) of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). The journal provides a forum for sharing information among departments, schools, and colleges of education that are confronting the issues associated with providing computer and technology education for preservice and inservice teachers. Journal of Educational Computing Research - a refereed journal discussing the use of computer-based technologies at all levels of the formal education system, business and industry, home-schooling, lifelong learning and unintentional learning environments. Journal of Educational Media - aim is to stimulate and represent international and interdisciplinary discussion in the field with a particular focus on research contributing to practice and practical experiences with media in education. Journal of Instructional Science and Technology (JIST) - international peer reviewed journal on instructional technology. Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR) - publishes papers related to the underlying theory, design, impleme
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