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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 第一课时Teaching aims:学会用have 对物品进行提问与问答。Language goal: tennis racket, bat, soccer ball, Volleyball. Basketball ,television,badminton,ping- pong.Do you have a.?Step 1 review.Make conversations about “where-questions.” Such as “Where is the TV?Its on the table ”after that ,we can ask “ Do you have a TV? Do you have a baseball? So on .in this way ,we can begin our new lesson like that.Step 2.In this period, ask balls as many as possible .such as :volleyball, badminton, pingpong, basketball ,football , soccer ball that students are interested in. Make sure some of students are good at playing balls and I am sure they can talk more than teachers .So ,ask them to talk more ,Dont care about they speak English or Chinese. Its very important to make our class lively. At this moment, ask “ Do you have football ?” Help them answer “Yes, I do or No, I dont” 在不知不觉中,通过问答。学生进入了状态。并且,对Do you have .? Yes , I do or No, I dont已经掌握。Step 3运用图片或real balls ,begin new words,pay more attention in pronunciation.if possible ,we had better write 音标。重视发音。 Read the words aloud ,make sure they can speak well. Step 4Practice in pairs :Do you have a ?Yes, I do . No I dont. If possible ,make conversation like this:Whats this ? Its a basketball. Is this your basketball? No, it isnt. Do you have a basketball? No, I dont. the more ,the better.Step 5Listening practice using the target language. On the board explain “circle” Play the recording the time. Students only listen. Listen again ,students circle the words they hear.Step 6.ask and answerA: Do you have a baseball? A: Do you have a baseball? B: Yes, I do. B: No, I dontHomework 1.I have a volleyball.(一般疑问句) 2。Do you have a tennis racket?(否认回答)根据学生状况设定作业。Boarding writingDo you have a _? Yes , I do.Do you have a _? No ,I dont Soccer ball volleyball baseball bat basketballtennis racket television 第二课时Language goals: Do they have .? Does she have?Step 1Revise :Do you have a tennis racket? Do you have a .? And some words learned last period, such as tennis ,volleyball, ping-pong soccer ball.Step 2.Listen to the conversation: Tell the students that they will hear the conversations in the pictures. Play the recording the first time. Students listen only. Play again for students to name the pictures (1-4)Step 3通过听力。我们理解Does your brother have a soccer ball? No, he does.让学生观测does and do 旳使用方法。After they practice :Do you have.?/Does he have.?Step 4This activity gives students practice in recognizing the target language in spoken conversation. Tell students that they will hear the conversation one more time and match the people from activity 2a to the balls in the pictures .Point out answers and correct the answers.Step 4(2c)Oral practice using the target language :ask and answer the pictures on the book. for example, do you have a TV? or other vocabulary items.Ask the students to work in pairs and move around the classroom, check progress.Step 5 Grammar focusReview the grammar box. Ask students to say the questions and answers. Point out “have question with do or does” Do you have a pingpong ball? Yes , I do. No, I dont. dont =do not /doesnt =does not.Step 6 Summing up(小结)When they are practice “Do you have a ? /Does she have a .?” we should do some more exercises to fasten the usage of “Do and Does”提议teach “have and has”为扩展。They have a color TV?Do they have a color TV?My mother has a sister?Does she have a sister? 第三课时Language goals: Lets play soccer/I dont have /That sounds good/Do you like sports?Step 1Revise the conversation by practice the details in last period.Meanwhile, ask “do you like soccer ball? Do you like sports and they can elicit the new theme of this period.Step 2Call attention to the cartoon story .Read the conversation in spoke English and saying BLANK each time. Fill in the blanks with write-on line and point out the words in the box and read the four words :dont /lets/have/soccer.Step 3Call attention to the pictures and ask what each picture means .Explain some pictures in the street means .Read the conversation with a student.If you can ,ask the students to guess what :That sounds good “means. Or That would be fun. Using the first picture: read the conversation and ask pairs of students to practice the conversation for the class.Step 4This activity gives students and opportunity to play a role about sports and review the language of introductions. Ask the student what sports they like to play.Who are their favorite sportsmen or sportswomen,When students have finished the form,ask them : Do you like?Step 5 Grammar noteWrite these sentences on the board:Do you have a ping-pong ball? I have a ping-pong ball.You have a ping-pong ball. He has a ping-pong ball.Helen has a pin
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