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Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?Period 1 Section A(1a-2d)温故互查I.英汉互译1. 在邮局和银行之间 2. 在中央大道上 _ 3 在图书馆后面 4. 在餐馆前面 5. 在右 / 左边 6. 顺着走 设问导读Before listening 1. Brainstorming(头脑风暴) different places and share them with friends.2. Match each thing with a place in the picture. Many answers are possible.Talk about the pictures in 1a (1a)A: Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some stamps.B: Yes, theres a on .While listening 1. 1b Listen and complete the conversations in the picture. 2. 2a Listen and number the directions in the order you hear them. 3. 2b Listen again. Draw a line to show how the boy walks to the supermarket.After listening 1.1c Role-play a conversation to talk about your own city. (1c) 2. 2a Make a conversation about the other places in the picture in 2a.3. 2c Role-play a conversation (2c) 观察与思考: 1.Could you please + do(动词原形)表示请求对方许可或向对方提出请求。Could 为情态动词,表委婉语气。比can 客气。Could you please _? (make) 你能整理一下你的床铺吗?2. Excuse me 意为“请问,劳驾,对不起” 其实质用法是引起人的注意_,does the bus go to the railway station? (excuse)请问这两公交车去火车站吗?3. (区分past和pass) past 是介词. “超过”; pass 是_词. 通过 传递;go past= pass路过:past用作形容词意为“过去的”,名词意为“过去”。Whenshe_,shedroppedherpen. A.pastedB.walkedpassed C.pastD.walkedpast自我检测. 翻译下列短语1. get some information about the town _2. buy some stamps / postcards 3. beside the bank _4. go past the bookstore _ 5. near a washroom/ bathroom _6. get to the second floor_巩固练习 . 根据句子意思和音标或首字母提示填词。1.-I _(normal) play soccer on Sunday.2. Could you please _(open) the door? - Of course.3. I get some _( information) from my teacher.4. I am excited in_(try) the rides.5. -Can you help me? - P_?6. If you post a letter you should put a s_ on it.II. 句型回顾提问(想一想你知道几种问路的方法,尽可能多写几种询问的方法)_回答: 上二楼然后左转 _ 在二楼有一家邮局 _ 银行在书店的对面/隔壁旁边_ 走过学校_ 你可以乘3路公交车在公园站下车_ 对不起,我不能确定。你最好问那边的警察_拓展探究 I.句型拓展:你知到还有哪些表示委婉请求及请求允许做某事的句型?试着翻译下列句子。1. Would / Will you please do sth? _2. Would you like to do sth? _3. May / Can /Could I do sth _4. Would you mind my doing sth? _5. Sure. / Of course. / No problem / Id love to._6. Sorry,Id love to, but. Sorry, Im afraid_II. 完成句子1.Would _ go there with him?(like)你愿和他一起去那儿吗?2.Would_ the window? (mind) 你介意关上窗户吗?3.Could you please _the blackboard? (look) 请看黑板好吗?III. 编对话:假设你是一名新同学,请编一段对话,询问关于新学校或相关活动的信息。 Period 2 Section A(3a3b)温故互查I.英汉互译1.买些邮票_ 2.获得有关城市的信息 _3.在银行旁边_ 4.到达邮局_5.走到第二层楼_ 设问导读I. Before reading 1.Ask students to talk about the questions in pairs.(1)Have you ever been to Space World and tried a ride(过山车) ? (2) How do you feel about it?(3) What do you do if you are scared during the ride?II. While reading 3a , Read the conversation and answer two questions1. Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride? How did she feel after the ride?2. What is special about Uncle Bobs restaurant? 3. Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner? Why?III. post- reading1.role-play 3a conversation2.3b Underline the questions or statements in the conversation that ask for information. Rewrite them in a different way.观察与思考: 1. suggest “及物动词” 意思为 “建议”其名词形式为“_”(1)suggest +doing “建议做某事,提议做某事” My father suggested calling for a doctor at once.我父亲建议马上给医生打电话I suggest _ (ask) her advice. 我建议问问她的意见。(2)suggest +th
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